#1 in arena! A inside look on the FTP team



  • JoshG
    908 posts Member
    Old_Tallen wrote: »
    Naso wrote: »
    I can wreck your team anytime in defence and offence with Yoda. Period.

    But gz for #1

    No, you can't, that's the point.

    Yoda in defence is utterly worthless.

    True. Not having much problems with yoda on offense. But like mentioned, my team is bad on defense.

    Defense is peanuts in this game bro. Don't sweat it, keep doing your thing and tweak it as needed with the coming changes.
  • Jit
    45 posts Member
    Thanks for all the feedback guy! Some mixed opinions, so here is what I think:
    Taking dookubas lead sounds like a good options. I feel like swapping him for phasma and putting him as lead is my best option. Someone mentioned i should replace poggle for dooku, but dooku's offense up is inconsistent. So i rather keep poggle and replace phasma with dooku and use him as lead.

    Also i chose sid over phasma because sids ability does better on AOE based teams if i temember right. I think @JohnnySteelAlpha did the calculations once? He played with AOE based teams allot if i recall correctly.

    Ps @JohnnySteelAlpha , whats your opinion about this team and thread? Any comments or feedback? :)

    Firstly congrats ! I remember when I became no.1 and it was an awesome feeling. Also with the changes coming up in the game... Your team might get even stronger.

    An advice to hold your rank (in case you would like to take it) try and use RG in your last match of the day.

    Also in your current team you could always swap Poggle for QGJ. I use QGJ not for speed or lead ... Use him for offense up that you get when you use humbling blow on most buffed opponents. I use it all the time.

    All the best !

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    Thanks for all the feedback guy! Some mixed opinions, so here is what I think:
    Taking dookubas lead sounds like a good options. I feel like swapping him for phasma and putting him as lead is my best option. Someone mentioned i should replace poggle for dooku, but dooku's offense up is inconsistent. So i rather keep poggle and replace phasma with dooku and use him as lead.

    Also i chose sid over phasma because sids ability does better on AOE based teams if i temember right. I think @JohnnySteelAlpha did the calculations once? He played with AOE based teams allot if i recall correctly.

    Ps @JohnnySteelAlpha , whats your opinion about this team and thread? Any comments or feedback? :)

    Looks good to me, nice build. Poggle giving AOE offense up is huge. You'll have to keep in mind many forum users don't utilize AOE or AOE themed characters because individual AOEs do not really do tremendous damage, so they seemed to have turned away from them. Some of the comments in here just seem pretty uninformed and not familiar with the general AOE approach. I've been communicating AOE-heavy teams can beat these cannons / dps guys for months, but it just doesn't register. What you're doing is working so keep it up and if others don't find value in it, their loss :)

    Sid is unquestionably a better leader than Phasma since you want as much aoe damage spread out across all enemies.

    Kylo maxed can crit with offense up and a Sid leader at 5.5k or so and so can Sid. Those two all alone could kill Rey and Jinn for example - or Dooku. Kylo has a counter ability and a high damage single target ability - he's a very versatile and deadly attacker. Phasma is fantastic as leader or not - she controls the speeds in both rounds (I actually use speed down AOE first and then her adv special in rd. 2, which puts me ahead of the enemy for follow-up turns).

    Yoda though in a D slot can give it problems - actually he's one of the most troublesome toons to attack. If he hits poggle and yanks his meter, pushing him after Kylo, that's an issue. I went away from relying on Poggle, and instead just built more AOEs to stuff in the team to have more swings. 4 non-offense up AOEs with a Sid leader have a high rate to kill speed teams hiding behind a tuanter and 5 is a no brainer.

    Various AOEs that I have maxed that I like to use depending on opponent (always use Sid leader):

    Vader (5*, but when DoTs killed he was the master of this build)
    JKA (he's a beast in an AOE build with his passive and strong aoe)

    Working on Magmatrooper right now as he looks really good - fits the bulky aoe theme very well. Ways to go on him though he's only 4*. I have DM maxed too, but he's way too squish to reliably take damage.

    The one I like using best is Sid lead, Yoda, (Sid and Yoda are so fast they get their hits off), Snowtrooper, Kylo, and Phasma. I like JKA a lot, but if I'm facing Sid or Dooku, I'm nervous using a second Jedi there. If those two aren't in the picture, move him up in place of Snowtrooper. Phasma I feel is critical for her meter control (speed down and then VM).

    You can also use Old Ben as a 5th "aoe" - you can then drop Phasma and insert a higher damage AOE character.

    Glad you got #1 - congrats.
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    Nice write up @SubjectZero ! Thanks for the insights and congrats!!!
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    That team is not bad. It doesn't look like much, but crits very hard, slows your team, is tanky and with offense up and advantage plus all the TM gains every char does it's job well. A traditional fast team that isn't the absolute best may lose to this team..in fact many combinations can lose against it. I've seen this setup with Han + Poe and was also scary..Poe, Han, Poogle, Phasma, Kylo...and many like variants. It should be underpowered and easy and then too much manipulation happens that you are very much wondering wth has just happened
  • Options
    Thanks for the replies guys! Also thanks @JohnnySteelAlpha, gave me some cool insights from things I could try. Really wondering how magmatrooper is gonna be. He seems amazing for aoe team. Could you keep me posted about your AOE experience and progress?

    Also got geo to 7*. Makes handeling droid teams with poe very posiblle now.

    On a small note, finishes 1st again today, which is nice.
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