#3 Small Life Changes: Converting MKs (White-Green-Blue)

1975 posts Member
edited September 2016
New version (improved)

42. Crafting Tab

Old idea ( not expanded enough )
Small and simple change to allow us to convert or upgrade MKs to better Tiers.

Based on drop rates and the shard shop i would offer.

30 White Mks to 15 Green Mks ( 2:1)
15 Green Mks to 3 Blue Mks (5:1)

Until you guys create a crafting tab i would place these options in the store or shard shop.

Reason: upper tier Mks are hard to obtain and a option to use up lower tiers for higher tiers will do alot of good.

I know most would appreciate this especially when it can be hard to bring non a or b team characters up.

Updated: can be applied to ability Mats at this ratio to give multiple options

Cosmic Turtle has added a few ideas:

1. It could even have a refresh put on it so that you have to pay crystals to use it more than X amount of times per day.

Obviously it can't affect the purple and gold gear, that is a core segment of EA's crystal revenue, but everything else would be great.

I really hate wasting my energy on MK1 Baw Armour Mods so if I could convert the hundreds of excess challenge gear I gave into this then I would be very pleased.

2. Another idea, you can downgrade. One blue can be converted back to one green, and one green back to one white.

3. To prevent this from messing with early gear farming it is locked to only be accessible at a very high level, e.g. 60+.
Post edited by Mofojokers1992 on

#3 Small Life Changes: Converting MKs (White-Green-Blue) 179 votes

I would like this change
dauz6063TaniwhaShewskiscubaTop_Quarkcosmicturtle333PEZHuitzyKhorvog_KarbossaJaqenhgarjeremyj26ZtyleJoshuHBu3NoDragCronozNLStarSonMittensjoelightyeardano7591 169 votes
I would not like this change
tjw_tjw14DarthNicoDrpPnts4FoodKaseasStok3dValent_AntonaLasseriniDrixal_Elunga 8 votes
AbyssSkirata 2 votes


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    I would like this change

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    I would like this change
    I think this change is incredibly necessary, I have hundreds of pieces of gear that I will never use, cannot sell and clog up my inventory. I have never known a game like this that did not allow for crafting material for upgraded equipment.
  • cosmicturtle333
    5004 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I would like this change
    This sounds like a really good idea. It could even have a refresh put on it so that you have to pay crystals to use it more than X amount of times per day.

    Obviously it can't affect the purple and gold gear, that is a core segment of EA's crystal revenue, but everything else would be great.

    I really hate wasting my energy on MK1 Baw Armour Mods so if I could convert the hundreds of excess challenge gear I have into this then I would be very pleased.
    Post edited by cosmicturtle333 on
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Drake23
    866 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I would like this change
    Yes we need this! What should we do without selling with 500 grey items?
    Drake23, Its a trap
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    I would like this change
    This sounds like a really good idea. It could even have a refresh put on it so that you have to pay crystals to use it more than X amount of times per day.

    Obviously it can't affect the purple and gold gear, that is a core segment of EA's crystal revenue, but everything else would be great.

    Brillant idea Turtle.
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    I would like this change
    Sounds like a great idea. I am up for it. Its long due.
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    I would like this change
    Yup. Sounds like a good idea. As the game evolves getting rid of the junk would be handy. I like the refresh idea too.
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    I would like this change
    Hearthstone allows us to dust resources and I think this would meet a similar need.

    Even with bad drops we would still be able to exchange our unwanted MKs into a useful resource.
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    I would like this change
    Awesome idea man.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    I would like this change
    I just love those polls.


    Nobody's gonna say no.
  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
    I would like this change
    I'd like to go backwards too. Turn a blue that I have 200 of into some greens and whites to save me the energy of farming those.
  • cosmicturtle333
    5004 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I would like this change
    Another idea, you can downgrade. One blue can be converted back to one green, and one green back to one white.

    Otherwise I can't get my Mk1 Baw Armour Mods. :'(
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    I would like this change
    Another idea, again.

    To prevent this from messing with early gear farming it is locked to only be accessible at a very high level, e.g. 60+.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    I would like this change
    Sikho wrote: »
    I just love those polls.


    Nobody's gonna say no.

    Are you talking about my poll?, if so i don't think it's anything like that this is still a high conversion rate. I think some people have just gotten use to the shard shop 10:1 ratio so that a 5:1 ratio seems like giving it away.....
  • Oootini
    636 posts Member
    I would like this change
    Anybody who wouldn't want this change would be a fool lol. However if they we do this. I gurantee the rate will be atrocious. Like the shard shop general grevious.
    Something like 50 greys for a green or something, and 40greens for a blue etx etc
  • Mofojokers1992
    1975 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I would like this change
    Oootini wrote: »
    Anybody who wouldn't want this change would be a fool lol. However if they we do this. I gurantee the rate will be atrocious. Like the shard shop general grevious.
    Something like 50 greys for a green or something, and 40greens for a blue etx etc

    10:1 was very harsh for shard shop lets hope they don't do it again.
    Post edited by Mofojokers1992 on
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    I would like this change
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    I would like this change
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    I would like this change
    Anything that would fix the "I have 400+ of this Mk3 gear - and am 1 short of the same Mk2 gear..." would be welcome.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I would like this change
    No voting hipsters yet, so that's good.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
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    I would like this change
    Lol, you have a winner. So far, no one opposed to the idea.
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    I would like this change
    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    No voting hipsters yet, so that's good.

    O they will come they always do.... voting against the rest is considered very cool...
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    I would like this change
    I don't care how bad the rate, it annoys me to see 200+ of any item in my inventory. Then I see 400+ and I am losing my mind. I would just like to see some stuff gone for anything in return.
    [LWI] | 298-352-583
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    I would like this change
    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    No voting hipsters yet, so that's good.

    O they will come they always do.... voting against the rest is considered very cool...

    I wish I could change my vote now.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    I would like this change
    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    No voting hipsters yet, so that's good.

    O they will come they always do.... voting against the rest is considered very cool...

    I wish I could change my vote now.

    Ahhaha yeah lol hipsters even vote no on their own threads. ;)
  • Mofojokers1992
    1975 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I would like this change
    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    No voting hipsters yet, so that's good.

    O they will come they always do.... voting against the rest is considered very cool...

    I wish I could change my vote now.

    Ahhaha yeah lol hipsters even vote no on their own threads. ;)

    @DrpPnts4Food is Hipster at heart right?

    Edit: you ruined my 100% thread lol you bugga
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    They're not gonna do that. That would evolve the game. We all know that the EA way is to nerf and devolve so don't hold your breath.
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    I would like this change
    Ramboni173 wrote: »
    They're not gonna do that. That would evolve the game. We all know that the EA way is to nerf and devolve so don't hold your breath.

    EA has let me down time and time again besides DAI i have no faith in them. CG although is different and i hope they listen. :)
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    Other games I've played it's usually 10 to 1
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