Crashes during GL events no provision for ticket refund



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    No, this was a game crash and not a network issue. And I'm not sure why people are defending CG in this case. I am paying them money for an experience and not getting the experience I paid for. If I lose the event, that's on me. If the game crashes, that's on CG. People have said CG is trying to prevent abusing ticket refunds. It is VERY easy to see when someone is abusing refunds. They have your ally code and can very easily see how often you have reported issues.

    I am playing on an iPhone 10 which is by all means one of the few target devices for this application. This was during one of the phase transitions in the event and it sounds as though other people have experienced the same crash. As an event that is designed to make you want to spend money, there should be allowance for issues of this sort. If you pay extra to try the event, the expectation should by all means be on the developer to make sure you get a legitimate shot at the event.

  • Lozsta
    195 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    I get that error all the time. That error is separate from battle crashes, which I never get.

    Same here

    I used to get battle crashes like crazy last summer and then after one of their patches they just stopped.

    Now, for the past month or so, I get the spinning wheel or that connection error constantly.

    Fix your game CG

    While I agree that the connection errors should be fixed, whatever they are, my point related to the thread was that OP's complaint is almost certainly related to OP's device or signal, and not something that should be compensated.

    Except my thread is nothing to do with that. I had signal and my device is up to date, not storage overloaded, has 12 GB of RAM. My thread relates to losing tickets in an event that requires and incredible amount of investment to get the tickets. I have only had a couple of crashes recently (last couple of months), I am only doing these event when I am sure I have wifi and 4g signal, and I am following their troubleshooting guide about background apps. After having very little in the way of crashes today I had another issue, kylo just stood not taking his turn. Waited for several minutes, disconnected and reconnected the network and nothing worked. 70 tickets down the drain, except this time it was on bluestacks because I am so paranoid now that this event is bugged especially since the kylo buff.

    So continue to presume to know what my "complaint" was, when it was to do with the support mechanism from EA.
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    My game crashed today during a T6 battle vs Kylo. Rey went to use Lifeblood and the game locked up. The sound cut out, back in for a second, then reverted to a monotone buzzing noise. 70 tickets down the drain.

    I'm not even going to bother raising a ticket. I did so before for an issue that was practically the same (game freezing) and despite sending support the full logs from my device - including sections that were reporting errors - nothing came of it. That topic went on for pages and pages with numerous people suffering exactly the same problem across both Android and iOS and on many different devices.

    Sadly I can only conclude that CG lack either the expertise or the resource to actually bottom this bug out and develop a fix.

  • Quim
    665 posts Member
    edited July 2020
    Yeah the game is freezing and crashing constantly currently since the Tech Update in 09th July, the bugs report forum is full of these problems, maybe 30 or 40 threats about it and more everyday.

    This is happening is a lot of devices, specially Android devices, but also some iOS Apple devices. Specially is happening in Android emulators like BlueStacks, also I tried in MeMu and is the same. I tried make new instances to start from 0 data and happens always the same, constant freezes and crashes, specially if you use 2 accounts wit 2 instances at same time. Mostly I'm playin in my iPhone SE where is not happening these problems, I cannot play with BlueStacks currently. Happened to some youtubers like AhnaldT101, Its Just Ian during the stream, I think happened 3 times to Ahnald when he did a stream to show Threepio, and 1 time yesterday in the Its Just Ian stream, so is a general error.

    I hope they are workin on it, but again the communication is terrible, nobody said nothing about it, and in the bugs report forum the only thing that the administrators say is "clear your cache", "maybe is because of your connection", or "let's try a troubleshooting", they not say nothing interesting like "we reported this problem to developers" and maybe some days after some announcement saying "the developers are working in the freezes and crashes", but since 09th July nobody said nothing, the communication in this game is terrible. It happens in games like Fornite and we have an announcement 5 minutes later LOL not 5 weeks later when it seems is being to happen, or maybe 5 months later will be announced LOL
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    It sucks, but there’s just not a lot they can do. Fixing app crashes is a never ending battle. All apps have them. Sometimes its not even the apps fault, it’s the phones fault. Compensating for it would cause more problems than it would solve. I’ve lost a grand arena match solely because of a crash, so I do understand the anger it causes. But there’s just not really a good solution.
  • Options
    It sucks, but there’s just not a lot they can do. Fixing app crashes is a never ending battle. All apps have them. Sometimes its not even the apps fault, it’s the phones fault. Compensating for it would cause more problems than it would solve. I’ve lost a grand arena match solely because of a crash, so I do understand the anger it causes. But there’s just not really a good solution.

    It's just that the same event keeps crashing that costs you a lot to attempt and people would like it fixed so they don't have to be wasting tons and tons of energy farming GL tickets to attempt the event so it could just crash and steal their tickets.

    And losing one single GA match isn't a hug deal.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited July 2020
    Please make sure to report all bugs and issues to Answers HQ. Reports and discussions there can help highlight issues to help get them the attention they deserve.

    It may seem that a bug or issue is the same as something else, but without reports and all the information they ask for there is no way to know for sure.

    <<Answers HQ>>
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