Ship Raid - Needed to help ships

There are many options
You can do it like TB -
Trench Run Offense - Rebels
X-Wing (Wegde and Biggs) & Han's Falcon
Trench Run Defense -
Tie fighters and Tie Advanced (Vader, Tie Fighter Pilot and New Pilot and New Tie Ships)

You can have a Kestle Run event or even a Jakku Event. There is Rogue One Scarif Shield Attack. There is alot to work with, which can help introduce new lower tier characters.

I would love to see Tie-Inteceptors in the game.


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    Drednaught assault
    Starkiller Base
    Takodana Castle Defense
    Battle over Coruscant - attacking General Grevious ship or defending against the jedi attack
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    Do you have a plan on how to utilize current ships to come up with a strategy that can drag out a battle and do considerable damage rather than just every guildmember sends in a team to zerg the raid?

    When you use troops, there are factors like modding and much stronger synergies that can help set up certain interractions with the raid bosses. I doubt ships have that at the moment.

    A ships phase of the next raid is already on the table, but an entirely fleet-based raid does not seem feasible.
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    ...also if they're going to be adding more ships to the game and finally making use of them properly then they need to address the lack of Fleet Credits, especially when a single Capital ship takes about $16m to fully promote, level up, and upgrade abilities on.
    A "Fleet Credit Heist" would be the obvious way to quickly make more available
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    Iamtheskye wrote: »
    Drednaught assault
    Starkiller Base
    Takodana Castle Defense
    Battle over Coruscant - attacking General Grevious ship or defending against the jedi attack

    The drednaught assault? You mean the one using the slowest bombers in the galaxy? Those bombers made absolutely no sense.
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    pretty sure CG already confirmed the new raid next raid will include ships
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    Nadebotfm wrote: »
    pretty sure CG already confirmed the new raid next raid will include ships
    That's right but the more people ask for more ship content regularly, the higher the chances that we will get more like that. ;) I hope the Imperial fleet will get some love again after the GR/Separatist time. Still desperately waiting for the TIE Defender.
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    CG pretty much confirmed Hondo Onahka is coming to the game... and you can’t have Hondo without his ship
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    CG pretty much confirmed Hondo Onahka is coming to the game... and you can’t have Hondo without his ship

    Where did they say that? Would be awesome!
  • MartinHatch
    7 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    I'd like to see something which makes it a bit more tactical than a "zerg-fest"

    Maybe an assault on multiple capital ships..similar to Phase 4 of the Sith Raid .. where you need to knock out Sion and Nihilus first, before you can take on Traya
    • One which spams Daze (stopping attacks out of turn with Home One / Falcon fleets)
    • One which removes buffs (stopping Valor / Protection up in Negotiator fleets)
    • One which penalises inflicting debuffs (similar to the Starforge "fear on debuff" mechanic)

    I'm sure people could think of others to specifically frustrate Empire / Geonosian / Bounty Hunters too ...

    The idea being you would have to use specific fleets to knock out each capital ship .. and when they drop you can bring in your "now viable" other fleets to their maximum potential?
    All trees are felled at ground level ..
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    Nadebotfm wrote: »
    pretty sure CG already confirmed the new raid next raid will include ships

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    Nadebotfm wrote: »
    pretty sure CG already confirmed the new raid next raid will include ships

    Including ships as requirement and making ship content more interesting are two very different things. The former doesn't automatically yield the latter. The way to "fix" ships is to have more variety and encourage theory-crafting instead of single meta team and players that are simply trying to transition to it. Not simply require people using ships for stuff they actually want.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    There can be different zones in the raid, where your main ship wedge x-wing takes on 3 tie ships. Then moves forward, takes on 4 tower guns, move forward again takes on two tie and Vader. (You can get help from Han if you can avoid dying in 4 turns.). Then you go to the final animation of torpedos hitting th exhaust port
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    Honestly I love playing X-wing miniatures, those ships have a movement dial. And you could have a dog fight like that. Similar to chess. X-wing has (koiogran turn) ,K-Turns, Tie Interceptor has Segnor Loop, Tallon Roll, barrel rolls etc.
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    Death Star 2 assault. You can add several raid-specific abilities (just like in the Sith raid), which would be an opportunity to really expand some of the ship mechanics. Personally, I’d recommend that your capitals could be targeted by enemy ships, and your non-capital ships each have role-specific abilities, something like these:

    Attacker: Intercept. Gain speed up and offense up, which cannot be prevented or dispelled. Cannot gain turn meter while you have either of these buffs. When an enemy ship tries to attack your capital ship, attack that ship with your basic attack then remove one of these buffs. If you are faster than that enemy, deal bonus damage based on the speed difference.

    Support: Electronic countermeasures. Inflict offense down, critical chance down and accuracy down on all enemies for 1 turn.

    Tank: Escort. Until you use escort again, target ally gains defense equal to this ship and can’t be critically hit, target locked or breached. Damage dealt to that ally is split between them and this ship. Cannot use this ability if currently being escorted.

    In addition, all ships could get the following 2 abilities (when applicable):

    Regroup. Return to the hanger bay of your capital ship. Recover 25% health and protection each time your capital ship takes a turn.
    Bombing run. Deal physical damage to the enemy boss. This damage is reduced by 20% for each enemy attacker that isn’t dazed.

    This would give you a lot of flexibility in how you wanted to play your fleets, and make the gameplay feel more like a space battle, and less like a reskinned squad battle.

    For the phases themselves, I’d like to see something like this:

    Phase 1: It’s a trap!
    —your ships are attacked by wave after wave of enemy fighters (no enemy capital ships, and no boss). Your goal is to destroy as many fighters as possible before they destroy the capital ship you’re defending (your choice of your capitals). Their fighters will continue to spawn, and deal damage to your capital, and there will be a certain number of ships you need to destroy to move on to phase 2.

    Phase 2: Take down the shield generator.
    —ground assault on the shield generator. At-ST as the boss.

    Phase 3: Attack the executor.
    —Use your fighters time commence bombing runs on the executor. I’m addition to having it’s own special capital ship moves (including an ultimate, as opposed to Enrage), it’ll spawn TIE Fighters, Interceptors and Bombers.

    Phase 4: Attack the core.
    —No allied capital ship on this one, and your ships can’t use their role-specific abilities. Execute bombing runs on the core. In addition to enemy TIE Fighters and Interceptors trying to kill you, each time any ship takes a turn there’s a chance it can crash into the sides of the tunnel, dealing significant damage. Ships with a higher dodge chance are less likely to crash.
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    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Iamtheskye wrote: »
    Drednaught assault
    Starkiller Base
    Takodana Castle Defense
    Battle over Coruscant - attacking General Grevious ship or defending against the jedi attack

    The drednaught assault? You mean the one using the slowest bombers in the galaxy? Those bombers made absolutely no sense.

    They made sense cinematically, but not thematically.
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