Double Drops



  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    Well yeah, double drops equal half cost on a refresh. Should be obvious.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Let’s have a half cost refresh day. Because 1/2x0=0?
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    Let’s have a half cost refresh day. Because 1/2x0=0?

    People would just ask to go back to double drops.
    I need a new message here.
  • nurm
    107 posts Member
    edited April 2020

    Thank you for double drops.
  • Options
    If you're someone who refreshes every day anyway and you want to be able to save up more crystals, then 1/2 cost refresh is more advantageous.

    If you're not someone who refreshes every day, then double drops are more advantageous (you can choose not to refresh and still get more of whatever you're farming, or you can choose that it's worth it to you to refresh on that day).

    If you're someone who refreshes every day, but it's in your crystal budget and you're not worried about current crystal costs, then double drops are more advantageous.

    Given all this, I would expect that double drops are better for more people than 1/2 cost refresh. Not only that, but everyone who spends any energy at all is at an advantage with double drops, even if they're in the category of folks who would like 1/2 cost refresh even more. but people who aren't refreshing can't get any benefit from 1/2 cost refreshes while they can benefit from double drops.

    It seems obvious to me that the most good for the most people (when comparing just these two options) is double drops. That said, I think that it's obviously even better to give the same percentage chance as a Bronzium data card that a single shard drop will actually give a number of shards equal to that needed to unlock the character.

    Also, it would be even better if the game deposited CAN $1000 into my bank account for every hour I play, plus a bonus of 500k frequent flyer miles with Air Canada every time I hit 100 hours play time.

    Also, it would be even better if the game gave me a free blue pony.

    But maybe since double drops are at least a little bit good for everyone, we could just say thanks for double drops and be done with the discussion.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Double drops are also better because they apply to free energy and because they allow stacking energy in advance.
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