Phoenix zeta order

I'm looking to boost phoenix and rogue one to push into the higher tier LSTB rounds (so these squads as they are named requirements).
I have zetas on sabine and Ezra already, but is Hera or kanan better?
Also any thoughts on rogue one zetas? K2s seems a bit meh, but Jyn lead with chirrut looks good for health and protection regain? Is cassian's worth bothering with?


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    Jyn's lead zeta is awesome, and almost a must if you wish to pass hoth LSTB p6 R1 combat mission.
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    You don't need to zeta anybody just for LSTB. All you need is a high enough gear level, as well as Chirrut for the Rogue One mission. Ideally also Baze, but you might want to replace him with Scarif RPF for the added fleet benefit.

    Hoth TB aside, R1 can be an effective defense squad in GAC since newer players may have never encountered them. Jyn's lead is certainly worth a zeta. But I'd think twice about putting any more zetas on Phoenix. Ezra's and Sabine's are the best of the bunch and they're also the only ones gearing past g8/9 imho. I'd leave it at that and save the zeta mats for meta and Geo TB-relevant characters. Your guild will probably switch before long because everyone needs GET2 these days.
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    Do not zeta these teams lol.
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    In all seriousness, if you want to go for it, but these teams are far from good at this point. LSTB is not worth the zetas rn
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    My guild way off geo tb yet. Trying to max hoth tbs to get Hoda then wampa. Clones Geo's and ewoks all taking my gear grind ATM but zetas a little more forthcoming, hence looking to use them for a quick boost without drawing gear away too much.
    Have all toons farmed except baze - slower farm than bossk; and that's saying something
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    None of them. They are not worth it for TB, especially when you can do fairly well without them. Before Geo TB I finally beat the R1 CM in P6 with G12 Chirrut and the rest at G8-9 without any zetas. Better focus on filling all the platoons and save those zeta mats.

    With that being said, if you really want to zeta any of them, it's Jyn's lead that you should pick.
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    If you have a spare Zeta that absolutely isn't needed elsewhere your best bet for LSTB is Jyn's lead. I can get to the last wave on Phase 6 with only G8 Rogue One because of that Zeta (no Baze either).

    For Phoenix-specific zetas the best is Kanan. Usefulness outside of Phoenix is Ezra (then Sabine if you have her maxed).
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    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    If you have a spare Zeta that absolutely isn't needed elsewhere your best bet for LSTB is Jyn's lead. I can get to the last wave on Phase 6 with only G8 Rogue One because of that Zeta (no Baze either).

    For Phoenix-specific zetas the best is Kanan. Usefulness outside of Phoenix is Ezra (then Sabine if you have her maxed).

    Agree, I use Kanan and Ezra also outside phoenix and there their zeta is also nice.
  • Jarvind
    3932 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    The correct zeta order for Phoenix is "don't."

    I actually think Jyn's lead zeta is worth it, but only if you're gonna actually gear and mod Rogue One properly. It won't do much if they're just chilling at g8 or whatever.

    But, to echo what's been said, you don't need any zetas for Hoth TB.
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    Guess I'll just look at Jyn then. Cheers
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    My Phoenix zeta order was Kanan, Sabine, Zeb, and then Hera. Haven't bothered with Ezra's, and I probably won't. Don't have any of the RO characters above level 1, so no need for them.
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    None of either of the teams deserve you putting zetas. Maybe Jyn’s lead... but it’s a waste to put zetas on them in my opinion. Rogue One depends on exposing, which had gotten nerfed and Phoenix’s damage output is pathetic.
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    My Phoenix zeta order was Kanan, Sabine, Zeb, and then Hera. Haven't bothered with Ezra's, and I probably won't. Don't have any of the RO characters above level 1, so no need for them.

    You got all the useless zetas and you didnt zeta ezra? In case u forgot ezra's zeta greatly increases his damage output and he's far more useful outside of Phoenix. He can be put in both jedi and rebel lineups.
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    The correct order for Phoenix is padme lead, GK, padme unique, ahsoka, and JKA then walk away from Phoenix and never look back
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    My Phoenix zeta order was Kanan, Sabine, Zeb, and then Hera. Haven't bothered with Ezra's, and I probably won't. Don't have any of the RO characters above level 1, so no need for them.

    You got all the useless zetas and you didnt zeta ezra? In case u forgot ezra's zeta greatly increases his damage output and he's far more useful outside of Phoenix. He can be put in both jedi and rebel lineups.

    I don't have a Jedi or Rebel lineup ready to go for him.
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    Sabine was my first zeta, back when needed 150 gw wins before SIM. Turned the tide on many a losing battle.
    Ezra was later, I don't have a NS squad so also need phoenix for secrets and shadows. Can't say I regret either
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