Mace Windu or Old Ben

Already have Mace at 4 stars stick with Mace or farm Old Ben.


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    deff farm old ben
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    I stuck with Mace and hope new changes bring him to arena. Old Ben isn't really usable in end game arena right now either.

    Probably go old ben tho
    ☮ Consular ☮
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    Mace can hit quite hard and will give Jedi a good crit boost after level 80, I don't have Ben but could see debuffs / ability blocks being useful if they try and extend the length of fights in the next update.
  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    I would like Old Ben a lot better if Yoda popping tenacity buff first turn didn't make Old Ben's debuff ability useless.
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    I have mace currently. Hoping once I gear and star him up he will be good enough to add to my arena team
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