Aggressive Negotiations Tier 5 Helppppp



  • MasterSeedy
    5222 posts Member
    General Priority List, now that I realize that Jedi are your Arena squad:

    #1 Arena Squad:
    Prioritize Jolee and any requirements for JKR that you don't have already. You don't need to gear them, just get them to 7*. Since you already have a g12 Jedi Bastila, all you need is a g7 Jolee (with good mods) to make it through. Go ahead and gear the others up to g7 if you want. They can make the event a little easier, but really you shouldn't have trouble with a g12 Bastila. Even if the others are all g1/level1 you should be able to make it through. They have to be a lot higher to get Darth Revan, so it's not like g7 is wasting gear on them, but you don't have to wait to try the event until they have levels & gear. I wouldn't know for sure, but G12 Bastila might even be able to solo the thing.

    ...oops, just looked at the event. Bastila is not an allowed character in Tier 1. For that event you might want to have Mission & Zaalbar up to level 40/g4-6. So I guess Bastila can't solo it.

    #1.5 Bounty Hunters/ Chewbacca/ Millennium Falcon

    I had these folded into #1 the first time around b/c I still thought Rebels were your arena squad. Since Rebels Aren't your arena squad, let's make this a separate priority.

    IIRC you have all the needed bounty hunters at 7* except Bossk and Jango. I did say halt gear for now, and I meant it, but it would be a good idea to use credits to level them up to 80 or 82 when you have the chance. Those last 5 levels don't add much to your character's abilities. They're only needed when you have to meet a minimum requirement for gear or a zeta. AND they're also very expensive in terms of credits. That's a good reason to hold a few levels short of 85, if those levels aren't needed right now for gear/zeta, but stopping short of 80 is probably not a good idea. You're going to want to Omega a bunch of those abilities, esp. Bossk & Boba & Dengar, and that requires at least level 78, and some of the Omegas require 80. So take them up to there.

    I know you're farming the BH ships. Keep on that. That's good. They're a priority b/c Chewbacca and Millennium Falcon are priorities and these are needed for that.

    Also, when Bossk is ready, your BH squad is going to make a great defensive team on GAC, and can also do well on offense against Talzin-Led NightSisters of equal gear. (They don't do as well against Ventress' lead). Bounty Hunters are versatile and you don't want to neglect them. No, they're not ready for more gear yet, but you want them leveled up more so when you have the shards on Bossk and the blueprints on their ships you can quickly pop them up.

    #2 Empire:
    You've got this perfect.

    The one thing I would add is that you don't need to gear the Imperial Troopers a lot. Veers zeta makes them instantly amazing against the Hoth Territory Battle and pretty good in GAC. Just get their shards when you can. On Hoth TB, I used to smoke the first four phases with g8 Imperial Troopers using only a single zeta (Veers). Really, these guys are cool and fun. It doesn't have to be a long time before you have them ready.

    Oh, also? You know how I said never zeta a leader under g10 and never drop a zeta when a faction isn't ready? This faction is ready at 5xg8. it's the one exception. Why? Because you need it for Probe Droid shards and 5xg8 will get that done. If it didn't have such amazing usefulness in HothTB I'd recommend holding it off, but the point is to help you in Hoth and especially to collect Probe Droid shards. Since you can do that with g8 Imps, don't wait longer than that.

    Best Imp Troopers when considering shard priorities:
    1. Veers (Stunningly necessary, he makes the whole team work)
    2. Snow (Boosts Veers' zeta from amazing to ridiculous by giving even more bonuses when killing foes)
    3. Range (Auto-assists instantly double offense output, which is otherwise a bit lacking with Imps)
    4. Death (Dispel AoE gets you past the Taunts, also the Deathmark is hugely useful against high-health opponents)
    5. Shore (Auto-taunt and Heal are very helpful against NightSisters and in certain other situations)
    ...anyone else (Starck, Magma, Storm)

    #3: Crucial Individual Toons
    Don't put off gearing Ventress to g12 b/c of Han Solo since now I know he's not on your Arena squad.

    BUT since he's not on your arena squad, you have to add Han Solo to the list of crucial individual toons. He's a great character who will get use all the way through the endgame. You never know when his "Shoot First" ability will be helpful. There have been a lot of times in GAC or TW when I needed to attack a wounded squad that was still strong and had lots of pre-loaded TM. Getting in a stun against a team with Pre-loaded TM can be utterly crucial. He has to be on the CIT list.

    #4: Pilots:

    I think we've covered this. Don't forget that a pilot might also be in a higher category for another reason (like Han and GeoSpy in #3: CIT).

    Remember, in general, the lower-priority toons in Category 2 are still higher priority than the higher priority toons in Category 3... but you also have to use some common sense. You're too early in the game to leave a lot of gear hanging around if it can make a big difference now. If you need a stun gun for Han Solo to go from g10=>g11 and you need a carbanti for a g7 Imperial Trooper and it won't even be the last piece they need to go up to g8, drop the stun gun on Han.

    These are general priorities, but this is still your game to play and you'll have to make some decisions like that sometimes. Trust yourself. Especially in situations where you think that giving a higher priority toon a piece of gear now won't bump them up a gear tier any earlier. Imagine that you need both a stun gun and a Kyrotech to get your highest priority toon up to the next gear tier, but a lower-priority toon just needs a stun gun. Well, if it's going to take you a week or two to get the Kyrotech, then you'll have another stun gun by then anyway, so you might as well boost the lesser-priority toon a whole tier right now, eh?

    I'm trying to give good advice, but those choices are still yours.

    best of luck.

  • Options
    Okay, zetas first: I like the zetas you have. Don't worry too much about Ezra. A g12 Ezra is worthy of a zeta. Great damage on that guy and being able to name your assisting characters is very helpful. He's a lot like an improved QGJ.

    Glad to hear. Yes I like him a does GMY since he always gets the extra attack
    Since you're already bringing Jolee along, and since as soon as you have Jolee you'll get JKRevan, you can plan for Ezra and Old Ben to be moved back to your Rebels. Since Rebels aren't your Arena squad, and since they're both good toons at g12, you don't need to push hard for Threepio or Chewbacca right now. They're still on your radar, but no longer the topmost priority. You have a good long while to get their zetas collected.

    So, Leadership zetas:
    JK Revan (you don't have him yet, but you will as soon as you have 7* Jolee, he's pretty easy once you qualify)
    Veers (Again, I don't think you have him yet, but you will)

    Jolee is 5* 69/85. Once I have him 7* I will have Jolee and Bastila 7*
    I haven't unlocked Zaalbar, T3-M4 and Mission Vao so unfortunetly once I have Jolee 7* I won't be able to unlock JK Revan.

    Does that change anything you said ?
    But of course, you probably won't have all factions equally developed. Once you've done JKRevan and Bossk, the rest of the leadership zetas are better given when you have a faction to give them to instead of giving Jyn before Chirpa when you have 5 ewoks and you're trying to get Threepio while you only have 2-3 Rogue 1 toons. You'll have to adjust this on the fly to meet the needs of your factions.

    As an example of this, you already have a Rebel squad worthy of CLS's leadership zeta. Now his leadership isn't as good as KRU or JTR, but if you don't have those factions ready (leader at least g10, at least one other toon at g10, at least two other toons g9 with the 5th toon either a gear priority who will hit g9 pretty soon, or a non-faction addition who slots in well and is g10+), you'll be skipping them to drop a zeta on someone lower on the list. So I expect that after Bossk, you'll probably zeta CLS unless your FO and Resistance are up to speed by then.

    Thanks a lot. Noted
    Non-leadership zetas:
    ANYONE ON YOUR ARENA SQUAD. Zetas on your arena squad are almost always a good idea. That said, since you're going to be moving Old Ben off your Arena squad soon, don't bother with him.
    Thrawn's unique
    BB-8 (Roll with the punches)
    Vaders Unique
    (Maybe even Paploo or Wicket?)
    Fives Tactical Awareness
    BB-8 (Self-Preservation Protocol)

    If you have a zeta ready, but don't have a faction that deserves a leadership zeta (and you're not close enough to save it for when the faction is ready, like if you're almost ready to unlock JKRevan or something), go ahead and work down the non-leadership list.

    There are also many good zetas on toons we haven't discussed, but many of those you won't have unlocked yet (like JKRevan, Darth Revan, etc.). There are also other toons like Bastilla Shan (Fallen) who have zetas that don't work correctly unless you have another character that they synergize with. For ****(F) you don't want to zeta the unique that works with Darth Revan until you've unlocked DR. So if you had her, I would put her above even Jolee ... but have you keep skipping her over and over again until also have DR.

    It's also thinking like this that leads me to put BB-8's second zeta so low on this list. For it to be worth it, you have to be running other droids with BB-8, but you don't have Threepio yet, and you'll be running R2 with your rebels most of the time. Much later you'll be running raid squads with JTR, bb8, and Threepio all on the same squad. You'll want that 2nd zeta on BB8 then, but not so much before. Likewise, you don't even want the first zeta on BB8 unless you're running a JTR resistance squad, and if you're running that squad, JTR's leadership comes first. So if you don't have JTR's leadership, you're not ready for BB8's first zeta.

    Make sense? So when you get new toons and you're wondering where to put them on this list. read the zeta details very carefully and never be afraid to ask questions.

    it's makes a lot of sens. thank you
    as you can see since I found you I ask a lot of questions haha
  • Skywalkerr
    52 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    A couple quick notes:
    On another post you told me to pospone Ventress G12 so that I can boost my Han Solo to G11
    Now Ventress is a priority for G12 but after Han or has that change?

    I was wrong. This was when I thought Rebels were your Arena squad. Definitely change that. Ventress =>g12 is a higher priority now. ESPECIALLY since you spent a zeta on her and you don't want that to go to waste.

    She will be G12 soon enough (this week) Only missing 2 gear :
    Missing MK 8 Biotech Implant Component it's 28/50
    and missing MK 4 Zaltin Bacta Gel Salvage 42/50
    Why Cassian before pheonix squad?

    Bang for the buck. Phoenix requires a TON of stun guns and has 6 characters (well, 5 since you have Ezra at g12). Cassian's ship only requires 3 toons and fewer stun guns. Also, you can use Cassian as a good reinforcement in non-rebel fleets because of the AoE dispel, but Ghost is pretty much a rebel-fleet-only ship.
    Perfect thank you
    Fleet priorities:
    You asked about Fleet priorities. As I said, you want to boost Phoenix if you expect you'll be running Rebels for a long time to come. But if you're switching to Geos sooner rather than later, your priorities are different.

    If staying with rebels your pilot/crew priorities are to get the following to g11+2 or 3 (except Ackbar & Biggs):
    Ackbar => g12 + 1 or 2.
    Biggs => g12 + 1 or 2

    If moving on soon,
    Biggs => g12 +1 or 2
    Spy => g9 (makes a great reinforcement in any squad)
    Thrawn => g12 +1 or 2
    Sun Fac
    Spy => g12

    BUT ALSO... if moving on soon, you want to farm the Hyena bomber and the Vulture Droid (you don't have to gear these, but they are long farms).

    Further note: You can only farm one capital ship at a time with the GET2 currency - Negotiator or Malevolence.

    Because Separatists are the easier faction to get when starting out, and all you need to make it work is Geos + 2 droid ships that require no gear, I would go with Malevolence, for sure.

    awesome thanks

  • Skywalkerr
    52 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    GOLD Ship Material :
    Since last time I was able to unlock the last level of ship ability materials
    I have 42 of them now which ability would you recommend that I level up?
    Which ship do you recommend ?
    1. Biggs (Daring Assault)
    2. Vader (Deadly Accuracy)
    3. Phantom (Sights Locked)
    4. Phantom (Slip Away)
    5. Cassian (Guerrilla Strike)
    6. Cassian (Infiltration Tactics)

    At that point you might need to take another look at what ships you have and whether you're transitioning soon. Boosting Ghost, if you're sticking with rebels, is probably next, then getting K-2's special maxed on Cassian's ship (it gives an extra dispel, requires k2 at g11), then GeoSpy Basic (Undermine). If you're transitioning soon, you'll want to be maxing GeoSpy Clandestine Operations ASAP and Sun Vac's unique (Grudge), then Sun Fac's special (Prime Target), then GeoSoldier Unique (Swarm Aggression) then GeoSpy Basic (Undermine), then Hyena bomber (all), then Vulture droid (all), then all the other Geo abilities that weren't already maxed.

    so if sticking with rebels you would put ghost where in that list?

    1. Biggs (Daring Assault)
    2. Vader (Deadly Accuracy)
    3. Phantom (Sights Locked)
    4. Phantom (Slip Away)
    5. Cassian (Guerrilla Strike)
    6. Cassian (Infiltration Tactics)
  • Options
    You asked about gear for Ewoks & BH.

    Remember I'm reprioritizing Ewoks because your arena squad isn't rebels. Keep working on Bossk, though. We're going to make Chewbacca your next big Rebel instead of Threepio.

    You'll need g11 BH for 7* Chewie and it will be very helpful if you can get 2 BH at g12 (usually Bossk + one attacker). The one exception is that Dengar is there for his unique, and he can get by with g9+. If you can get him to g11 that's great, he'll do more damage, but his main purpose is just stopping the R2 stealth machine. If R2 gives Chewbacca stealth, you're in a world of hurt, because you need to kill Chewie first in that event. If you don't have Dengar to stop stealth from happening, you're going to have to start the event over and over and over and over to get the perfect RNG.

    I know you could get a great Rebel squad together if you went all out for Rebels right now, but you're actually probably closer to getting JKRevan, and that squad will be much better for you even than the Rebs.

    When you do get around to working on Ewok gear for Threepio, remember that you need less gear if you have the right toons and the right zetas. I did the event with three zetas , 3xg11 and 2xg10. If I had had 4 zetas, I could have gotten by with 3-4xg10, 1-2 g9 or maybe even 5xg9, not sure. All I know is because I had the perfect squad and 3 zetas, it ended up being a complete cakewalk for me. So sure, you can do it with less gear, but that means more zetas and you have to have the perfect squad. You have to decide . With a less perfect squad (Scout instead of Wicket, Teebo instead of Logray) you can still do the event, but more gear is required and/or more zetas. I was lucky to have ewoks nearly ready except for gear, so while I was finishing up gear I could also get Wicket to 7*. So I ended up with the optimal team of Chirpa, Paploo, Elder, Logray Wicket, with zetas on Chirpa, Logray, & Wicket.

    but again, since Rebels aren't your Arena squad, I would work harder on other things than Ewoks right now.

    Missing 3 full toons for JK Revan so what do you think now?
  • MasterSeedy
    5222 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    For Fleet:
    so if sticking with rebels you would put ghost where in that list?

    Sorry, I thought I had been clear. Do the six I numbered, THEN reassess if you're sticking with fleet at that point (since it might take a while).

    After all 6 of the numbered ones are done AND you've reassessed AND you decide to stick with rebels, then Ghost is the next ship. K-2's ability comes after the most important ship-omegas. It would probably look something like this:

    #7 Ghost: Static Jammer
    #8 Ghost: Attack All Angles
    #9 Ghost: Seonsor Scrambler
    #10 Cassian's U-Wing: Threat Assessment (requires g11 K-2)
    #11 Ghost: Take 'Em Down


    For JKR:

    I'm not sure. I guess I have to ask a couple questions: I might not recommend any changes in your farming at all ... You're missing 2 characters that are both Catina farms, which means you can't get JKR soon. Of course, you'll never get him if you don't start, but it's going to be a tradeoff with the other things you're doing. So let's look at those.

    What's your current Cantina Farm?

    What's your next Cantina Farm?

    Your current fleet farm is Jolee, but what's your next fleet farm?
  • Options
    For Fleet:

    so if sticking with rebels you would put ghost where in that list?

    Sorry, I thought I had been clear. Do the six I numbered, THEN reassess if you're sticking with fleet at that point (since it might take a while).

    After all 6 of the numbered ones are done AND you've reassessed AND you decide to stick with rebels, then Ghost is the next ship. K-2's ability comes after the most important ship-omegas. It would probably look something like this:

    #7 Ghost: Static Jammer
    #8 Ghost: Attack All Angles
    #9 Ghost: Seonsor Scrambler
    #10 Cassian's U-Wing: Threat Assessment (requires g11 K-2)
    #11 Ghost: Take 'Em Down

    thanks your the best
    For JKR:

    I'm not sure. I guess I have to ask a couple questions: I might not recommend any changes in your farming at all ... You're missing 2 characters that are both Catina farms, which means you can't get JKR soon. Of course, you'll never get him if you don't start, but it's going to be a tradeoff with the other things you're doing. So let's look at those.
    What's your current Cantina Farm?

    The last 3 cantina that I completed :
    I did Smuggler Han and Chew (I able to complete JTR event 7*)
    I did what was left of genosian spy to get him to 7*

    Current :
    right now I'm working on Chief Chirpa

    [What's your next Cantina Farm?

    Next :
    I think T3-M4 and Mission Vao should be my 2 next one to go after JK Revan.

    Future Farm :
    I took a quick look and noted some toon that I think I will have to farm eventually
    • Canderous Ordo
    • Pabloo (maybe to get him to 7* faster but I might be able to get him to 7* only by buying shards in the shop)
    • Genosian Brood Alpha (since I have all the other genosian 7*)
    • Arc Trooper (I have all the clone trooper at 7*, Anakin 7*, Ashoka 7*, so might be a good idea to farm him eventually
    • Night Sister Spirit
    • Night Sister Acolyte (don't think she's necessairy anymore)

    I'm open to anything please provide your priority list that you think would be best and if there's any other toons that are important please go ahead
    [Your current fleet farm is Jolee, but what's your next fleet farm?

    Current :
    Jolee is my yellow energy Farm.
    I haven't unlocked him in the ships yet. Which is why I want to boost my ship.
    I'm stuck at his level. (4-E hard) I was able to do it 1* but not 3*
    that's why I asked you which ship I should boost their ability and etc because I want to be able to complete it 3* and double farm him. (yellow and ship)

    So right now my fleet farm is Anakin Ship. I unlocked is ship 2* and it's now 14/25.
    I also try to farm Slave 1 and Sun Fac ship from time to time.

    Future :

    I took a look at what I've unlocked for now and I would say
    • Anakin Ship
    • Slave 1
    • Sun Fac Ship
    • Zaalbar
    • Carth Onasi

    are all great options (no particular order, I will let you decide that for me)

    Yellow Energy :

    Current :
    Jolee 5* 75/85

    Future :
    I took a look and I listed some toons I think I should start farming after Jolee
    • Bossk
    • Zaalbar
    • Jango Fett and Hound Tooth
    • Bastila Shan Fallen
    • Mother Talzin
    • General Veers (when it's is turn is it better to farm him in 6C instead of 4C since he comes with a ship in 6C ?)
    • Darth Nihilus
    • Darth Sion and Kylo Command Shuttle
    • Baze Malbus
    • Night Sister Zoombie
    • Juhani
    • Sabine Wren (to get her 7* 5* 42/85)
    • Ewok Elder(will be able to get him 7* without farming him there)
    • Ewok Scout (will be able to get him 7* without farming him there)
    • Wickett
    • Resistance Hero Poe?
    • Resistance Hero Finn?

    (no particular order, I will let you decide that for me)
  • Options
    General Priority List, now that I realize that Jedi are your Arena squad:

    #1 Arena Squad:
    Prioritize Jolee and any requirements for JKR that you don't have already. You don't need to gear them, just get them to 7*. Since you already have a g12 Jedi Bastila, all you need is a g7 Jolee (with good mods) to make it through. Go ahead and gear the others up to g7 if you want. They can make the event a little easier, but really you shouldn't have trouble with a g12 Bastila. Even if the others are all g1/level1 you should be able to make it through. They have to be a lot higher to get Darth Revan, so it's not like g7 is wasting gear on them, but you don't have to wait to try the event until they have levels & gear. I wouldn't know for sure, but G12 Bastila might even be able to solo the thing.

    ...oops, just looked at the event. Bastila is not an allowed character in Tier 1. For that event you might want to have Mission & Zaalbar up to level 40/g4-6. So I guess Bastila can't solo it.

    noted thank you
    #1.5 Bounty Hunters/ Chewbacca/ Millennium Falcon

    I had these folded into #1 the first time around b/c I still thought Rebels were your arena squad. Since Rebels Aren't your arena squad, let's make this a separate priority.

    IIRC you have all the needed bounty hunters at 7* except Bossk and Jango. I did say halt gear for now, and I meant it, but it would be a good idea to use credits to level them up to 80 or 82 when you have the chance. Those last 5 levels don't add much to your character's abilities. They're only needed when you have to meet a minimum requirement for gear or a zeta. AND they're also very expensive in terms of credits. That's a good reason to hold a few levels short of 85, if those levels aren't needed right now for gear/zeta, but stopping short of 80 is probably not a good idea. You're going to want to Omega a bunch of those abilities, esp. Bossk & Boba & Dengar, and that requires at least level 78, and some of the Omegas require 80. So take them up to there.
    I know you're farming the BH ships. Keep on that. That's good. They're a priority b/c Chewbacca and Millennium Falcon are priorities and these are needed for that.

    Also, when Bossk is ready, your BH squad is going to make a great defensive team on GAC, and can also do well on offense against Talzin-Led NightSisters of equal gear. (They don't do as well against Ventress' lead). Bounty Hunters are versatile and you don't want to neglect them. No, they're not ready for more gear yet, but you want them leveled up more so when you have the shards on Bossk and the blueprints on their ships you can quickly pop them up.
    I haven't farmed hound tooth much. I will try to be more consistent for that ship. So many other to farm at the same time haha
    #2 Empire:
    You've got this perfect.

    The one thing I would add is that you don't need to gear the Imperial Troopers a lot. Veers zeta makes them instantly amazing against the Hoth Territory Battle and pretty good in GAC. Just get their shards when you can. On Hoth TB, I used to smoke the first four phases with g8 Imperial Troopers using only a single zeta (Veers). Really, these guys are cool and fun. It doesn't have to be a long time before you have them ready.

    Oh, also? You know how I said never zeta a leader under g10 and never drop a zeta when a faction isn't ready? This faction is ready at 5xg8. it's the one exception. Why? Because you need it for Probe Droid shards and 5xg8 will get that done. If it didn't have such amazing usefulness in HothTB I'd recommend holding it off, but the point is to help you in Hoth and especially to collect Probe Droid shards. Since you can do that with g8 Imps, don't wait longer than that.

    Best Imp Troopers when considering shard priorities:
    1. Veers (Stunningly necessary, he makes the whole team work)
    2. Snow (Boosts Veers' zeta from amazing to ridiculous by giving even more bonuses when killing foes)
    3. Range (Auto-assists instantly double offense output, which is otherwise a bit lacking with Imps)
    4. Death (Dispel AoE gets you past the Taunts, also the Deathmark is hugely useful against high-health opponents)
    5. Shore (Auto-taunt and Heal are very helpful against NightSisters and in certain other situations)
    ...anyone else (Starck, Magma, Storm)

    thank for for that. noted
    #3: Crucial Individual Toons
    Don't put off gearing Ventress to g12 b/c of Han Solo since now I know he's not on your Arena squad.

    BUT since he's not on your arena squad, you have to add Han Solo to the list of crucial individual toons. He's a great character who will get use all the way through the endgame. You never know when his "Shoot First" ability will be helpful. There have been a lot of times in GAC or TW when I needed to attack a wounded squad that was still strong and had lots of pre-loaded TM. Getting in a stun against a team with Pre-loaded TM can be utterly crucial. He has to be on the CIT list.

    Ventress is missing 11 Mk 8 bio (39/50) should have her G12 in the next few days
    After that I will give those gears to Han. Yeah he already packs a punch at G10 just doesn't have much life. at G12 he must be amazing.
    #4: Pilots:

    I think we've covered this. Don't forget that a pilot might also be in a higher category for another reason (like Han and GeoSpy in #3: CIT).

    Remember, in general, the lower-priority toons in Category 2 are still higher priority than the higher priority toons in Category 3... but you also have to use some common sense. You're too early in the game to leave a lot of gear hanging around if it can make a big difference now. If you need a stun gun for Han Solo to go from g10=>g11 and you need a carbanti for a g7 Imperial Trooper and it won't even be the last piece they need to go up to g8, drop the stun gun on Han.

    These are general priorities, but this is still your game to play and you'll have to make some decisions like that sometimes. Trust yourself. Especially in situations where you think that giving a higher priority toon a piece of gear now won't bump them up a gear tier any earlier. Imagine that you need both a stun gun and a Kyrotech to get your highest priority toon up to the next gear tier, but a lower-priority toon just needs a stun gun. Well, if it's going to take you a week or two to get the Kyrotech, then you'll have another stun gun by then anyway, so you might as well boost the lesser-priority toon a whole tier right now, eh?

    yes that's pretty much what I do.
    I'm trying to give good advice, but those choices are still yours.

    best of luck.

    I appreciate your advice so much.
    I try to follow what you tell me.
  • MasterSeedy
    5222 posts Member
    Cantina Energy
    Yeah, for Cantina I'd finish Chirpa & then go with the plan you already have:

    1. Mission Vao
    2. T3-M4
    3. Canderous Ordo

    I'd leave Paploo for the guild store.

    Once you have Chirpa and those 3 done, then yes, your next farm should be Genosian Brood Alpha (since I have all the other genosian 7*).

    By that point, there will be new characters out and you'll have to reassess. Things change, and advice is only good for so long.

    Fleet energy:
    Anakin's ship is absolutely the best farm for you right now if you can't beat Jolee's node. Getting Spy's gear up will help, especially after you work through your other priorities and start to gear up SunFac and GeoSoldier.

    DO NOT FARM SLAVE 1 with fleet energy. Slave 1 is one of those ships whose shards you get from events and lots of weird sources. Any source for Slave 1 blueprints is better than Fleet Energy. Well, with the possible exception of Fleet Tokens.

    Sun Fac Ship - this is an okay farm. It's probably a good farm for you, given where you're at. But it's also worth it to buy shards of SFS from Fleet Token Shipments.

    Zaalbar - This is next after Sun Fac's Ship.

    Carth Onasi - also a solid choice, after the others are complete.

    Except for Slave1, you've got good priorities here. Don't worry about Jolee's node just now. You're already working on getting better at fleet, and when the time comes that you can beat Jolee's node, you'll beat it. Just be patient until that day.

    Regular Energy (Yellow):

    Top 4 are:
    • Bossk
    • Jango Fett and Hound Tooth
    • Sabine
    • Bastila Shan Fallen

    A close 5th, but still outside the top 4 is General Veers.
    To answer your question, he's not the only toon that has 2 nodes, one which provides ship blueprints and one which is cheaper but does not. Not only for Veers, but for every toon you farm that has a more expensive node that also drops blueprints, ALWAYS go for the node that also drops blueprints. Otherwise you'll be coming back some day and farming that same node for the ship blueprints anyway.

    Now, the Bomber isn't in your immediate plans, but take the free shards and quit farming that node once Veers is at 7*. You can go back later to finish when the Bomber is more relevant. You basically get 5 shards for every 6 you would have gotten of Veers, but you'll get bomber blueprints = to your Veers shards (approximately), so it's more like 10 shards when you would have gotten 6.

    Obviously the exception is when you finish the ship before you finish the character. That can happen with Sion, for instance, since the Kylo Shuttle is another ship that has blueprints in lots of places (like your events). If you finish the ship first, you might want to drop down to the cheaper node to finish the character. In fact, you probably do, unless you also need the gear that's dropping from the higher-cost node. In that case, you can farm that node for combined shards + gear and use the bonus blueprints for shard shop currency. .

    After that?

    Well, unless the meta has changed, probably
    Range Trooper (which you didn't mention)
    Resistance Hero Poe
    RH Finn
    (more or less in the order listed above - but that's only about how good they are. If you have a faction that's almost done except for one of the above, then bump it up your priority list - factions are sometimes more important than single toons and farming an average toon for a good faction is usually better than farming a good toon that has a lousy faction).

    I'm not saying the others are worthless, just that you've either got other sources for them or they're far enough out that you probably want to recheck your priorities when you're getting near to done with the very long list you've already got going.
    After that I will give those gears to Han. Yeah he already packs a punch at G10 just doesn't have much life. at G12 he must be amazing.
    Yep. there's a g12 piece that gives him 6,250 health all at once and another that bumps up his health steal. It makes a huge difference because he goes so often and does such high damage that if he can survive a couple hits, he can quickly heal back before getting hit again. G12 Han is wonderful to have in your inventory.

    Okay, I'm out again. You've got a lot to do, but check in after a couple months and let me know how you've progressed.

  • Options
    I will never say thank you enough. If you don't mind I just want to confirm a few things with you.
    We spoke about so many thing that I did a one note to list everything.
    I want to confirm my priorities with you. So I will post my list per store (they were mostly made by you).
    Agree, disagree, add your comments, add or remove toons, change order.

    PS : I added the ships that I have 7* and the one I don't (that can be found in GWS) + I added the Pilot Info (Gear LV etc. so you might decide to move up or down the order)

    Is there any ship that I can skip ? let say Plo Koon or Resistance or I take any ship?

    Galactic War Store :

    Ships only until you have 5k or 10k spare GW Tokens saved up, just to make sure you never miss a rare ship.
    1. Magma
    2. Nightsister
    3. Resistance Pilot
    4. Datcha
    5. Tusken Raider
    6. IG-86

    Ship Maxed 7* :
    • Ahsoka
    • Jedi Consular
    • Genosian Soldier
    • Genosian Spy
    • Biggs
    • Wedge

    Others Ships in GW Store that aren't maxed :
    • Clone Sergeant 4* 52/65 (Clone Sergeant Phase 1 G8 +5 7* LV75)
    • Imperial TIE Fighter 6* 50/100 (TIE Fighter Pilot G2 5* 13/85 LV 50)
    • Resistance X-Wing 1* 13/15 (Resistance Pilot G4 3* 17/30 LV 50)
    • Sun Fac 5* 25/85 (Sun Fac 7* G8 +1 LV 80)
    • First Order TIE Fighter 5* 24/85 (First Order Tie Pilot G1 4* 5/65 LV2)
    • Plo Koon 2* 23/25 (Plo Koon 3* 7/30 LV 1)
    • Umbaran Starfighter 5* 21/85 (Fives 7* G8 +5 LV75)
  • Skywalkerr
    52 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    Cantina Store :
    1. Old Daka 5* (50/85) (On Going)
    I need 10,800K to max her to 7* I have 5.7K. Half way there.

    Not Completed :
    • Stromtrooper,
    • Mob Enforcer,
    • Jedi Knight Guardian,
    • Jawa Scavenger,
    • Bistan,
    • Pao,
    • Ship Building Materials,
    • T4 Enhancement Droid,

    What would you add to the list other than Old Daka?
    and which one are just awful so we don't farm them?

    Cantina Battle Store Completed : (7*)
    • Chopper
    • Fives
    • Ashoka
    • Hoth Rebel Scout
    • Boba Fett
    • First Order Officer
    • QGJ
    • Poe Dameron
  • Options
    Squad Arena Store:
    1. Cassian 4* 8/65
    2. IG-88 3* 19/30
    3. Nute Gunray 0* 60/80
    4. HK-47 0* 27/80

    Not Completed :
    • Credits
    • Prestige
    • Cassian Andor
    • Chief Nebit
    • Ugnaught
    • Savage Opress
    • HK-47
    • Coruscant Underworld Police
    • IG-88
    • Eeth Koth
    • Nute Gunray

    Completed : (7*)
    • Kanan Jarrus
    • Mace Windu
    • Princess Lea
    • Grand Moff Tarkin
    • Greedo
    • Asajj Ventress
    • Admiral Ackbar
    • Darth Sidious
    • Stormtrooper Han

    What you said :
    Nute Gunray and Ventress can both be very helpful in getting Padme. but you're more than halfway to finishing Cassian, so I'd do that as part of your fleet improvement plan. Nute Gunray is the one character whose order I'm most uncertain about. You need to collect the bounty hunters for Chewy and the Millennium Falcon, so IG-88 is a must. But you have to collect the Hound's Tooth which is a slow farm, so you might be able to finish Nute Gunray before you need to pick up IG-88 shards. Whether or not to move Nute Gunray up the priority list is up to you, and depends on where you are on your other farms. That's probably not a decision I can help you with. But I can definitely say that Nute Gunray's leadership is probably the single best one for the Padme event, and you should get him when you can. 
    Same goes for Squad Arena store once you finish the farms outlined above and you have the Prestige you need for your Arena team's Capital Ship. 

    For Han's Millennium Falcon i'm still missing :
    • 1 7* Capital Ship (my closest is)
    • Home One 6* 45/100
    • Slave 1 5* 59/85 (Bobba Fett 7*)
    • Hound's Tooth 0* 14/25 (Bossk 4* 7/65)
    • IG-2000 0* 5/25 (IG-88 3* 19/30)
    • Xanadu Blood 0* 0/25 (Cad Bane 7*)

    Where do IG-2000 and Xanadu Blood fit in my yellow energy priorities?

    Also, since I'm so far back on requirement for HMF. Do you still recommend that I level up Cassian Andor first? Or should I go after IG-88 right away?
  • Options
    Fleet Store :

    1. Slave 1
    2. Umbarran Fighter
    3. Sun Fac Ship

    When you're done with all those :
    1. Rex Ship
    2. Zam Wessel
    3. Tusken Shaman
    4. Scarif Pathfinder
    5. Zeta mats forever

    Where would you put these on your list (if you put them on the list)
    • First Order Tie Pilot
    • TIE Fighter Pilot
    • First Order TIE Fighter
    • Imperial TIE Fighter
    • Poe Dameron's X-wing

    Any of the not completed list to add to the farming list?
    Not Completed :
    • Bistan
    • Resistance Pilot
    • Plo Koon
    • Scarif Rebel Pathfinder
    • Tusken Shaman
    • Zam Wesell
    • Tie Fighter Pilot
    • Bistan U-Wing
    • Gauntlet Starfighter
    • Plo Koon
    • Sun Fac
    • First Order Tie Pilot
    • TIE Fighter Pilot
    • First Order TIE Fighter
    • Imperial TIE Fighter
    • Poe Dameron's X-wing

    Completed : (7*)
    • Admiral Ackbar
    • Ahsoka
    • Fulcrum
    • Boba Fett
    • Biggs
    • Cody
    • Rex
    • General Grievous
    • Genosian Soldier
    • Darth Maul
    • Chirrut Imwe
    • Echo
    • Darth Vader
    • Genosian Spy
    • Grand Moff Tarkin
    • Jedi Consular
    • Mace Windu
    • Poe Dameron
    • Sun Fac
    • Wedge
    • Ezra Bridger
  • Options
    Guild Shipment Store
    1. Logray
    2. Pablo
    3. Ewok Elder

    Would you add any of those to the list ?
    • Gear
    • Colonel Stark
    • Resistance Trooper
    • Zam Wesell
    • Nightsister Acolyte
    • Tusken Shaman
    • Sith Assassin
    • Talia
    • B2 Super Battle Droid

    Others Not Completed :
    • Young Han Solo
    • First Order SF TIE Pilot
    • First Order SF TIE Fighter
    • Jawa Engineer
    • Gamorrean Guard
    • Snowtrooper
    • Aayla Secura
    • Kit Fisto
    • Ima-Gun Di

    Completed : 7*
    • Rey
    • Dengar
    • Luke Skywalker (Farmboy)
    • Darth Maul
    • Sun Fac
    • Old Ben
    • Cody
    • Echo
    • Rex
    • Kylo Ren
    • Barris Offee
    • Finn
    • Jyn Erso
    • IG-100 MagnaGuard
    • Clone Sergeant Phase 1
  • Skywalkerr
    52 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    Guild Event Store
    Don't ever buy gear from the Guild Event store. Never. Even if you have 100k tokens saved up, you're going to need them for Malak and General Anakin and probably other toons as well. If you really do have Hermit Yoda & Baze complete and more than 100k tokens and are just burning for things to spend it on, get the Wampa. 
    1. Hermit Yoda 0* 91/145
    2. Malak and General Anakin (which one first?)
    3. Wampa

    If you're in a hurry to finish that farm
    1. Baze Malbus
    2. Sun Fac
    3. Sabine

    Director Krennic???

    GET2 currency
    Further note: You can only farm one capital ship at a time with the GET2 currency - Negotiator or Malevolence.

    Because Separatists are the easier faction to get when starting out, and all you need to make it work is Geos + 2 droid ships that require no gear, I would go with Malevolence, for sure.

    1. Malevolence

  • Options
    Cantina Energy
    Yeah, for Cantina I'd finish Chirpa & then go with the plan you already have:
    1. Mission Vao
    2. T3-M4
    3. Canderous Ordo
    4. Genosian Brood Alpha

    Fleet Energy
    1. Anakin Ship
    2. Sun Fac Ship
    3. Zaalbar
    4. Carth Onasi

    If I unlock Jolee 3* in Fleet where would you rank him ? In front or behind anakin?

    Yellow Energy :

    Top 4 are:
    1. Bossk
    2. Jango Fett and Hound Tooth
    3. Sabine
    4. Bastila Shan Fallen
    5. General Veers

    Where do IG-2000 and Xanadu Blood fit in my yellow energy priorities?
  • Options
    and btw just a little update on the progress I made

    Asajj Ventress :

    Asajj Ventress is now G12
    Ventress 7* LV 85 G12 3 Omega 1 Zeta (Rampage)
    I could bring her her to G12 + 2 I just have to decide if I give that gear to her or Anakin or Ezra (the're all G12 + 0) and they all need the same 2 gear)

    If you have a preference on who you would gear go ahead :smile:

    Jolee Bindo :

    I upgraded Jolee to 6*. He's now 6* 28/100 and I upgraded him to LV 85.
    Jolee 6* LV 85 G8 +4 0 Omega 0 Zeta
    I'm starting to farm is gear and I can level up is abilities to omega right now right? or do I wait until he's gear 10?

    Han Solo Raid :

    I was able to add the 2 stun gun and the 2 MK 8 and level him to G11
    Han Solo 7* LV 85 G11 +1 3 Omega 1 Zeta

    Genosian Spy :

    I upgraded him to G9 and he's almost gear 10.

    Genosian Spy 7* LV 85 G9 +4 0 Omega 0 Zeta

    Should I omega him ? all of is abilities? For the aggresive negotiations event?
  • Skywalkerr
    52 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    Anakin's Ship :

    I unlocked the ship and it's now 4* 11/65.
    I upgraded his ship to LV 85.

    ps : the first one is the caracther Ability LV and the 2 other one are the ship Ability Level
    Anakins Ship LV85 4*(LV 6/ LV 7 / LV 6) (Anakin G12 + 0)

    Even at 4* the ship is already my 8th best in term of power because of my Anakin G12.

    For Example in my fleet you told me to use TIE Advance x1 since it will do the same job

    Anakins Ship LV85 4*(LV 6/ LV 7 / LV 6) (Anakin G12 + 0) Total Power : 32914
    Vader Ship LV85 7* (LV 6 / LV 7 / LV 6) (Vader G10 +2) Total Power : 39201

    I could level up Anakin's abilities so LV 7-8 Etc. or would you recommend to wait until the ship is 6* or 7*?

    Where would you rank anakin ship in your list ?
    and little question..biggs KX9 laser cannon ability is not on your list does it mean that I shouldn't level it up to 8 ? or at least not before i'm done with all of does?
    • 1. Biggs (Daring Assault)
    • 2. Vader (Deadly Accuracy)
    • 3. Phantom (Sights Locked)
    • 4. Phantom (Slip Away)
    • 5. Cassian (Guerrilla Strike)
    • 6. Cassian (Infiltration Tactics)
    • #7 Ghost: Static Jammer
    • #8 Ghost: Attack All Angles
    • #9 Ghost: Seonsor Scrambler
    • #10 Cassian's U-Wing: Threat Assessment (requires g11 K-2)
    • #11 Ghost: Take 'Em Down
    Ewoks :

    Good progress on Ewoks
    Since May 1st :

    Now :
    • Teebo LV 53 G6 +5 (7* MAX)
    • Ewok Scout LV 50 G6 +5 (6* 31/100)
    • Ewok Elder LV 50 G6 +5 (6* 79/100)
    • Logray LV 53 G7 +5 (5* 12/85)
    • Paploo LV 52 G6 +4 (4* 64/65)
    • Chief Chirpa LV 52 G7 +4 (5* 59/85)

    Progression :
    • Teebo was 6* and now maxed (+33 Shards)
    • Scout + 1 shard
    • Elder + 76 Shards
    • Logray went from 4* to 5* (+ 20 shards)
    • Chief Chirpa went from 3* to 4* (+ 54 shards)
    • Pablo went from 4* to 5* (+ 60 shards)
  • MasterSeedy
    5222 posts Member
    GW Store:
    Is there any ship that I can skip ? let say Plo Koon or Resistance or I take any ship?

    Take all the ships. Plo Koon has maybe the 2rd best reinforcement ability in the game, maybe even best. He AoE cleanses ALL debuffs on your squad and then gives a large amount of health and protection back to all your other ships at once and is the only ship in the game that can do this either as a reinforcement or in play. Even if your pilot is low gear, it doesn't matter, because the point is to save all your powerful ships from the brink of destruction. He even has an ability that allows you to give a taunt to any ship you want, so you bring Plo in, gain all the health & prot, then give taunt to any ship you want (even Plo's) and that can help you a ton more than bringing in your 3rd best attacker in the middle of a fleet with 17 debuffs and next-to-no health left.

    The point of Plo isn't to be a monster ship. The point of Plo is that you can use him to save all the ships you really invested in (both ship and pilot).

    So... no. Def. don't skip Plo.

    But also don't skip any ship in the GW store. 7* all of them. They're all needed at some point or other for specific events or factions. Jedi Consular is used in the GAS event, for instance, etc. etc. etc. If you wait until you need a specific ship for a specific event, you might find that it's one of the ships that shows up rarely in the GW store. If you're always collecting, right from the beginning, then you'll have the ship ready (or near ready). But if you didn't buy them from the beginning, you'll find that it's taking too long to wait for the blueprints to show up in GW Store, and you'll end up using much more valuable currencies elsewhere when you could have had it done with GW Tokens only if you took the longer view.

    So, yeah. Buy ALL the ships that the GW Store offers.

    The rest of your thinking on GW Store is fine - agree.

    Cantina Store:
    Not Completed :
    Mob Enforcer,
    Jedi Knight Guardian,
    Jawa Scavenger,
    Ship Building Materials,
    T4 Enhancement Droid,

    Agree Daka is the priority.

    I wouldn't ever buy Ship Building Materials or T4 Enhancement Droids. Never. If you finish everything in the store, then just buy U-Wing blueprints and turn then into Shard Shop currency. They'll get you a couple salvage of some gear you actually need, which is better than Ship Building materials which, by the time you finish everything, should be coming in steadily and are expensive to purchase with tokens. The amount of SBM you gain just isn't worth as much as 2 stun gun salvage would be.

    Also, and this is just me, but a couple of those characters have multiple sources that make them not very worth buy-in in the store. So, when I was faced with this situation earlier in my playing days, I bought things up to 6* so that if I ever really needed the toon finished quickly, I wasn't so far away, but after 6* I relied on other sources. So my Cantina list for you, post-data would be this:
    Not Completed :
    Jawa Scavenger,
    Stromtrooper ===> only to 6*
    Jedi Knight Guardian ===> only to 6*
    U-Wing blueprints FOREVER ...unless they suddenly announce a new event requiring JKG or ST and you don't have them finished yet, or unless they add a new toon to this store. But then right back to U-Wing blueprints FOREVER.

    which one are just awful so we don't farm them?

    I cut Mob Enforcer, SBMs, and training droids. JKG is more of an "in case" farm. She's almost bad enough never to farm, ever, but farming toons take a long time, and although gearing all the way to Relic takes a while, it doesn't take as long as the farm itself. For that reason, I prefer a "collect em all, just don't give them any gear" approach to most bad toons. You never know when you'll get caught without a needed toon.

    That said, the odds of ever needing JKG are quire low, so skipping JKG completely and relying on the long, slow process of random Bronzium bonuses and other event shards is good enough for a lot of people. That's more a matter of style than a matter of good advice. My style would be to take JKG to 6*, but I'm not saying that my style is better than anybody else. It's just how I do it. Other people could tell you to skip that character and they'd have their own good reasons for doing so.

    Squad Arena Store:
    Cassian 4* 8/65
    IG-88 3* 19/30
    Nute Gunray 0* 60/80
    HK-47 0* 27/80

    Not Completed:
    Build up a reserve of 6k-10k Arena Tokens
    Chief Nebit
    Savage Opress
    Eeth Koth
    ****Coruscant Underworld Police
    Prestige FOREVER

    This is a good list, and a good order. By the time you could be spending on credits, the credit crunch will be eased up a lot. I keep a good reserve or Arena Tokens (about 12-20k these days) and I spend more on shards of completed toons to get Shard Shop currency than I do on Prestige. But that's because I build up such a huge reserve of prestige that I still have 3k left with only 1 capital ship left to unlock. I might never feel any prestige crunch ever again. But at your level? You have 8 cap ships to max out. If you ever get to the point where you should be buying shards instead of prestige, it's because you've been playing the game for years and you don't need my advice anymore.

    None of the toons in the 2nd group are important enough right away that you can't build up a reserve of a few thousand Tokens. Why do it this way? Because if you spend all your tokens as you get them, then later figure out hat you really need Savage Opress b/c of some rework or event or something, then you have to start from 0 tokens. If it turns out that it's Nebit that you need in a hurry, you can always quick-spend those Arena Tokens on Nebit anyway. But if it turns out to be something else (including Prestige) that you need in a hurry because of some new announcement, it's way better to have saved up tokens than have spent them all on toons that are helpful to have, but not really necessary.

    Note Ugnaught & CUP. These are luxury toons. You could skip farming them altogether, but a lot of people feel a sense of pride at getting these two toons in particular b/c they're so bad. It's a way of saying, Look, I've done so well, I could afford to waste Tokens on this junk. I must be doing pretty great, right?

    I don't know if you'll feel that sense of pride. I collected them, but that was years ago when there weren't as many other things to spend my Arena Tokens on (including not having nearly as many CapShips who needed prestige).

    Anyway, skip 'em if you want. Get em if you want, but they're not really necessary and although any toon might someday be needed for an event (because CG loves to force you to get and gear bad toons as a necessary step for getting good toons), the odds with those two toons (like the odds for Mob Enforcer) are low. If you skip them, you can move to collecting prestige earlier, and the odds are more than 99% that prestige will be of more practical value.

    But on the other hand, once you start collecting prestige, there's no real limit - 8 cap ships require about 15k total prestige, and this is not a quick source. So it can give you more practical help in the game, but once you choose it, you're probably choosing never to collect Ug and CUP - at least never through the store.

    Fleet Store:
    Fleet Store :
    Slave 1
    Umbarran Fighter
    Sun Fac Ship

    When you're done with all those :
    Rex Ship
    Zam Wessel
    Tusken Shaman
    Scarif Pathfinder
    Zeta mats forever

    That was a pretty good list, but I did forget PDX-wing, you're right. Bistan's U-Wing also can be helpful (a lot of people swear by it), but it's no good without Bistan, who is a low-priority toon. It's just not good enough for me to worry about moving both a ship and a lousy toon over other priorities. So... yeah, collect them, but after other things and not using an income as precious as Fleet which can buy your zeta mats.

    If you have other sources for Sun Fac, it's still good to save as much Fleet income as possible for zeta mats, but if you decide you want to hurry Sun Fac along, you can add him to that list. The others already have good sources elsewhere.

    Any of the not completed list to add to the farming list?
    Not Completed :
    Resistance Pilot
    Plo Koon
    Bistan U-Wing
    Gauntlet Starfighter
    Plo Koon
    Sun Fac
    First Order Tie Pilot
    TIE Fighter Pilot
    First Order TIE Fighter
    Imperial TIE Fighter
    Poe Dameron's X-wing

    So the updated list is like this:
    Fleet Store :
    Slave 1
    Umbarran Fighter
    Sun Fac Ship
    Optional, but a high priority if you decide to purchase: Sun Fac
    ***also, special note: you put Sun Fac on both your completed and your not completed lists. I'm not sure how that happened, but obviously if you're done with Sun Fac, you no longer have this dilemma.

    When you're done with all those :
    Rex Ship
    Zam Wessel
    Tusken Shaman
    Scarif Pathfinder
    Zeta mats forever
  • MasterSeedy
    5222 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    Guild Shipment Store
    Current Priorities:
    1. Logray
    2. Pablo
    3. Ewok Elder

    Okay, let me say that Guild Shipments is a HUGE source of important gear, and switching back and forth between farming gear and farming toons is an art. At your stage in the game, I would definitely focus on toons first, but never ever be afraid of taking a break to buy gear IF the following are true:

    1. It's needed for a toon that is extremely high priority for you. If it's not in the top2 toons you're trying to gear, it's probably not worth buying gear here until you get farther along in your farms. If it's not in the top3 toons you're trying to gear, it's DEFINITELY not worth buying until you're further along in character farms.
    2. You're buying specific gear that's a good deal in this store and hard to get and/or unavailable in other places. This means that if it's not gear on the top row (g11 finishers) or a Mk5 Droid Caller or Mk5 Fusion Furnace, then it's probably not worth it.
    3. If you're extremely time crunched trying to finish up a toon for an event or before a round of GAC starts AND ALSO it's Carbantis or Mk3 Holos or Mk5 Thermal Detonators OR other gear that appears in the same spots as Droid Callers and Fusion Furnaces (the left-two spots on the row below Carbantis & Mk3 Holos), go ahead and by them. But again, this is only for your top 2 (maybe 3) toons and only when extremely time crunched.

    other people might have other ways of balancing when to buy gear, but because you ALWAYS need gear, using this store for gear can be a trap. There's no way to finish your farms if you buy all the gear first. But it's not like this is the only method useful to stop yourself from spending so much on gear that you can't buy shards. This is just the balancing method that works for me.

    Later, when your farms are done or almost done, you can spend a much larger percent of your income on gear in this store.
    Would you add any of those to the list ?
    Colonel Stark
    Resistance Trooper
    Zam Wesell
    Nightsister Acolyte
    Tusken Shaman
    Sith Assassin
    B2 Super Battle Droid

    Others Not Completed :
    Young Han Solo
    First Order SF TIE Pilot
    First Order SF TIE Fighter
    Jawa Engineer
    Gamorrean Guard
    Aayla Secura
    Kit Fisto
    Ima-Gun Di

    After the Ewoks, I'd get these, in this order:
    Colonel Stark
    Sith Assassin
    B2 Super Battle Droid
    Snowtrooper ==> to 6* only
    Resistance Trooper ==> to 6* only
    Young Han Solo
    First Order SF TIE Pilot
    First Order SF TIE Fighter
    Jawa Engineer
    Zam Wesell ==> to 6* only
    Nightsister Acolyte ==> to 6* only
    Tusken Shaman
    Aayla Secura
    Ima-Gun Di
    Kit Fisto

    Remember, again, that faction importance can cause you to bump some things up in priority. FOSFTP and FOSFTF could bump up near the top quite quickly if you were working on Finalizer CapShip and you haven't gotten to them yet.

    also, I suspect that some of the toons that I would boost only up to 6* will already be 6* by the time you get to them. That's fine. There are other sources for those toons, and you need to be able to spend on gear.

    I'd ditch Gamorrean Guard completely, but you might choose to collect it for the same reason as CUP and Ug. Colonel Starck isn't a great toon, by the way, but IIRC he's required for at least one mission, which makes him more of a priority than he would be if he had to earn his way up the list on merit.

    Any time after you get all the toons above Young Han Solo, you can choose to switch to a more gear-heavy approach to this store. But it's just as valid to keep plugging most of your income into shards until you're down to Tusken Shaman.

    The Jedi, of course, are all valuable in their element, but not for a long, long time. Mainly, when you want them, you want them for extra fights and filling platoons in LightSide GeoTB, and you're a long, long way from LSGTB mattering to your strategy. Until then, there are much better Jedi to work on. (I still think Aayla is tragically underrated, but no matter what you do, you're going to have plenty of Jedi, so you can't justify spending on her too soon).

    Guild Event Store

    I stand by what I said. No Director Krennic. He's not near valuable enough even to spend a little bit in a situation where you're trying to finish him off quickly.

    Do remember that Sabine, Sun Fac, & Baze should NOT get the bulk of their shards here. In fact, ideally you wouldn't spend on them at all. But they are toons that are important enough that you might justify spending a little on them to rush them at the end. If you bought more than 50 shards of any of these toons from this store, you Definitely did it wrong. And if you bought more than 20 shards of any of these toons from this store you probably did it wrong.

  • MasterSeedy
    5222 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    Energy clarifying questions:
    If I unlock Jolee 3* in Fleet where would you rank him ? In front or behind anakin?

    I'd shoot him straight to the top of the list, unless Anakin was only like 10-15 away from completing a star. In that case, use your judgement. Are you using Anakin in fleet a lot at that point? Probably better to finish that star. But then Jolee jumps to the top of the list.
    Where do IG-2000 and Xanadu Blood fit in my yellow energy priorities?

    Good catch, I didn't list those, did I? I would do them right after Zaalbar.

    ...also, something that occurred to me that I should say: On Cantina energy, the three toons above Brood Alpha are all there for Darth Revan. Brood Alpha is the kind of toon that transforms Geos when used as a leader. There's a good case to be made for doing Brood Alpha first.

    So if you find yourself getting to the point where you're gearing up all your Geos for Fleet and you haven't started farming BA, well, you should think about bumping BroodAlpha to the top of that list. The decision is a bit complex and it isn't an easy one, whether to prioritize BA-Geos or whether to drive hard for Darth Revan. But you should at least think about moving BA up if you're getting to the point of seriously gearing all your Geo Pilots (SF, Soldier & Spy) even if you haven't started gearing Poggle yet.

    About characters & progress:

    Congrats on Ventress. I continue to do what you're doing by holding back that G12 gear. Don't give it to anyone for a while. You're not even close to getting relics on anyone, so saving it and retaining your flexibility to meet changing needs is probably more important than the bonus you'll get in your fights using those toons if you equipped the gear now.

    Jolee: Great progress! I would drop the Omegas whenever as long as you don't fall below a reserve of 20 omegas. Keep 20 on hand at all times so that they're ready for your zeta abilities (which always require at least 10 omegas) or for something you suddenly realize you desperately need. This can happen with events, where an omega that doesn't seem important in most fights becomes important to defeat a certain boss or level. Save the zeta for G10 minimum, though. Only Veers is an exception to that rule.

    Raid Han & GeoSpy are looking good! Definitely Omega all GeoSpy's abilities as soon as you can. This means even before Jolee. You probably won't use Jolee in your Arena squad until g11, and it will take Jolee long enough to get up to g11 that you should be able to get more Omegas by then.

    Anakin's Starfighter:
    I could level up Anakin's abilities so LV 7-8 Etc. or would you recommend to wait until the ship is 6* or 7*?

    I'd wait until 5* and see how he's doing compared to Vader in Power. If he's better than Vader at that point, then go ahead and Omega his Basic ("Locked On") and then his AoE ("Impeding Assault") right after the Phantom's "Slip Away" ability. If he's not better than Vader, then wait until 6* and compare again. Once he's better than Vader, you can put him on the priority list (at the top at that point, if you're already done with "Slip Away" by then). If it takes him til 7*, then it takes until 7* and that's okay. Neither of those ships has Rebel synergy, so you don't want to spend on their abilities too early.

    and little question..biggs KX9 laser cannon ability is not on your list does it mean that I shouldn't level it up to 8 ? or at least not before i'm done with all of does?

    I have one of the top 5, maybe even top 2 fleet inventories in my guild, and every single one of us is over 4M. I'm at 5.4M and a couple of my guild mates are at 6M. I have 80 or 90 ship omega materials sitting in my inventory right now waiting for the right use. And...?

    ... I still don't have that Biggs ability Omega'd. You're only going to be using Biggs for so long before Hound's tooth is better. When Hound's tooth is better, you use him NO MATTER WHAT FACTION you run. Rebels? Drop in HT. Separatists/Geos? Drop in HT. He is so much better than every other tank in the game that no matter what faction you run, you'll always want HT. So even with rebels, there just comes a natural limit to how far you want to upgrade Biggs' ship.

    Remember that Omegas will never be so numerous that you get to Omega everything. Biggs' speciality isn't dealing damage, it's being a Tank. So putting an Omega on his damage-dealing ability is just not important enough to ever reach top-priority for ship omegas. I mean, I could go omega it right now, but since I never use his ship anymore, why?

    For anyone who plays this game, it seems like you just want to spend as fast as you get things, because there are always so many things to accomplish, but this is a good reminder that spending on your best ship NOW isn't necessarily a good thing. Sometimes it's better to limp along with a mediocre ship you haven't even maxed out than it is to max out a mediocre ship and then lack the materials to max out your new, excellent ship right away the moment you unlock it.

    Not spending resources on something even though you could get an improvement **right now** is one of the hardest things in the game. But if it means when you unlock a major new ship or toon that you have the resources to take it to max right away instead of waiting for weeks, then you get a huge advantage for several weeks instead of small advantages for marginal toons - even if those advantages would have lasted for months instead of weeks, toons you use less often or are less needed or that don't give as much benefit for the resources spent (e.g. a lousy zeta vs. a good zeta), the total advantage you get probably won't come close to the benefit you get from maxing that supertoon or supership right away.

    Post edited by MasterSeedy on
  • Options
    Finally, nice work on your ewoks!
    Teebo LV 53 G6 +5 (7* MAX)
    Ewok Scout LV 50 G6 +5 (6* 31/100)
    Ewok Elder LV 50 G6 +5 (6* 79/100)
    Logray LV 53 G7 +5 (5* 12/85)
    Paploo LV 52 G6 +4 (4* 64/65)
    Chief Chirpa LV 52 G7 +4 (5* 59/85)

    Remember that there's an event that earns you free Wicket shards that comes around 1x every month (usually, but sometimes you get an extra event thrown in). Now, it just happened a couple days ago, so you probably have 3 weeks or a bit more, but you can beat that event and start making progress towards Wicket if you can just do the following:
    Bring all Ewoks you're going to use up to G8+0
    Then meet specific requirements for specific ewoks:
    Ewok Elder => Level 80, Omega the "Power of the Forest" resurrection ability
    Chirpa ==> Level 80, Omega "Ancestral Secrets" and "Tribal Unity" (the two Special abilities) and get LV7 on leadership
    Paploo ==> Level 75 minimum (more is better for health, even up to 85 if you can manage it) and LV7 all abilities
    Scout ==> Level 76, Omega basic ("Ewok Ambush") (level 80 and Omega all abilities is helpful, but don't do it unless you try the event and fail multiple times). Even the Omega on the basic should be considered optional for your first couple of attempts. If you can finish without it, that's much better, because you pretty much never need Scout again after this event. This event gives you Wicket, and Wicket replaces Scout for everything else.

    And one of the following 2 characters (I prefer Logray, but do what you want or what seems easiest for gear):
    Teebo ==> Level 80, Omega Basic (Stealth Takedown). Don't omega leadership, but bring to Level 7. In some circumstances Teebo's lead is more effective than Chirpa's. I don't think this is the case with this event, but if you're going to level Teebo, you might as well bring the leadership to level 7 and have 3 omega materials ready in case you feel frustrated and want to try the event with a different leader
    Logray ==> Level 78, Omega basic ("Mystical Strike") and first special ("Hypnotize"). Level 7 on other two abilities. Note that an omega on the 2nd special ("Prophetic Visions") is very helpful, but requires Level 80 and you probably don't need it for this event.

    Now, if you don't get all of the recommended gear, levels, and ability increases, but you've made good progress (at least 2-3 at g8 and at least level 75 for everyone) you should still try it. It's been so long since I first did that event, I really don't know for sure what the true minimum gear/level/ability requirements are.

    But still, this is what I'd recommend, and the only possible waste is if you send up spending a bit too much on Scout or if you end up using Teebo and don't need Teebo later for anything. That's a concern, but not that much of one, since we're talking about (at most) 2 recommended omegas , nobody over level 80, and no super valuable gear. Everything else will be used again (and again and again) in GAC and also in Threepio's event.
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