Level 80 before fixes?

15 posts Member
edited March 2016
-Assists still calling stunned chars
-stunned char dodges
-3 viable leader options for top 10
-NO diversity
-matches last 30 sec
-more bugged chars than i can list here
-just stupid amounts of mats needed to gear (purple hairdryers anyone?)
-broken ai
-no defense teams
-arbitrary leader boards
-no shard names/forums
-should i go on?

But yea, lets raise that level cap to keep the money flowing in. Don't bother actually fixing the game before you add even more issues.

#EAgames strikes again.


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    Kolo_Roke wrote: »
    -should i go on?

    No I think between this and 10 similar threads we have it covered.
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    Only a few of the things you listed are actually bugs that need fixing. And really none of the things you listed will be impacted by a cap increase (I don't want a cap increase either, but it is not a huge deal).
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    DaysOfYore wrote: »
    Only a few of the things you listed are actually bugs that need fixing. And really none of the things you listed will be impacted by a cap increase (I don't want a cap increase either, but it is not a huge deal).

    Of course not. Nothing wrong with GS assist attacks on EVERY turn. Move along, nothing to see. This isn't the GS you are looking for.
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    Matches do not last 30 seconds in top arena. Much longer
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    I don't know the team size the devs have but if it's greater than about 1 then the fixes you are talking about and the character gear progression from 70-80 are probably implemented by different people.
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    Level cap increase will mean MO MONEY!
  • Mc1
    306 posts Member
    Just one question.......When the $&@#% do we get to fly an x-wing???????
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    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    Matches do not last 30 seconds in top arena. Much longer

    Yea, you obviously are not near the top. I place 1-6 daily and rarely see a match beyond 1 min.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    even on full auto out the gate, no match ends in 30 seconds. even if the ai was smart enough to focus down like a human player
    mighty chlorians
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    Dooku Lead
    Phasma Lead
    QGJ Lead
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    Yes I would prefer all bugs fixed before more are added but unfortunately not gonna happen.
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