So do I activate Poogle?

469 posts Member
edited March 2016
I just farmed the 80 shards from GW. I usually activate right away but I guess it's a ..."waste?" if I pull him from Brozium (whatever) card. What are the chances of THAT though? 270 million to 1 and only on nights with a full moon during winter solstice?

I get by in GW just fine (finish daily) and I'm in the 51 to 100 arena regularly. Love to break into the top 50 and I think Poogie can help get me there with my roster. I want to activate him but I'm cursed now because I read that it's a jackpot if you farm the shards and then pull him in the Bronze pack. Ugh.


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    you can always activate later and keep saving shards.. Might be safer then sorry, no point of having a 5 star character and getting extremely lucky and pulling what could have been extra 80 shards.
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    same for me i'd like to know too.
    right now I have 330/80 on him though.
    but not sure if he can contribute to my arena squad.

    I'm having
    QGJ 7*
    Lumi 7*
    Phasma 7*
    GS 7*

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    Here's the deal. Will a 4* poggle up your game enough to justify activating now? Will he make it into your starting arena / GW roster? If not, save and activate when he can be 5 or 6*.

    I am in the same predicament. I'll be able to unlock bariss in a few days. I know she's great, but so far I havent needed her in GW. I just want another healer to fall back on. I may sit on the activation till I can get her straight to 6*.
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    Poggle is awesome even in droidless teams. I saw the light. All praise be to Poggle.
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    Do it! Poggle is no joke.
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    What are the odds of pulling a 4* character you are waiting to unlock from a bronzium?
    I'm no expert, but I think it's close to nothing?
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited March 2016

    This is a poogle.

    On topic. I'd just wait to activate him until at least 6*.
  • Gavstar
    214 posts Member
    In the same boat. Have Poggle at 250 shards. Pulled a full 4* Boba Fett yesterday from the free cards. So it does happen, just takes time and luck. If the character isn't needed. Just wait. My dilemma is with Dooku who is at 260 shards. A few more shards to farm then it's activate or not.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Poggle is really viable at 4* and can be very useful in GW.
  • luuuje
    153 posts Member
    I farmed Barriss for the Yoda event, didn't activate until I needed her, activated her so I could use her in the event.. next day pulled her from bronzium!-____- I also pulled poggle from a bronzium and that's what made me start using him (was very early on) so it does happen!:p
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    Poggle is really viable at 4* and can be very useful in GW.

    Not in arena he's really not. He's got less than 10k hp at 4* g8. He's too easily one shotted.
  • Drake23
    866 posts Member
    What level do you have? If you have a lvl70 squad, just farm him and wait with activation and leveling till the new update is coming. Maybe you will need someone else after the new meta patch and your credits you will need for raising the level of your characters.
    Drake23, Its a trap
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    Here's the deal. Will a 4* poggle up your game enough to justify activating now? Will he make it into your starting arena / GW roster? If not, save and activate when he can be 5 or 6*.

    I am in the same predicament. I'll be able to unlock bariss in a few days. I know she's great, but so far I havent needed her in GW. I just want another healer to fall back on. I may sit on the activation till I can get her straight to 6*.

    Who's this guy....:)

    @djlott ... looks like some old HODAnians are in the building :)
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    Poggle is my greatest power toon
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    Sikho wrote: »
    Poggle is really viable at 4* and can be very useful in GW.

    No, in top tier Arena you really need to try to max out everything, a 4 star Poggle is not that viable.
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    If you can clear GW every day then it probably doesn't make a huge difference. I'd wait until 6 stars just in case, but you star up the GW toons so fast and will run out of toons you need to star in GW so it probably won't make a huge difference if you activate him right away, again, assuming you clear GW every day.

    It's a much bigger deal with toons where you're lucky to get 3-5 shards a day rather than 10-15.
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    Here's the deal. Will a 4* poggle up your game enough to justify activating now? Will he make it into your starting arena / GW roster? If not, save and activate when he can be 5 or 6*.

    I am in the same predicament. I'll be able to unlock bariss in a few days. I know she's great, but so far I havent needed her in GW. I just want another healer to fall back on. I may sit on the activation till I can get her straight to 6*.

    Who's this guy....:)

    @djlott ... looks like some old HODAnians are in the building :)

    Indeed JSA. I saw you around these parts a while back before you got promoted to Mod status...You were already calculating the infinite squad possibilities for each toon to the 100th power. Good to chat with you again.
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    Hey everyone, thanks for all the replies. I'm going to wait to activate the Pog until 6*. As many of you mentioned, he wouldn't do me much good anyway, except maybe trying him out in GW a bit. But I finish that daily so I guess I'll save the credits till later. It's gonna kill me to constantly see that blinking "Activate" animation on him though!

    @Telaan your post was hilarious!
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    djlott wrote: »
    Hey everyone, thanks for all the replies. I'm going to wait to activate the Pog until 6*. As many of you mentioned, he wouldn't do me much good anyway, except maybe trying him out in GW a bit. But I finish that daily so I guess I'll save the credits till later. It's gonna kill me to constantly see that blinking "Activate" animation on him though!

    @Telaan your post was hilarious!

    At 5* he seemed to be helpful in GW for me, 4 star anything seems too easy to fail. I have him on the way to 7* now and he is really helpful in GW, I have contemplated arena but will probably wait until he is fully ready. Just do like what you said and wait till 6, I probably would unlock at 5* and start using in GW. Here's hoping you get a lucky drop in the meantime.
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    Kaseas wrote: »
    you can always activate later and keep saving shards.. Might be safer then sorry, no point of having a 5 star character and getting extremely lucky and pulling what could have been extra 80 shards.

    new playewr here, few weeks at least, been lurking these boards for a week or two to pick up some tips (thanks all!) and never understood why you wouldnt activate first, but now this makes sense.

    i just dive in and activate anything i win.


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    In terms of numbers:
    Chances of getting full hero from Bronzium are between 2-4% according to different data. Let's take the best ones, i.e. 4%. There are 33 heroes available from Bronzium Data Cards, so 4/33=0.12% chance to get Poggle from a single Data Card. You get 5 free data cards every day and up to 1000 ally points in ordinary battles, challenges and daily reward, i.e. every day you have something near 1.1% (0.12*9) to open Poggle. For the worst chances it will be twice lower (0.55%).
    As a lawyer, I'm not sure in accuracy of my calculation (I don't feel like maths is my element), but it seems to be something like that. So, if true, may be there is a good reason not to hurry with activation.
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    I've been playing since early December and have never pulled a 4 star toon from bronzium. I have a few toons waiting to activate hoping I'll get a lucky pull, but I feel I am just wasting my time in that regard.
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    I play since November and I have never pulled a 4* from bronzium packs. I once pulled a 3*, general Veers, though.
  • MrClean621
    610 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I really wish I would have known sooner to not activate chars until I was ready to use them. I have upwards of 20 activated chars sitting at level 1.

    Don't you also save a lot of money in promotions if you wait to activate or do you still have to pay for all of the promotion tiers?
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    Even if the chances are low, they are zero that the toon will be useful right away, so there is no reason not to wait.

    I was super lucky and pulled Barriss early on. I got a HK-47 from the Android spring event a few days ago, too.
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    I got my poggle from a bronze
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    I've been playing since early December and have never pulled a 4 star toon from bronzium. I have a few toons waiting to activate hoping I'll get a lucky pull, but I feel I am just wasting my time in that regard.
    Bad luck. I've been playing since end of December and have already got four 4* (in order of appearance: UrUrrRRuR, Barriss, Daka, Luminara).
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    HA! I can't believe that this happened today. I was saving up the shards hoping I'd pull Poggle from Bronzium but never thought it would actually happen. I had enough shards to go directly to 6*. Awesome!!
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