Sorting character mods?

I would to like to reorganise and optimise my character mods but having to make several hundred mod movements would be quite time consuming. Is their a way to automate the optimising and swapping of character mods?


  • MomoTheNinja
    102 posts Member
    edited February 2020
    I'm not aware of a way to fully automate this, but the best tool I know of is the Crouching Rancor mod optimiser. It takes time to set up, but once you have stuff set up its way easier and better than trying to do it in the game.

    Edit: GrandIvory is also a great option
    Post edited by MomoTheNinja on
  • Options
    Grandivorys mod optimizer
    Will cost you around 2-3hours, but the result will benefit you absolutely
    Only important note: u can only use by desktop version/laptop
    Theres no app or possibility to use on tablet or phone
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