This is not acceptable to rerun LSTB


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    Monel wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    I for one am happy at this decision. Finally going to get a crack at a KAM shard.

    Also, this post makes giggle. The shear outrage at a video game is just entertaining.
    I swear if LS TB was incredibly easy, the forum would've caused an outrage if they were unable to get their KAM shards and demand LS TB to be re-run

    Lol, probably. It's like the battle log discussion. Nobody ever agrees, even when they get Wat they want.

    To be fair, I don't think anyone expected all battle logs to be public knowledge to those not directly involved. But that's a different thread.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I disagree with forcing this decision. At best you should have offered a choice to the guilds. Speaking on behalf of mine, we don't want the LS Geo TB, we want the DS Geo TB that was scheduled and planned for.
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    Wow, yeah let's rerun that dumpster fire. This is terrible. My guild literally didn't have a single person complete a single wave in phase 1, and now you want to rob us of what we would have gotten from dark side??? There better be a compensation for this.
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    To be a mathematical stickler (which would probably mirror how CG views our comments and complaints with regards to their 'metrics')...
    Statistically the population density of sentient beings in the universe is zero. Given that the universe has infinite volume and that there are a finite number of sentients in the universe ... finite/infinite = 0*.

    I'm not entire sure why that's relevant, but I hope you enjoyed the thought exercise.

    * Special thanks to Douglas Adams for pointing this out to me.

    Technically speaking, calculating the universe as infinite is invalid as it cannot be substantiated. We have data that posits the approximate age of the universe, and the Theory of Relativity that can reasonably constrain the current size based on the fact that nothing can move faster that the speed of light. Specifically, the universe (as best current data can estimate) is approx 13.8 billion years old. If we assume all matter/energy continually expanded at the speed of light (a known fallacy since it ignores the effects of gravity), that would put the current size of the universe at approx. 8.256 trillion light-years. Incredibly massive, but NOT infinite.... A more accurate statement would be 'the scope of the universe approaches infinity over an infinite amount of time'.

    This is all kinds of off-topic, but your comment is false. The current consensus view of the evolution of the universe is an inflationary Big Bang model. Inflation says that the universe has, in fact, expanded faster than the speed of light. This does not conflict with Relativity because matter has not moved faster than the speed of light. Space itself expanded faster than the speed of light. That is perfectly allowed under Relativity.

    All we can see is the observable universe, which is actually 46 billion light years in all directions thanks to the combination of the speed of light and the current rate of expansion. Some estimates factoring in inflation posit that the observable universe is to the entire universe what a single atom is to the observable universe. How big is an atom? There are more atoms in a glass of water than there are glasses of water in all the oceans on Earth. A smaller number would be the minimum limit based on the large scale structure of the universe and the observations we have made of the cosmic microwave background, which is 250 times the size of the observable universe. That would give a minimum size of 11 trillion light years in all directions. But given what we know about inflation, it is likely much larger than that.

    The reality is we just don’t know whether the universe is infinite or finite. There are too many variables we don’t know because of our limited visibility based on the speed of light. Inflation (expansion of space faster than the speed of light) happened before the creation of the cosmic microwave background. We know it stopped in our pocket of the universe (the observable universe), but we don’t know if that is the case outside of those bounds. Is the universe finite? The guesses I’ve seen from leading physicists lean towards infinite. But we really can’t be sure given our current observational tools.
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    I didn't read anything other than the heading of this post, but...
    SIMPLE SOLUTION: Give the option to choose between any of the 4 Territory Battle versions... Every time!
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    The title seems very aggressive
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    SoonerJBD wrote: »
    The reality is we just don’t know whether the universe is infinite or finite. There are too many variables we don’t know because of our limited visibility based on the speed of light. Inflation (expansion of space faster than the speed of light) happened before the creation of the cosmic microwave background. We know it stopped in our pocket of the universe (the observable universe), but we don’t know if that is the case outside of those bounds. Is the universe finite? The guesses I’ve seen from leading physicists lean towards infinite. But we really can’t be sure given our current observational tools.

    Agreed on the 'off topic' point, but my final point remains: n/∞ != 0 for any n > 0
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    NottaClone wrote: »
    I didn't read anything other than the heading of this post, but...
    SIMPLE SOLUTION: Give the option to choose between any of the 4 Territory Battle versions... Every time!

    But then they would be concurrently running TB's concurrently.
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    I got malak to 6* relic'd my darth revan and got B1 to G12 and zeta'd for this now I can't even try them in the TB at all this month. Just makes me sad TBH I'm really dissapointed. Light side is too hard to actually play and light side hoth is too easy for my guild so it's like I don't even get to play one TB this month :(
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    Agreed on the 'off topic' point, but my final point remains: n/∞ != 0 for any n > 0

    Not necessarily. In fact, the universe may well be infinite, which would make your point wrong. Many leading physicists argue it is infinite.
  • Balthasar666
    254 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    Ultra wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    I for one am happy at this decision. Finally going to get a crack at a KAM shard.

    Also, this post makes giggle. The shear outrage at a video game is just entertaining.
    I swear if LS TB was incredibly easy, the forum would've caused an outrage if they were unable to get their KAM shards and demand LS TB to be re-run

    but it isnt
    not even for whale guilds
    so waiting 1 month more for wat and getting half the rewards a ds geo tb would offer, throws those that started with zero get1 to pretty much exactly the time where gas returns to 7 star it

    so the "generous" compensation for the 1. cancel was good tradeoff for pretty much every guild but a bad tradeoff if you compare it with ds geo tb rewards (which it basically is now)

    i mean they already cut GET1 income in half if you compare both geo tbs vs hoth
    yes you get other useful stuff i am not denying that but basically removing a shop and slow down the progression in there even more is just demotivating
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    ruivuusen7 wrote: »
    I got malak to 6* relic'd my darth revan and got B1 to G12 and zeta'd for this now I can't even try them in the TB at all this month. Just makes me sad TBH I'm really dissapointed. Light side is too hard to actually play and light side hoth is too easy for my guild so it's like I don't even get to play one TB this month :(

    Similar situation - I relic'd Malak and B1 earlier today in anticipation of DS Geo, figuring I'd have time to relic Fives later in the month. But now I can't use either....and Fives will be un-relic'd.

    Thanks for the switch CG.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Not really a big deal. If you don’t like it, run Hoth. Yes the rewards are different/not as good but if you don’t have the achievement, it’s worth it imo. You won’t fall that far behind even if you are “competitive”
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    EyeG_80ate wrote: »
    Not really a big deal. If you don’t like it, run Hoth. Yes the rewards are different/not as good but if you don’t have the achievement, it’s worth it imo. You won’t fall that far behind even if you are “competitive”

    DS toons we just relic'd for the scheduled DS TB aren't usable in LS Hoth either. Just saying.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    For me it's not about rewards light side hoth is way too easy my squads will auto battle to the last day without losing anyone, and maybe only lose one or two on the final daywith my 3rd or 4th string team. Where as with dark side Geo i cleared maybe 3 battle missions entirely and could only even get past phase 2 in some later battles. It's competitive but doable which is fun since I like a challenge.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    EyeG_80ate wrote: »
    Not really a big deal. If you don’t like it, run Hoth. Yes the rewards are different/not as good but if you don’t have the achievement, it’s worth it imo. You won’t fall that far behind even if you are “competitive”

    DS toons we just relic'd for the scheduled DS TB aren't usable in LS Hoth either. Just saying.

    Yeah, too bad there aren’t other game modes they’ll be useful for. Also, I thought fully relic’d characters didn’t help in geo LS TB so what’s the point of having them?
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    ruivuusen7 wrote: »
    For me it's not about rewards light side hoth is way too easy my squads will auto battle to the last day without losing anyone, and maybe only lose one or two on the final daywith my 3rd or 4th string team. Where as with dark side Geo i cleared maybe 3 battle missions entirely and could only even get past phase 2 in some later battles. It's competitive but doable which is fun since I like a challenge.

    Try other teams in LS Hoth for fun, make it challenging.
  • SamAccountX
    77 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    SoonerJBD wrote: »
    Agreed on the 'off topic' point, but my final point remains: n/∞ != 0 for any n > 0

    Not necessarily. In fact, the universe may well be infinite, which would make your point wrong. Many leading physicists argue it is infinite.

    I'm not sure why you're adversarial on this. I conceded this exact point to you - the universe may be infinite. We will call this a given. The stated formula in question is (number of sentient beings)/(size of universe). All your argument has been is about the denominator (i.e. (size of universe)). Nothing you have said has discredited the numerator ((number of sentient beings)). Even if we accept your statement as truth (i.e. the denominator - (size of universe) - is infinite), the fact that the numerator remains positive makes the resulting equation's value asymptotic to, but greater than, 0.

    Again: n/∞ != 0 for any n > 0

    As long as n > 0, this is true
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    Using bad teams that I don't enjoy using and have bad mods and no zetas for isn't my idea of fun personally.
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    I mean evdn my old republic has a g12 zetad mission and zaalbar. I'd have to go back to like 70k clones or pheonix which honestly still might do it on auto until day 5
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    SoonerJBD wrote: »
    Agreed on the 'off topic' point, but my final point remains: n/∞ != 0 for any n > 0

    Not necessarily. In fact, the universe may well be infinite, which would make your point wrong. Many leading physicists argue it is infinite.

    I'm not sure why you're adversarial on this. I conceded this exact point to you - the universe may be infinite. We will call this a given. The stated formula in question is (number of sentient beings)/(size of universe). All your argument has been is about the denominator (i.e. (size of universe)). Nothing you have said has discredited the numerator ((number of sentient beings)). Even if we accept your statement as truth (i.e. the denominator - (size of universe) - is infinite), the fact that the numerator remains positive makes the resulting equation's value asymptotic to, but greater than, 0.

    Again: n/∞ != 0 for any n > 0

    As long as n > 0, this is true

    Rolling this sidebar back to the topic of the thread: Mathematically speaking, there is a chance for top-level guilds to do OK in LS Geno even though the odds are stacked against them. It boils down largely to careful deployment plans and good RNG across the board. The odds are heavily against them, but not actually 0 (depending on what their goal actually is, tempered by the 'test run' that they recently cancelled).
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    EyeG_80ate wrote: »
    Not really a big deal. If you don’t like it, run Hoth. Yes the rewards are different/not as good but if you don’t have the achievement, it’s worth it imo. You won’t fall that far behind even if you are “competitive”

    DS toons we just relic'd for the scheduled DS TB aren't usable in LS Hoth either. Just saying.
    LS Toons you relic'd for the recently cancelled LS Hoth TB are, however
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    Ya'll need to have some patience, jeebus heck!!

    I get it, it absolutely sucks to bust butt to gear up toons that you expected to use in the DS Geo event, only to have it swapped on you. It's also pretty bad that there's really not too much time tween the announcement and and the launch of the event, so you can't work on your light side toons.

    But, January isn't that far off. This launches on the 16th, which means there's 15 days till Jan 1. Course, DS probably won't be available that day, but even if it's a week later, it's still not that long a wait.

    This is a game, first and foremost. If you're no longer having fun, stop playing for awhile. Come back in a couple of months, a year, whatever, if it's really that terrible for you.

    Me? I'm going looking forward to the Journey Guide, finally getting Malak, and maybe my guild can fully star Hoth this time around. That would be neat.

    Relax and have some dip.

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    Seriously? You are punishing all guilds because you didnt TEST the most hard content in the game? How about at least let allow us to choose between Hoth DS and LS since guilds that can do nothing in Geo LS will not run it anyway => not giving oyu any data, you can at least let these to keep their rotation. :disappointed:
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    EyeG_80ate wrote: »
    Not really a big deal. If you don’t like it, run Hoth. Yes the rewards are different/not as good but if you don’t have the achievement, it’s worth it imo. You won’t fall that far behind even if you are “competitive”

    DS toons we just relic'd for the scheduled DS TB aren't usable in LS Hoth either. Just saying.
    LS Toons you relic'd for the recently cancelled LS Hoth TB are, however

    I didn't relic any for the one that was cancelled last week because that was last week. Clever comebacks work better when they actually make sense. HTH.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Haruk wrote: »
    Ya'll need to have some patience, jeebus heck!!

    I get it, it absolutely sucks to bust butt to gear up toons that you expected to use in the DS Geo event, only to have it swapped on you. It's also pretty bad that there's really not too much time tween the announcement and and the launch of the event, so you can't work on your light side toons.

    But, January isn't that far off. This launches on the 16th, which means there's 15 days till Jan 1. Course, DS probably won't be available that day, but even if it's a week later, it's still not that long a wait.

    This is a game, first and foremost. If you're no longer having fun, stop playing for awhile. Come back in a couple of months, a year, whatever, if it's really that terrible for you.

    Me? I'm going looking forward to the Journey Guide, finally getting Malak, and maybe my guild can fully star Hoth this time around. That would be neat.

    Relax and have some dip.

    Btw you know that Malak will not be part of Journey Guide when it arrives, right? He is too new to be part of it.
  • CandymanJML2
    528 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    Get over it
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    ShawDou wrote: »
    Btw you know that Malak will not be part of Journey Guide when it arrives, right? He is too new to be part of it.

    Maybe not initially, but he will be soon enough. DR and JKR will be in the initial Journey Guide progression, Malak is planned to be added somewhere around the 1-year mark after his release to the game. Spoiler: GAS will be, too.

    It's pretty well laid out in here:
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    How about a 'hard no' on you guys running LS TB again this month, CG. Hard no.
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    If it is pure data collection, seems selfish and shortsighted on the devs part. So, we just have to agree to disagree. I think it is a bad decision that has a real impact on players and does more harm than waiting and running it again in the normal cadence for their data collection.

    Not to mention we know full-well they aren't going to retune it, no matter what the data shows.

    Basically yea. That would require work.
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