Nordic Kingdom, 235M GP with 49 players. 1+1 openings

235M GP with 49 players. 1+1 openings
Timezone: GMT+2, Haat 20:00, Hsith 21:00
DSGeo 29* will be 30* next time
LSGeo 12* but we should have firepower to 14* next time. Around 30 people building KAM-team

Nordic Kingdom is a big, very active but not super hardcore guild. We are competitive and expect full participation in TW and TB but do not have for example TW micromanagement of every attack, farming requirements etc. We try to have as little rules as possible, while yet we do take things seriously. Its all about trying to balance things so that we all have fun but do the best we can. We have active community with adult people. Lots of talk about the game, music, beer and so on. NoK is the lead guild of the Nordic Kingdom Alliance. We have six guilds and good comradery between them. Dm me or come to our server if you are interested in joining us or have more questions.

Nordic Kingdom Alliance Leader
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