Evasion leaders

Could we get a rework on dooku and luminaras leader abilities? Evasion up as a buff is fine, but having it be a leader abilitiy that can be applied to the whole team is simply grueling to fight against.

Based on the information given to the public about the upcoming patch, characters will be harder to take down because of fortitude. As a result, not only will it become harder to attack a characters effective health, they also have a respectable chance to dodge lethal damage. This is based purely on my own speculation, simply because I do not know what to expect in the upcoming patch, but I do hope that the developers have taken this into consideration.

Thank you


  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    Sorry but Dooku's leader ability has only just been fixed... Him on his own breaks the barrier of QGJ leader.

    At Level 80 QGJ gives everyone even non Jedi speed up I think between that and Dooku is quite balanced you either go with dodge and offence up or everyone speed up
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