How Much Would You Pay For Galactic War Refresh?



  • clawsofhonor
    370 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Id pay 2500 if the developers would listen to the players and fix or scrap GW and the numerous character glitches before they decided to add any higher lvl cap and new characters
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Daryth
    93 posts Member
    500 Crystals
    500-1000 probably right but honestly I'd rarely do it, I don't have time most days to do it 2x
  • Options
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    I would rather have a second run through a day that offered random prizes. I think refreshing GW would throw off character unlocks too much. Once you get a team that can take on GW everyday it is already the quickest way to unlock a 7* toon. Which is probably why you won't see too many great toons added to it.
  • M9silent
    821 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    I wouldn't refresh GW at all. 1) you only make like 50 crystals at most. Not that much. 2) You only make a few tier 3 ability mats. 3) I have won for over 60 days straight now. It's not difficult (for me. I have an A, B, C, and D team) but it's really annoying and boring.

    GW is just an RNG fest against THE SAME FEW TEAMS FOR 12 FIGHTS. Who would want to do that over and over. It's so boring seeing Sid, Dooku, GS, Rey, Lumi or Sid, GS, FOTP, Rey, RG or Sid, Daka, FOTP, Rey, RG, GS, Dooku, blah, blah, blah over and over again.

    Man, you couldn't GIVE ME 50 crystals a day to redo it. How boring.
  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    Some days I forget to even Do GW, there are days I have to Complete 2 just to keep up
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    50 because you earn 25.
  • Options
    Telaan wrote: »
    Please no. I'd feel the need to do this to be competitive, and it's already mind numbing enough. I'd rather drag my face across my driveway.

    @Telaan That about sums it up.
    Much butt hurt I sense in you, this is why you fail...
  • Options
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    it would be a game changer, complete gw, pay to refresh all while you rack up points if you receive any. could be worth implementing but then you'll eventually run into a wall and you'll pay to refresh and probably hit another wall then thats when you've messed up. i have beaten gw these past 5 days or so and i wish i could refresh instantly without paying but i cant, its reall fun being able to beat teams better than mine specially since i have to set up different strategies depending on who im facing.
  • Options
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    I would pay 50 , because I would like a second shot at it towards the end of the day and anything more than 50 requires buying crystals outright.
    I read a lot about players that airnt feeling the GW, but I enjoy it the most. It has to be long term strategy
  • Options
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    JoshG wrote: »
    Not a chance. I run a full day behind on GW as it is just from sheer boredom. I would rather slam my junk in a car door than drag through this twice per day....

    This same GW is a broken and boring table. The fact it is just arena with more fights. Versing the same team setups over and over blows.....

    Worse is they need to add 1 or 2 characters to it every 2 months otherwise no point to it... besides the cruelty of shard shop.
  • Drake23
    866 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    2000 Crystals
    You get a lot of credits, ability mats, shards and game time
    Drake23, Its a trap
  • Options
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    The options in this poll is insane. Who would give away thousands of crystals to refresh GW?

    It could be doable if the price goes the same with cantina energy refresh (100-200-400..).
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    Ugh. It's painful enough already.
    MAYBE I'd do it on Sundays. Maybe. But not if it's more than 200 crystals.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    Drake23 wrote: »
    You get a lot of credits, ability mats, shards and game time

    You get one, maybe two, toon shards, about the same amount of credits you'd get in the pack from the data card store, and a few mk3 mats. You could literally farm more mats and shards in the cantina than you get in GW, get more matches in arena using both the 50 and 100 refresh, and buy the credit pack, for less crystals that what you are valuing a GW refresh.

    Cantina refreshes x2: 300 crystals
    Credit pack: 595 crystals
    Arena refreshes x2: 150 crystals
    Total: 1,045 crystals

    How is a GW refresh worth 3/4 of a chromium mega pack again?
  • Drake23
    866 posts Member
    2000 Crystals
    Telaan wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    You get a lot of credits, ability mats, shards and game time

    You get one, maybe two, toon shards, about the same amount of credits you'd get in the pack from the data card store, and a few mk3 mats. You could literally farm more mats and shards in the cantina than you get in GW, get more matches in arena using both the 50 and 100 refresh, and buy the credit pack, for less crystals that what you are valuing a GW refresh.

    Cantina refreshes x2: 300 crystals
    Credit pack: 595 crystals
    Arena refreshes x2: 150 crystals
    Total: 1,045 crystals

    How is a GW refresh worth 3/4 of a chromium mega pack again?

    It's 16 shards. 1 shard = 50 crystals thats 800 crystals plus the credits and ability mats. Thats only the rewards. Plus 40-60min gametime
    Drake23, Its a trap
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    Drake23 wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    You get a lot of credits, ability mats, shards and game time

    You get one, maybe two, toon shards, about the same amount of credits you'd get in the pack from the data card store, and a few mk3 mats. You could literally farm more mats and shards in the cantina than you get in GW, get more matches in arena using both the 50 and 100 refresh, and buy the credit pack, for less crystals that what you are valuing a GW refresh.

    Cantina refreshes x2: 300 crystals
    Credit pack: 595 crystals
    Arena refreshes x2: 150 crystals
    Total: 1,045 crystals

    How is a GW refresh worth 3/4 of a chromium mega pack again?

    It's 16 shards. 1 shard = 50 crystals thats 800 crystals plus the credits and ability mats. Thats only the rewards. Plus 40-60min gametime

    Shards that are available in the GW shipments are easy to get and aren't worth 50 crystals.
    One of the major point is that most people already have all the toons they need from GW shipments.
    Why would they refresh, especially for 2k crystals?
    Maybe if new toons were added or if shards were rotating, it could be worth it, but even then, I doubt people would do it.
    And you would have to refresh the shipments anyway, so even more of a crystal sink.
  • Drake23
    866 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    2000 Crystals
    Sikho wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    You get a lot of credits, ability mats, shards and game time

    You get one, maybe two, toon shards, about the same amount of credits you'd get in the pack from the data card store, and a few mk3 mats. You could literally farm more mats and shards in the cantina than you get in GW, get more matches in arena using both the 50 and 100 refresh, and buy the credit pack, for less crystals that what you are valuing a GW refresh.

    Cantina refreshes x2: 300 crystals
    Credit pack: 595 crystals
    Arena refreshes x2: 150 crystals
    Total: 1,045 crystals

    How is a GW refresh worth 3/4 of a chromium mega pack again?

    It's 16 shards. 1 shard = 50 crystals thats 800 crystals plus the credits and ability mats. Thats only the rewards. Plus 40-60min gametime

    Shards that are available in the GW shipments are easy to get and aren't worth 50 crystals.
    One of the major point is that most people already have all the toons they need from GW shipments.
    Why would they refresh, especially for 2k crystals?
    Maybe if new toons were added or if shards were rotating, it could be worth it, but even then, I doubt people would do it.
    And you would have to refresh the shipments anyway, so even more of a crystal sink.

    Yes of course, but sadly that is how the mobile apps works. Who is paying in Shipment refreshment? But they offer it. Maybe 2000 crystals is a little bit to high. But 1000 or less makes the Devs and EA laughing. I am realistic comparing with other costs. If you find shards of GW toons in shipments or shard shop they won't be cheaper than hard node shards. So EA believes a shard is 50 crystals.

    If I had a wish how much a refreshment of GW will be I would say 0 crystals. But that will never happens. Think about what we thought when they introduce the shard shop.

    Drake23, Its a trap
  • Options
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    Drake23 wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    You get a lot of credits, ability mats, shards and game time

    You get one, maybe two, toon shards, about the same amount of credits you'd get in the pack from the data card store, and a few mk3 mats. You could literally farm more mats and shards in the cantina than you get in GW, get more matches in arena using both the 50 and 100 refresh, and buy the credit pack, for less crystals that what you are valuing a GW refresh.

    Cantina refreshes x2: 300 crystals
    Credit pack: 595 crystals
    Arena refreshes x2: 150 crystals
    Total: 1,045 crystals

    How is a GW refresh worth 3/4 of a chromium mega pack again?

    It's 16 shards. 1 shard = 50 crystals thats 800 crystals plus the credits and ability mats. Thats only the rewards. Plus 40-60min gametime

    Shards that are available in the GW shipments are easy to get and aren't worth 50 crystals.
    One of the major point is that most people already have all the toons they need from GW shipments.
    Why would they refresh, especially for 2k crystals?
    Maybe if new toons were added or if shards were rotating, it could be worth it, but even then, I doubt people would do it.
    And you would have to refresh the shipments anyway, so even more of a crystal sink.

    Yes of course, but sadly that is how the mobile apps works. Who is paying in Shipment refreshment? But they offer it. Maybe 2000 crystals is a little bit to high. But 1000 or less makes the Devs and EA laughing. I am realistic comparing with other costs. If you find shards of GW toons in shipments or shard shop they won't be cheaper than hard node shards. So EA believes a shard is 50 crystals.

    If I had a wish how much a refreshment of GW will be I would say 0 crystals. But that will never happens. Think about what we thought when they introduce the shard shop.

    If they introduce the 2000 crystal refresh on GW. I will never give a try for these because the once per day already gives me enough shards and credits to maintain my team, refresh is a good addition by not so necessary. Those who feel that it is worth can go ahead and do it .
  • Drake23
    866 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    2000 Crystals
    Luke6108 wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    You get a lot of credits, ability mats, shards and game time

    You get one, maybe two, toon shards, about the same amount of credits you'd get in the pack from the data card store, and a few mk3 mats. You could literally farm more mats and shards in the cantina than you get in GW, get more matches in arena using both the 50 and 100 refresh, and buy the credit pack, for less crystals that what you are valuing a GW refresh.

    Cantina refreshes x2: 300 crystals
    Credit pack: 595 crystals
    Arena refreshes x2: 150 crystals
    Total: 1,045 crystals

    How is a GW refresh worth 3/4 of a chromium mega pack again?

    It's 16 shards. 1 shard = 50 crystals thats 800 crystals plus the credits and ability mats. Thats only the rewards. Plus 40-60min gametime

    Shards that are available in the GW shipments are easy to get and aren't worth 50 crystals.
    One of the major point is that most people already have all the toons they need from GW shipments.
    Why would they refresh, especially for 2k crystals?
    Maybe if new toons were added or if shards were rotating, it could be worth it, but even then, I doubt people would do it.
    And you would have to refresh the shipments anyway, so even more of a crystal sink.

    Yes of course, but sadly that is how the mobile apps works. Who is paying in Shipment refreshment? But they offer it. Maybe 2000 crystals is a little bit to high. But 1000 or less makes the Devs and EA laughing. I am realistic comparing with other costs. If you find shards of GW toons in shipments or shard shop they won't be cheaper than hard node shards. So EA believes a shard is 50 crystals.

    If I had a wish how much a refreshment of GW will be I would say 0 crystals. But that will never happens. Think about what we thought when they introduce the shard shop.

    If they introduce the 2000 crystal refresh on GW. I will never give a try for these because the once per day already gives me enough shards and credits to maintain my team, refresh is a good addition by not so necessary. Those who feel that it is worth can go ahead and do it .

    All people are just talking about the rewards. In my opinion GW is the only game mode that make sense to level many characters. Arena is nice but you just need 5 heroes for your team. If you try out some new combos you maybe fall behind the other players. GW is the game mode where you can make some experiments. Where you can use uncommon characters in a safe area with the help of the retreat function. Thats why I would pay for it to do it more than one time a day. 2000 Crystals is a lot of real money. But normaly we pay 200 crystals for refreshs just to push the sim button.

    Drake23, Its a trap
  • Options
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    50. twice.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    Drake23 wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    You get a lot of credits, ability mats, shards and game time

    You get one, maybe two, toon shards, about the same amount of credits you'd get in the pack from the data card store, and a few mk3 mats. You could literally farm more mats and shards in the cantina than you get in GW, get more matches in arena using both the 50 and 100 refresh, and buy the credit pack, for less crystals that what you are valuing a GW refresh.

    Cantina refreshes x2: 300 crystals
    Credit pack: 595 crystals
    Arena refreshes x2: 150 crystals
    Total: 1,045 crystals

    How is a GW refresh worth 3/4 of a chromium mega pack again?

    It's 16 shards. 1 shard = 50 crystals thats 800 crystals plus the credits and ability mats. Thats only the rewards. Plus 40-60min gametime

    Shards that are available in the GW shipments are easy to get and aren't worth 50 crystals.
    One of the major point is that most people already have all the toons they need from GW shipments.
    Why would they refresh, especially for 2k crystals?
    Maybe if new toons were added or if shards were rotating, it could be worth it, but even then, I doubt people would do it.
    And you would have to refresh the shipments anyway, so even more of a crystal sink.

    Yes of course, but sadly that is how the mobile apps works. Who is paying in Shipment refreshment? But they offer it. Maybe 2000 crystals is a little bit to high. But 1000 or less makes the Devs and EA laughing. I am realistic comparing with other costs. If you find shards of GW toons in shipments or shard shop they won't be cheaper than hard node shards. So EA believes a shard is 50 crystals.

    If I had a wish how much a refreshment of GW will be I would say 0 crystals. But that will never happens. Think about what we thought when they introduce the shard shop.

    The question here is what we, the players, would pay for it.
    There's no mention to EA or anything.

    I'm just saying that nobody would pay 1k crystals for a GW refresh.

    If EA ever makes it possible, they'll probably pick a high price indeed, but that doesn't mean players will buy those refreshes.
  • Options
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    Drake23 wrote: »
    Luke6108 wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Drake23 wrote: »
    You get a lot of credits, ability mats, shards and game time

    You get one, maybe two, toon shards, about the same amount of credits you'd get in the pack from the data card store, and a few mk3 mats. You could literally farm more mats and shards in the cantina than you get in GW, get more matches in arena using both the 50 and 100 refresh, and buy the credit pack, for less crystals that what you are valuing a GW refresh.

    Cantina refreshes x2: 300 crystals
    Credit pack: 595 crystals
    Arena refreshes x2: 150 crystals
    Total: 1,045 crystals

    How is a GW refresh worth 3/4 of a chromium mega pack again?

    It's 16 shards. 1 shard = 50 crystals thats 800 crystals plus the credits and ability mats. Thats only the rewards. Plus 40-60min gametime

    Shards that are available in the GW shipments are easy to get and aren't worth 50 crystals.
    One of the major point is that most people already have all the toons they need from GW shipments.
    Why would they refresh, especially for 2k crystals?
    Maybe if new toons were added or if shards were rotating, it could be worth it, but even then, I doubt people would do it.
    And you would have to refresh the shipments anyway, so even more of a crystal sink.

    Yes of course, but sadly that is how the mobile apps works. Who is paying in Shipment refreshment? But they offer it. Maybe 2000 crystals is a little bit to high. But 1000 or less makes the Devs and EA laughing. I am realistic comparing with other costs. If you find shards of GW toons in shipments or shard shop they won't be cheaper than hard node shards. So EA believes a shard is 50 crystals.

    If I had a wish how much a refreshment of GW will be I would say 0 crystals. But that will never happens. Think about what we thought when they introduce the shard shop.

    If they introduce the 2000 crystal refresh on GW. I will never give a try for these because the once per day already gives me enough shards and credits to maintain my team, refresh is a good addition by not so necessary. Those who feel that it is worth can go ahead and do it .

    All people are just talking about the rewards. In my opinion GW is the only game mode that make sense to level many characters. Arena is nice but you just need 5 heroes for your team. If you try out some new combos you maybe fall behind the other players. GW is the game mode where you can make some experiments. Where you can use uncommon characters in a safe area with the help of the retreat function. Thats why I would pay for it to do it more than one time a day. 2000 Crystals is a lot of real money. But normaly we pay 200 crystals for refreshs just to push the sim button.

    It sounds like a good place to try different combo, but you also know that GW teams are all very similar. Every day I encounter 11or12 Sidious, 11or 12 Lumi, a lot of QGJ/GS/Daka/JC/Barris/Ig86/Poggle. It is the similar team over and over again and there is no difference from going through once or twice if you wish to try squads.
  • papnwors
    749 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    The toons for GW credits are too poor to bother redoing it more than once a day. If I was really bored id pay 50-100 max. My credits are piling up praying that after 6 months from release they might put in a new toon in there.
  • Terrai
    117 posts Member
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    I would for 50 as well. Would be nice to have the option.
  • Options
    Wouldn't refresh GW is too much of a chore
    I do GW for the almost 500k credits. And play units I never play but this gets boring quickly when I master it (or can't beat RNG Phasma). So it's fine, but doing it twice? It's... It takes a long time and I'd rather play something different. Like people said above, if it were possible I'd feel "obligated" to do it to be competitive.... and I dislike this type of "peer pressure" that's self-imposed in games.
    ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ ︵ DOE
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