team advice

my team includes
chewbacca 4*
luke 4*
luminara 4*
phasma 4*
talia 3*
any thoughts on how to make my team better.


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    Well you have the start of several different synergies going. What problems are you having and what level are you at?

    Luminara is a great healer to gear and easy to star up once you're farming GW daily. I use talia in pve but not arena and I dropped Chewie a while back for more damage but he pops in on GW sometimes. I don't have phasma or Luke but they seem ok. I imagine Luke would do better in a rebel team with leia.
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    You better step up your Talia before others. No amount of extra damage by Luke will compensate a Talia that's hit twice and now can heal and can't replenish fast enough with her Physical attack. So you now have only one healer, as Talia is only a healer when geared and stared up. For example, my Talia recharges 40% of any damage done, everytime, and only consumes 20% of her max health on Heals, and heals for a huge amount. A healer that hits hard is worth more than a heavy hitter and a healer that doesn't heal well, consumes 35% of her energy and can't replenish her HP pool.

    Sometimes it's not that much the team, but who tou level first and which Abilities you invest first. For Talia it's just he heal and primary attack. Forget the Special attack until you reach level 4 on the others.
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    I am starring up my Talia and I am happy with her. She does decent amount of damage and her heal is pretty good. Chewy ... i don't like him - not that he isn't good toon, but he does no damage, his taunt is not that effective like it was a week ago and there are plenty of options to replace him. As for Luke he deals good damage, but hi is a bit squishy - i would have used him if I didn't have DM. I see you promoted Phasma to 4* and i guess that was from GW Shipments. I think Lumi is better option to star up cuz her heal is massive and the damage she deals is outrageous. Perhaps you should consider staring up JC - at the later stages of the game he is viable and his heal has pretty low CD. I suggest you get Sid from Arena shipments - he is good and he is free, so pick him up and you will get some good times around.
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    Thanks for the replys will be getting sid have 50 shards
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    The strategy of "just upgrade what you got" works only so far. Dividing your efforts is not longterm benificial. Disclaimers out... You need to find one character (whoever that is) and build around that character to develop a viable strategy. That may mean NOT dumping everything into Chewy even if hes the best you have right now. Which of your characters do you want to highlight? Luke? Phasma? Talia? Whichever your choice, analize your strategy options around that. There are othet factors to consider but you have to build a strategy. For example:
    You have Luke. He is an easy Canteena farm, and a high damage dealer (something you're going to want at least 1 of in a typical team (specialized teams like counter attack or AoE may not run a high damage attacker)). Luke is a Rebel, so he synergizes through faction with Han, Ackbar, Leia, and a few other nameless. If you rule out Leia due to her chromium exclusive farm, that leaves you with Ackbar and Han. Both of these heroes are turn manipulators, with Han having a taunt and Ackbar having a situational heal and a dispel. Add in a real healer (Luminara for example, she also provides an ability block and is a high damage dealer) and someone with a slow or a buff, anyone really (say Poggle), and you have an amazing team with sunergy and all of the bases covered.
    Now, I'm not suggesting you build this team or focus on Luke, but just provided an example. If you were to build the example team, you would start to find that Luke isnt who you should be building a team around, but instead you need to build around Han. He synergizes into any team, and Luke is niche. Having a solid team (the example team), you may decide to drop ackbar and Luke and bring in the droids. Your team becomes flexible, allowing you to swap in and out one or two characters to change the teams strengths.
    The point is, you shouldnt just build into whatever you have. You build around someone until you have something and then you add to that something.
    "There is no 'try'." - Master Yoda
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    Pilot wrote: »
    The strategy of "just upgrade what you got" works only so far. Dividing your efforts is not longterm benificial. Disclaimers out... You need to find one character (whoever that is) and build around that character to develop a viable strategy. That may mean NOT dumping everything into Chewy even if hes the best you have right now. Which of your characters do you want to highlight? Luke? Phasma? Talia? Whichever your choice, analize your strategy options around that. There are othet factors to consider but you have to build a strategy. For example:
    You have Luke. He is an easy Canteena farm, and a high damage dealer (something you're going to want at least 1 of in a typical team (specialized teams like counter attack or AoE may not run a high damage attacker)). Luke is a Rebel, so he synergizes through faction with Han, Ackbar, Leia, and a few other nameless. If you rule out Leia due to her chromium exclusive farm, that leaves you with Ackbar and Han. Both of these heroes are turn manipulators, with Han having a taunt and Ackbar having a situational heal and a dispel. Add in a real healer (Luminara for example, she also provides an ability block and is a high damage dealer) and someone with a slow or a buff, anyone really (say Poggle), and you have an amazing team with sunergy and all of the bases covered.
    Now, I'm not suggesting you build this team or focus on Luke, but just provided an example. If you were to build the example team, you would start to find that Luke isnt who you should be building a team around, but instead you need to build around Han. He synergizes into any team, and Luke is niche. Having a solid team (the example team), you may decide to drop ackbar and Luke and bring in the droids. Your team becomes flexible, allowing you to swap in and out one or two characters to change the teams strengths.
    The point is, you shouldnt just build into whatever you have. You build around someone until you have something and then you add to that something.

    I see what you are saying, who did you build your team around?
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