hyperdrive bundle

not to sound rude but ****.... 99 dollars? if u add more characters, g12 and 7 star them mabe.... but if not 9.99-20 dollars sounds more reasonable. this will not get a lot of people to the game...


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    like if u do 99 dollars. at least all hard node units like sion, droidaka, and even like new units such as red sith trooper. then mabe 99 would be a better deal
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    The gear alone is worth several vaults if you compare it to other packs and crystal prices, though.
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    alright sorry u guys I just thought the pack is meh is all... not trying to start a fight/
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    I hope they add a crystal option to buy this pack or make it on sale but I doubt it
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    plus I did see a lot of ahnald fans complain about this pack and I heard some people say this game is dying is that true? if so how long will it live for?
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    DeBOMBs88 wrote: »
    plus I did see a lot of ahnald fans complain about this pack and I heard some people say this game is dying is that true? if so how long will it live for?

    First lesson: Ahnald is all about the clicks. If it makes a splashy headline and draws viewers, its good for business. Its his job, and its smart.

    Second: if you go off the forums and "community sentiment" this game has been dying for 4 years...

    Just have fun with it and focus on what is fun for you (oh and like someone mentioned, this bundle is a crazy good deal based on the gear/crystal exchange rate)
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    To get a 3* marquee to 7* people spend $200-350 USD and that's just for shards.

    And people do it a lot.

    The buisness experts know what they're doing
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    Money grab in this game right now is obscene.

    Shipments used to have less gear and shards available, there was no whale store. Even when the whale store was introduced it only had a (relatively) small amount of stuff (now i could take a **** quicker than it takes to scroll to the bottom of that store). Packs were not nearly as numerous and didn't appear as event notifications.

    I wouldn't say the game is dying, but the monetization is next level. Imo its too much, they need to tone it down, focus more on the game content, then the cash will come anyway without them having to ram packs down our throats.
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    I know but still if they either a 7 stars or b 90 percent hard nodes ships and units or more gear stuff then 99 be worth it. I mean yes they add like shore trooper but still not worth it. now if they add like just sion and sith red trooper 5 star alone then mabe lol
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    and what I am trying to say is that u really think a new player buy 100 dollars off the bat or people can afford it? and also? I seen games like treasure cruise can sell stuff a much better deal than this lol.
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    and stuff like this will kill the game faster. I know this cause force arena did this and look what happen to it lol
  • DeBOMBs88
    40 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    "The buisness experts know what they're doing" hey um buddy I wouldn't call them an expert... if they can last as long as treasure cruise and mabe like 10 more years and more then mabe lol
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    I guess little but they could still do the deal a bit better
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    I can 100 percent tell u either a make it free like noobs get to pick a 5 star character of their choice and mabe to level 85 or 20-50 dollars. 100 again is too much... u really think some new players going to buy it... I mean yea I guess its worth it assuming new players will buy 100 dollars.
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    Nonsense. The hyperdrive bundle is by FAR the best value this game has ever had, based on their pricing structure, and it's not even a close contest. Not everyone can afford to spend $100 on a mobile game and that's fine.
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    The in-game ROI for the hyperdrive bundle is better than most (if not all) other offers out there. I still think it is too pricey, and here's why:

    CG had the opportunity to ensnare a large population of customers with low but consistent disposable income and they squandered it. Drug dealers will give samples to potential customers for free, knowing that the return business of that new addict will earn them a hundredfold that sample's cost over time. If CG had placed the hyperdrive bundle at a price that was more accessible to vulnerable consumers in the market, they'd probably be able to convert that to long-term IAP income.

    In the grand scheme of things, the hyperdrive bundle alone is only a meager boost. The real goal of the hyperdrive bundle shouldn't be a cash grab - it should be designed to allure players into a cycle of long term spending.
  • Baby_Yoda
    1435 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    DeBOMBs88 wrote: »
    "The buisness experts know what they're doing" hey um buddy I wouldn't call them an expert... if they can last as long as treasure cruise and mabe like 10 more years and more then mabe lol

    A 4 year old mobile game bringing like 10m+ monthly.

    Seems solid.
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    yes well treasure cruise is 5 years and hardly any complains and not over price like galaxy of heroes
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    also mobile gamer fans don't like this either. hell even on discord they don't like this.
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    Let's just face it.

    Swgoh will never live as long as candy crush.

    Given nothing will but yeah
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    yea yoda I guess thats true. depending on what they do now. they could live longer than 2 years but its up to them. if this game dies then I move on to star wars commander
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    and there is a new lego star wars game which is very similar to force arena and will come in 2020
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    Baby_Yoda wrote: »
    Let's just face it.

    Swgoh will never live as long as candy crush.

    Given nothing will but yeah

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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