GA Histories being public are fine

Random thought that I had amidst all the complaining about people seeing your past defenses is that it makes it a bit more like chess. When you play someone in chess you go in knowing that if you open 1.e4 whether they are likely to respond with the Sicilian defense or the French defense and you plan accordingly. However, just because he has responded one way to an opening move in the past doesn't mean that he will necessarily respond the same way in the future. It is the same thing with GAC. Just because someone knows what you did last time does not mean that it won't be effective this time or that you can't use their expectation against them.


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    Ikr the only people effected are cheaters
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    Good thing is that with 3v3 currently going on, previous matches would be worthless.
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    Ya exactly and with a month of 3v3 we're only going to have month old data (people should definitely be acquiring new toons) this is a non issue. I should have my sith trio cookin by then as well as either a shaak clones lineup or possoibly JTR. This should only incite fear in cheaters, but hey if you're a cheating whale Lucifer'sDaddy will just give you your account back and give you an excessive amount of compensation.
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