Question from the May29th Q&A any follow-up on this?


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    Tenacity - potency = chance to resist
    Minimum 15% resist chance
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    let's get a little deeper, Tenacity up vs Tenacity down how does that work? Are there times when the Tenacity Floor isn't 15% (AKA raids)? Is there ever a chance for a debuff to land if the chance to resist is 100%+ (Like a version of the 15% floor for Tenacity)?
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    I believe there’s also an additional 5% tenacity for each level difference. That is, if you’re level 85 and attacking a level 90 boss, the boss effectively has an additional 25% tenacity.

    Anyway, there’s more involved than just the “T-P = resist chance with a floor of 15%” that’s often suggested. It would be nice if the devs would clarify the mechanics.
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    The reason they haven't answered is because they don't know how it works. the kits are too complicated. The code is too complicated. they just assumed the playerbase would forget about it and move on.
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    The way that tenacity works is high tenacity Nest is immune to buffs and can solo any squad, except when Nest isnt immune to buffs because of the plot armor some squads carry and then she dies.
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