Sad... really sad

11 posts Member
edited November 2019
Sorry didn’t realize posts could be moved, guess I’m the sad one here. Lol
Post edited by ALDUIN719 on


  • Balthasar666
    254 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    If you wrote it like this post here then you may rethink your words or your definition of a "fair message"
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    ALDUIN719 wrote: »
    I sent a pretty fair message on here about an hour ago regarding how CG really needs to start focusing on the players and fixing the issues with the game, basically asking them to step up and be a solid company and use customer service as a platform to bringing the community back together amongst all of the “issues” we’ve had over the past month. Although I did not use any nasty language and seemed pretty well said, the post got removed. Guessing that freedom of speech (even though nothing bad was said other than asking for the Devs to put in a little OT to fix the game), isn’t a thing in America any longer. It’s a really sad day that we can’t ask, as a group of paying customers, that we at least get what we pay for with our money and most importantly TIME. Time to start hearing our voices!!!

    While I don't agree with them removing it, whenever people complains regarding a private company controlling what is on their platform as violating freedom of speech, it just goes to show that most people don't actually understand civics/government/the Constitution.... The government can't infringe on your freedom of speech (except it can...), But it has nothing to do with a private company and a forum like this with explicit terms of agreement (which you also probably didn't read) that basically says you agree that they can do whatever they want with your posts...
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    What exactly wasn’t fair in the message I just posted? Asking a company to do their job? It’s really not much to ask in the world today.
  • Jarvind
    3932 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    ALDUIN719 wrote: »
    Guessing that freedom of speech (even though nothing bad was said other than asking for the Devs to put in a little OT to fix the game), isn’t a thing in America any longer.

    Freedom of speech just means the government can't arrest you for what you say. It doesn't mean anyone has to listen to you or give you a platform.
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    I agree with that statement and people can make their own decisions as to how they want to take what I have to say. You can read it and agree, disagree, have no opinion or even laugh, I don’t care. I just want to Devs know that the general public is getting annoyed by all of the issues in the game, that’s it. Getting responses is a bonus. Thank you for your response.
  • Monel
    2794 posts Member
    Maybe check the feedback section of the forums before claiming they deleted your right to free speech. They moved your feedback post to where it belonged.
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    ALDUIN719 wrote: »
    I sent a pretty fair message on here about an hour ago regarding how CG really needs to start focusing on the players and fixing the issues with the game, basically asking them to step up and be a solid company and use customer service as a platform to bringing the community back together amongst all of the “issues” we’ve had over the past month. Although I did not use any nasty language and seemed pretty well said, the post got removed. Guessing that freedom of speech (even though nothing bad was said other than asking for the Devs to put in a little OT to fix the game), isn’t a thing in America any longer. It’s a really sad day that we can’t ask, as a group of paying customers, that we at least get what we pay for with our money and most importantly TIME. Time to start hearing our voices!!!

    Is that your other post? It's from about an hour before this one...
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    Oops. Guess Monel beat me to it.
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    Well there you go, didn’t realize topics could be moved. Learn something new everyday. Thanks!
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    Shaddes wrote: »
    The moderators just let people troll hard here anyway. It’s a freakin clown show in these forums

    Which part was the trolling? The part where someone pointed out that the moderator moved the original post to the feedback section (and even linked it so the OP could find it) ? Or the part where people correctly explained that "freedom of speech" is not applicable on a private internet forum with TOS that everyone read?
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    It's not you, burying a post in feedback has pretty much the same effect as removing it. There's a reason why all the megathreads, Q&As and other important stuff happen in General...
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    Nauros wrote: »
    It's not you, burying a post in feedback has pretty much the same effect as removing it. There's a reason why all the megathreads, Q&As and other important stuff happen in General...

    I am the jedi dog battle droid C-3PO could not kill.
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member

    Nothing gets buried unless no one posts about it.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »

    Nothing gets buried unless no one posts about it.

    This. "Discussions" is the only way we sophisticated forum connoisseurs read the forums.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • KueChael
    930 posts Moderator
    As far as I can see, your post is in the feedback section. Because of the topic. It was moved, not removed.
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