That counter teams :(

293 posts Member
edited December 2015
My final arena battle today was vs Phasma as leader tream with Dooku Sid and ... yes you guessed right Kylo Ren .... dem counters Kylo and Dooku destroyed my Sid and Lumi in 2 turns ... it was ugly to watch. Kylo is so broken, that even turned me on. This team was with Barriss in it so i thought that, even if they had Sid or Lumi, I would have won ... but I was mistaken. Didn't know who should i focus first. DM and Sid AOE didn'd help and the counter attacks were too much to handle. I honestly don't know how can you beat that team at this moment, it seems so good. Even if you deal with Sid there will be Kylo and even Dooku and with Barrisses heal ... man they said she is trash now. I wander if anyone can think of a team who can defeat this composition, cuz i don't have too many toons and don't know what all of them can do. It is so interesting to think of some team that can beat the 2 most OP toons atm and yet it is so hard. Please give me some thoughts.


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    Who did they have and who did you have?
    Guide to Beating Galactic War from Team Instinct -- Community Site and Home to Team Instinct
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    I have Sid leader , DM , Lumi , Ima gun-di , and chewy, their comp= Phasma leader , Barriss, Sid , Dooku , Kylo
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    Kill sid first. Then phasma. Then dooku, bariss, kylo.

    The reason kylo might give you trouble is your counters. He is a pretty good counter to counters because they reset his cds.
    Guide to Beating Galactic War from Team Instinct -- Community Site and Home to Team Instinct
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    Yeee but Dooku stun and Kylo AOE + Sid's AOE took half of my health in round one. So i was focusing sid as you mentioned but it was too late. This team do damage above imagination so if I attack Sid Kylo and Dooku can destroy me. Phama did her job perfectly so ... very fast team very potent. I wonder if Kenobi can do some work here? Perhaps Boba ?
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    I faced Phasma, Kylo, Sid, Dooku and Asajj today. First time facing Kylo (what weird posture). I got absolutely crushed by them.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    DarthVanio wrote: »
    My final arena battle today was vs Phasma as leader tream with Dooku Sid and ... yes you guessed right Kylo Ren .... dem counters Kylo and Dooku destroyed my Sid and Lumi in 2 turns ... it was ugly to watch. Kylo is so broken, that even turned me on. This team was with Barriss in it so i thought that, even if they had Sid or Lumi, I would have won ... but I was mistaken. Didn't know who should i focus first. DM and Sid AOE didn'd help and the counter attacks were too much to handle. I honestly don't know how can you beat that team at this moment, it seems so good. Even if you deal with Sid there will be Kylo and even Dooku and with Barrisses heal ... man they said she is trash now. I wander if anyone can think of a team who can defeat this composition, cuz i don't have too many toons and don't know what all of them can do. It is so interesting to think of some team that can beat the 2 most OP toons atm and yet it is so hard. Please give me some thoughts.

    Well if you're using Maul against counter teams that are non-Jedi heavy that's a problem right there. His AOE is solid, but against a team comprised of mostly non-Jedi it's not going to be a kill shot and he is so squishy and weak in health that the counters coming back at him are going to get him killed quickly. Same for Sid to a degree, though he's not quite as squishy, if you're using his aoe. Then they have AOE as well, but you don't have counters to their AOE. So you're getting countered on your AOE with squishy toons that deal the AOE (Maul / Sid) and then taking AOE damage as well on all your toons. I haven't faced this exact composition, though I have faced a few Kylos and I was able to defeat him. Vs. countering toons you can't use low health AOE dealing toons against them.

    These toons have only been out for a bit more than a day - let's see them a bit more before calling them broke. This is going to be really awful if every time a toon is released it's called broke in less than 24 hours because of one loss against one specific team build. We are all going to have to adjust teams, build other units, etc. Our one team setup will not always work against all other team setups.
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    I have Kylo in my team, so ill tell you want to do and not to do against him. Kylo has a passive that give a 30+percent chance to reset his cool downs, and if he's under 50 percent his 3 ability outrage gets a 50 percent buff, its a nasty single target burst at that point, but he can only counter attack after using his aoe and getting the retribution perk, focus him down before he uses that area attack, otherwise let the buff expire, it only lasts one turn. But beware, any attack may reset his 4 turn cd and he'll reapply his retribution buff.
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    My bad, should have been a bit clear, Kylo has 3 abilities, his basic that can slap a healing block and dot, both respectively have a 55/77 percent chance to apply, lash out is the aoe that allows Kylo to counter any attack for one turn, outrage is a high damage single target move that gets a 50 percent buff when his health is below 50 percent, and his unstoppable passive gives a 30+percent chance to reset cool downs upon receiving damage. When Kylo doesnt have his retribution perk on, you can safely focus him without retaliation, otherwise let the buff expire, it looks like a curved arrow.
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    Nooo i don't want to say he is broken. I like him a lot. I know my team comp was bad but i wonder if there is some vital comp to face this counter team
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    Well if it you fight fire with fire, maybe you fight counters with counters? ;)
  • DarthVanio
    293 posts Member
    edited December 2015
    moddom wrote: »
    Well if it you fight fire with fire, maybe you fight counters with counters? ;)

    Make sense but the RNG would be a big part of it. Any other ideas ? Perhaps 3 dps/tanks with Lumi and Daka ?
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    Just to give you guys a hint at endgame AOE teams trump just about any synergy you can put together at the moment. The other team is dead before there buffs and setup abilities can come to fruition within the match. I usually have about two targets left at the end of the first round. And they are dotted and usually ability blocked. Life's good.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited December 2015
    WhipiT wrote: »
    Just to give you guys a hint at endgame AOE teams trump just about any synergy you can put together at the moment. The other team is dead before there buffs and setup abilities can come to fruition within the match. I usually have about two targets left at the end of the first round. And they are dotted and usually ability blocked. Life's good.

    I fail to see the point of this snide post.
    If you actually care about this game, you wouldn't think this situation was "good".
    Games are good when someone asks "should I choose X or Y" and most people answer "either will work fine" and "use whichever best allows you to use your skill". Not "X trumps everything else, use that".
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    There is something going on with counters today. i faced a team and literally ever member countered every single time. Sid(Lead) Barriss,Secura,Duke, Lum only Duku has 100% counter on that team, Secura 65% and call 1. But I was countered literally every attack. I attacked Sid, he and the other 4 swarmed.
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    WhipiT wrote: »
    Just to give you guys a hint at endgame AOE teams trump just about any synergy you can put together at the moment. The other team is dead before there buffs and setup abilities can come to fruition within the match. I usually have about two targets left at the end of the first round. And they are dotted and usually ability blocked. Life's good.

    WhipiT is currently #1 on my server so I'd gather his advise surely is valid. I don't think he is trying to be snide, just mentioning a game reality he noticed. I also agree with Qeltar that this isn't a good thing because people are focused on building synergy and if this was undone by merely having all AOE characters, it would take away from the intelligent side of the game.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    I'm sure his advice is valid. I just don't think the attitude is terribly constructive.
    I'm sure I'd have a pretty good team if I got to start playing 2 months before everyone else too.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Tiggerz
    62 posts Member
    edited December 2015
    Double healers and ooddles of ability block helped me. Barris (L), Lumi, Sid, Dooku and Boba. Kylo was my priority, and even seeing all the counters on the other side boba's ability block was worth the hits he took. It gave my Barriss the time to recoup him, and when they pounded Dooku next, Lumi was on cleanup and I had their Sid at half health. By turn 3 there wasn't much left.
  • DarthVanio
    293 posts Member
    edited December 2015
    That AOE verdict is frightening. With the amount of the toons avalable, is there really no counter to AEO team. Is it so OP at the begining of the game as you state it is ? Well i hope that some people will break through it. I know it might sound childish to believe in that but afterall there are plenty of options, aren't there ? Just perhaps the difference between the lvl is still important and once we all get max lvl there wouldn''t be such a big difference. But in the end there will always be P2W players so it might not be balanced afterall.
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    DarthVanio wrote: »
    That AOE verdict is frightening. With the amount of the toons avalable, is there really no counter to AEO team. Is it so OP at the begining of the game as you state it is ? Well i hope that some people will break through it. I know it might sound childish to believe in that but afterall there are plenty of options, aren't there ? Just perhaps the difference between the lvl is still important and once we all get max lvl there wouldn''t be such a big difference. But in the end there will always be P2W players so it might not be balanced afterall.

    I don't think that there is a definite strategy that works against 100% of the team comps that can be made, I do agree that aoe is strong depending on one's character pool and it can be tougher to deal with if you are unprepared. However all competitive games go through meta changes with every patch, so maybe aoe is the strongest now but after the next update something else will take its place. The game is still in its early stages and counters to certain strategies will take time to develop. My suggestion would be to try different strategies against certain things to test what works for your style of play and what doesn't.

    Hope this helps :)
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    I'm sure his advice is valid. I just don't think the attitude is terribly constructive.
    I'm sure I'd have a pretty good team if I got to start playing 2 months before everyone else too.

    Pretty sure you are choosing to read "attitude" into it pal. I read (and re-read) whipi's comment an there is no attitude there unless you read attitude into it.

    Ppl need to remember that what your seeing is simply typed text. There is no emotion or tone in most cases and its easy to misinterpret what ppl type out and its easy to find attitude where there is none. All you have to do is read attitude into it (or choose not to) when you read it. Try an take things fir what they say, not for what you "think" the intent behind them is ;)
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    "Life's good." Can be perceived as snide when the pay to play Lando and Princess Leia team is talking about how the team not many of us have access to is stomping people.
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    I know he's written some good guides so deserves some defending but that read cocky to me too
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    edited December 2015
    Llewella wrote: »
    "Life's good." Can be perceived as snide when the pay to play Lando and Princess Leia team is talking about how the team not many of us have access to is stomping people.

    Thats my point, its how u percieve it NOT how he nescesarily presented it or meant it.

    I can easily say "lifes good" is not snide but in fact, means his advice on endgame team is working great for him.

    See its perception. If u want it to be snide etc then just read that into it but if u choose (and its definatly a choice on how u read it and NOT intent by the writer) to read it as a positive then it easily can be.

    Also i will note that "most of us not having access to it" reads pretty negative toward paying players when they are the ones keeping the game free for you (see what i did there lol) you may or may not have meant it that way but my point is that its easy to read what u want into typed text.

    I try an be positive and think positive an find it better to give ppl the benefit of the doubt rather then trying to read negatives into what ppl type ;)

    For the record, everyone has access to any team, its up to each pmayer weather they do whats needed to build it. Nothing wrong with whatever each decides but live with the decisions made. Paying players deserve an advatage so if they have one then all is as it should be.

    Think it through
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    This is getting off topic but you missed the point. I never said he intended to be snide. I can say that after reading forums and knowing his team comp that when he refers to how his pay to play lando and Leia are stomping people... It can be off putting "life is good." Considering how most of don't have access to a big enough hero pool to counter it.
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    WhipiT wrote: »
    Just to give you guys a hint at endgame AOE teams trump just about any synergy you can put together at the moment. The other team is dead before there buffs and setup abilities can come to fruition within the match. I usually have about two targets left at the end of the first round. And they are dotted and usually ability blocked. Life's good.

    I recall you responding in a meta end game post that the Ima Jedi counter squad was able to beat your AOE team. Is that no longer valid with Kylo / Phasma or the Maul / Sid update?
  • WhipiT
    591 posts Member
    edited December 2015
    Qeltar wrote: »
    WhipiT wrote: »
    Just to give you guys a hint at endgame AOE teams trump just about any synergy you can put together at the moment. The other team is dead before there buffs and setup abilities can come to fruition within the match. I usually have about two targets left at the end of the first round. And they are dotted and usually ability blocked. Life's good.

    I fail to see the point of this snide post.
    If you actually care about this game, you wouldn't think this situation was "good".
    Games are good when someone asks "should I choose X or Y" and most people answer "either will work fine" and "use whichever best allows you to use your skill". Not "X trumps everything else, use that".

    Gets of my jewels dude. Right now AOE teams at end game arena are dominating. He had a problem with counter teams I was explaining what would beat them. Keep your little keyboard warrior remarks to yourself.
    WhipiT wrote: »
    Just to give you guys a hint at endgame AOE teams trump just about any synergy you can put together at the moment. The other team is dead before there buffs and setup abilities can come to fruition within the match. I usually have about two targets left at the end of the first round. And they are dotted and usually ability blocked. Life's good.

    I recall you responding in a meta end game post that the Ima Jedi counter squad was able to beat your AOE team. Is that no longer valid with Kylo / Phasma or the Maul / Sid update?

    The Sid/Boba/Vader update pushed my AOE team to another level. Sid launches his AOE now and the counter team is miss/miss/miss. With Sid left standing I can actually set up my dots without losing a character. All you need is a full turn to pretty much cripple the other team going into the second turn. AOE was strong before the update now its pretty much unbeatable.
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    Lifes good means I am enjoying the game with an AOE build. I think anyone who spent what I have on any game is an ****. So Im not condecending that I am some allmighty player. No large spender in a game should be applauded. I just stated at endgame AOE teams of ANY mix are dominating. You dont need Princess or Lando. Just good hard hitting aoer's most of which can be farmed in game! Thats all I was saying.
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    WhipiT wrote: »
    Lifes good means I am enjoying the game with an AOE build. I think anyone who spent what I have on any game is an ****. So Im not condecending that I am some allmighty player. No large spender in a game should be applauded. I just stated at endgame AOE teams of ANY mix are dominating. You dont need Princess or Lando. Just good hard hitting aoer's most of which can be farmed in game! Thats all I was saying.

    What your team mind sharing? And how does it hold on defense? Or is the strategy just to take 1st as often as possible.
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