sidius auto revive

Happened to me 3 times in same battle in gw. Just letting you know


  • Lianara
    740 posts Member
    Without Daka ?
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    I had Dook do it too, no reviving character was on the other team, figured it was a glitch but no big deal........Yet
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    daka was in form for mine but no use of her heal. Then today I had Boba come back multiple times too
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    you know Daka has 2 revive abilities? one active that also heals your team, and one passive that always kicks in when someone dies
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    truth2500 wrote: »
    daka was in form for mine but no use of her heal. Then today I had Boba come back multiple times too

    Boba has a revive ability.
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