Padme Squad

Ok, so I finally reached level 85 today and I have most of my Padme team ready. So I was wondering about how to mod Padme and what the turn order would be. I am talking about the Padme team with GK, JKA, Asokha, and C3PO. I know what zetas to do so I am good on that, but I just wanted some advice on modding and turn order. Thanks!


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    Froggyogy wrote: »
    Ok, so I finally reached level 85 today and I have most of my Padme team ready. So I was wondering about how to mod Padme and what the turn order would be. I am talking about the Padme team with GK, JKA, Asokha, and C3PO. I know what zetas to do so I am good on that, but I just wanted some advice on modding and turn order. Thanks!

    You’ve got all that by level 85? How?
    I’m curious because I’m level 68, and farming Separatists, so I’ll get Padme too. That’s very impressive that you have Kenobi and C3PO.
    Do you have a account that you could share so I can see your account/collection?
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    Oh no, I do not have C3PO or Kenobi yet, I am close though, lmao. I will have them both in a month. So I just wanted to plan ahead, especially since my current squad is Padme, JKA, Asokha, Fives, and Yoda. Here is my
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    Froggyogy wrote: »
    Oh no, I do not have C3PO or Kenobi yet, I am close though, lmao. I will have them both in a month. So I just wanted to plan ahead, especially since my current squad is Padme, JKA, Asokha, Fives, and Yoda. Here is my

    Got it lol. I understand about the planning ahead part. I notice we have very similar teams, but do you recommend I drop Poggle for Asajj Ventress? That’s what I was planning on doing, so I can get some more damage output for Padme’s event. Thoughts?
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    Actually yes, I do. I put effort into my current separatist team mainly because I did not know what I was doing lol. But having Asajj at Gear 12 makes the Padme event not that hard, especially if you have other good characters to go along with her. Additionally, farming her up also gets you one character closer to GAS. You should check out some of the youtubers like AhnaldT101 for some advice on that.
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    Froggyogy wrote: »
    Actually yes, I do. I put effort into my current separatist team mainly because I did not know what I was doing lol. But having Asajj at Gear 12 makes the Padme event not that hard, especially if you have other good characters to go along with her. Additionally, farming her up also gets you one character closer to GAS. You should check out some of the youtubers like AhnaldT101 for some advice on that.

    Sweet. Asajj should help a lot, she does good damage and can stun. Getting GAS is my ultimate goal, so I’ll have a head start on the droids and Asajj for that.
    I think I’ll start farming some Ewoks, although idk if I can get Logray.
    Yeah, I like watching AhnaldT101 videos.
  • Old_Ben12345
    399 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    Any tips for me?
    Here's my account

    EDIT: sorry I kinda distracted this page from your question
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    You are looking pretty good so far! Don't farm Ewoks yet until you absolutely finish your separatists and by finish I mean 7 star or very very close. I kind of jumped ahead of myself and right now my separatist team is all 7star except Dooku, and since I farmed ewoks on hard nodes and cantina before finishing Dooku and on top of that also farming Droideka and Jango, I don't know when I will get back to Dooku. But buy any ewoks in the guild store, those are farms that won't interfere with your separatists. Also, Ahnald has a video he put out I think 1 or 2 months ago covering a solid F2P Farming Guide, I used as a base for how I wanted to move forward. You should watch it, you obviously don't have to follow exactly the way he does it, you can do it however you like, but I definitely recommend watching it. And don't worry about distracting the thread, I always love to help and I am talking with my guild mates about it too.
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    Froggyogy wrote: »
    You are looking pretty good so far! Don't farm Ewoks yet until you absolutely finish your separatists and by finish I mean 7 star or very very close. I kind of jumped ahead of myself and right now my separatist team is all 7star except Dooku, and since I farmed ewoks on hard nodes and cantina before finishing Dooku and on top of that also farming Droideka and Jango, I don't know when I will get back to Dooku. But buy any ewoks in the guild store, those are farms that won't interfere with your separatists. Also, Ahnald has a video he put out I think 1 or 2 months ago covering a solid F2P Farming Guide, I used as a base for how I wanted to move forward. You should watch it, you obviously don't have to follow exactly the way he does it, you can do it however you like, but I definitely recommend watching it. And don't worry about distracting the thread, I always love to help and I am talking with my guild mates about it too.

    Alright, I’ll hold off on most Ewoks for now. I watched that farming guide video, and that’s basically what I’m doing, although I am leaving out the Phoenix part, it feels wrong to me to go back and do them, feels like going backwards, and if I’m going to get them so early, then why did I start with Separatists and not just go for them? I have a thread here called “Phoenix Team?” where I talk with some people about this. Anyway, thanks for your help, and to answer the original question, all I know is Ahsoka is modded for mostly offense and critical chance and damage. Also health, the whole team needs lots of health I think.
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    Thanks!! I’ll wait to farm some Ewoks. I have watched that farming guide and that’s basically what I am doing, although I am taking out the Phoenix part. There is a thread called “Phoenix Team?” where I talk with some people about it. Thanks for your help and good luck!
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    Yeah, I took at the Phoenix Part too lol, don't really want to farm them. I basically just reordered the entire thing too. Also, make sure you are farming ships while you work on those separatists. Once you get to lvl 78 you will unlock the ability mat challenge in ships where you can farm zeta mats, really important. Good luck!
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    Don't underestimate the C3PO event. You will need Chirpa's zeta
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    Oh yeah, for sure, I know my ewoks are not ready yet, I won't get them above Gear 8 except for Paploo and Elder, but my focus right now is unlocking the legendary characters, and then I will later go back and 7 star them. Thanks for the advice though!
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    Don't underestimate the C3PO event. You will need Chirpa's zeta

    To be clear, C3PO’s event can be done without Logray, right? He’s really tough to get, much less 7 stars.
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    Yes it can, but the best squad would be Chirpa, Wicket, Logray, Paloo, Elder, any other variation is tough but doable, either way to get 7 star C3PO it is a decision between high gear ewoks no zetas, or Gear 8-10 ewoks with Chirpa zeta. And anyways, I suggest farming up Logray, he will make the event much easier, especially since he has a mini Illuminated Destiny.
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