Help: Best team for Dooku Lead

Which of following should I choose for Dooku (L) PvP team for DEFENSE (all 7* max gear lvl 70):


Working on RP & Ben, almost there. Daka is 7* but need few pieces of gear.

Really appreciate your input.

I read tons of posts. It seems RP and Rey is everyone's first choice. Then I hear Yoda and Ahsoka are good, but can't see how they synergy with Evasion team? Lumi gets Evasion buff from basic but on D, I rarely see her use it, battle is finished by third move :)
Sid is okay, but awful damage compared with other listed toons.


  • Options
    The only team in our server that I have huge problems with is (all maxed) dooku (L), Rey, (6*) RG, GS, lumi. I'd recommend you go with dooku, Rey, GS, RG and lumi. It's honestly a nightmare to play against.
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    Not many teams are particularly "good" of defence, it's up to the AI entirely. If you want to make a good defensive team you would have to throw together your QGJ/Dooku (L), Yoda, RG, Rey and GS.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • DrewN76
    566 posts Member
    Dooku yoda GS Rey RG is the best setup basically. I have FOTP no Rey and no yoda so I use Daka or lumi.
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    Arube wrote: »
    Not many teams are particularly "good" of defence, it's up to the AI entirely. If you want to make a good defensive team you would have to throw together your QGJ/Dooku (L), Yoda, RG, Rey and GS.

    Yes, AI is horrible. Second day straight, it starts with Dooku special on my...RG, lol

    What I'm really looking for is tons of RNG and tons of Evasion to frustrate people from attacking me. I have no time or desire to log in at 17:50 and frantically press "attach" button only to see "Your opponent is engaged in battle". And then see I've been deposed from No.1 by a team with exact same toons but two having 6* only.
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    The only team in our server that I have huge problems with is (all maxed) dooku (L), Rey, (6*) RG, GS, lumi. I'd recommend you go with dooku, Rey, GS, RG and lumi. It's honestly a nightmare to play against.

    How does Lumi fit in? In this setup, she takes spot of Yoda or QGJ or RP; and on face value they all seem to have an upper hand.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Rey/GS/RG alone will get you into top tier.

    Dooku leading with lumi is pretty good. Yoda for Lumi if you feel like you dont need heals.

    A faster team would be QGJ(L), Yoda, RG, GS, Rey.
    It would be considerably more stable than Dooku dodge gambling as well.
  • Options
    Arube wrote: »
    Not many teams are particularly "good" of defence, it's up to the AI entirely. If you want to make a good defensive team you would have to throw together your QGJ/Dooku (L), Yoda, RG, Rey and GS.

    Yes, AI is horrible. Second day straight, it starts with Dooku special on my...RG, lol

    What I'm really looking for is tons of RNG and tons of Evasion to frustrate people from attacking me. I have no time or desire to log in at 17:50 and frantically press "attach" button only to see "Your opponent is engaged in battle". And then see I've been deposed from No.1 by a team with exact same toons but two having 6* only.

    Then you are out of luck. Ai is just that bad. But the difference between 6 and 7 star is minimal.
  • DrewN76
    566 posts Member
    Dooku dodge for offense with yoda foresight to everyone is guaranteed offense up. Rey basically maintains every other round. Meaning for at least one round all that survive the initial rush are guaranteed a dodge, offense up and major damage in return. In the future FOTP gains advantage, giving a immediate crit, making him useful as well.
  • FuriousFrog
    118 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    The only team in our server that I have huge problems with is (all maxed) dooku (L), Rey, (6*) RG, GS, lumi. I'd recommend you go with dooku, Rey, GS, RG and lumi. It's honestly a nightmare to play against.

    How does Lumi fit in? In this setup, she takes spot of Yoda or QGJ or RP; and on face value they all seem to have an upper hand.

    Lumi seems to have a higher natural evasion rate then many other toons so she can be pretty hard to hit on a Dooku lead team. If she uses Force Blast when she has offense up she can do a huge amount to damage to one of your toons, particularly if it crits. Many people will use Lumi instead of one of the other toons you mentioned because Lumi is so easy to 7*. Sid on Dooku teams can be a real nightmare for QGJ + Yoda teams because his dodge chance against Jedi is well over 50%.

  • Dooku_for_days
    2907 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    @Mol_Eliza_99999 she heals at the most annoying time. You think you've got RG below 50% health and bang lumi heals him above it again. Her dodge and ability block are great too. Plus, yoda and QGJ lose effectiveness when QGJ isn't and the leader spot.
  • Options
    The only team in our server that I have huge problems with is (all maxed) dooku (L), Rey, (6*) RG, GS, lumi. I'd recommend you go with dooku, Rey, GS, RG and lumi. It's honestly a nightmare to play against.

    How does Lumi fit in? In this setup, she takes spot of Yoda or QGJ or RP; and on face value they all seem to have an upper hand.

    Lumi seems to have a higher natural evasion rate then many other toons so she can be pretty hard to hit on a Dooku lead team. If she uses Force Blast when she has offense up she can do a huge amount to damage to one of your toons, particularly if it crits. Many people will use Lumi instead of one of the other toons you mentioned because Lumi is so easy to 7*. Sid on Dooku teams can be a real nightmare for QGJ + Yoda teams because his dodge chance against Jedi is well over 50%.

    I have lumi on my Dooku lead team. She Crit for 9.4k on her blast earlier.
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    Sid is awesome with Dooku lead vs. Jedi teams. He dodges more than a politician in a debate.
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    Jedi2407 wrote: »
    Sid is awesome with Dooku lead vs. Jedi teams. He dodges more than a politician in a debate.

    Haha love it
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    I don't know I'm thinking of going with plasma instead of lumi for the fund.

    I got Doku(L) Rey GS RG -PHASMA-

    I usually run LEA or Lumi. I've tried Ben too... It's all the same I still lose on AI and easily win on offense with any Combo. But advantage + turn meter gain is so sweet....much more fun!
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    When did RG become part of this meta? I must have missed that memo.
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    I would go Dooku, Rey, Yoda, RP and GS. Good speed and good DPS. And lots of dodging.
    Maybe change RP for RG.
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    I have not had luck with either Lumi or RG (granted only 5*). I use Dooku (L) Rey RP GS Daka. All 7* except 6* Rey. Since most of the glass cannons can be 1 shotted by QGJ, I like to think that Daka's RNG revive is more of a deterrent that RG. And with no Jedi, Sid and Dooku aren't as much of a problem.
  • Options
    All, thanks for input on composition. I guess the 4 toons are more or less same with almost every alternative:
    Dooku (L)
    RG (some may debate, but I like his auto taunt and stuns)
    Which leaves 5th spot up for grabs, with these favorites
    QGJ (I use him to dispel RG taunt)

    Will post this as a poll
  • lunarwolf
    357 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    if you use RG you need a healer otherwise RG is just taking up a spot imo, because he is not hard to burn down. I burn RG teams daily, he doesn't stun nearly as much as dooku or daka, and does no dmg. sure his auto taunt make him the a good tank, but honestly I hate Poe more because of his debuff

    defensive is useless because the way AI plays. best to have big hitter team and snipe if you are worried about keeping Arena rank + Dooku OP dodge is good enough that you don't need a tank

    instead of yoda (ai doent play him very well tbh) to be even sneakier get Leia - I absolutely hate her when she chain hits and burns anything while hidden. Leia and Rey are the ones i hate facing the most, esp when they are accompanied by other big hitters w/ assists like GS and QGJ. it can get ugly fast

    I haven't tried teebo, but he could be a nightmare character if he starts to stealth other toons. i am not sure how is stealth mechanics work. I have him at lvl 2 since i don't use tanks. I haven't seen him much, I just remember playing him once w/ ewok elder, scout, datcha and leia and I felt like I was playing whack a mole.

    my 2 cents
    Post edited by lunarwolf on
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    lunarwolf wrote: »
    if you use RG you need a healer otherwise RG is just taking up a spot imo, because he is not hard to burn down. I burn RG teams daily, he doesn't stun nearly as much as dooku or daka

    This is soo wrong I actually had to login again to comment. :(
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    try doku, sid, resistence pilot and two others
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    lunarwolf wrote: »
    if you use RG you need a healer otherwise RG is just taking up a spot imo, because he is not hard to burn down. I burn RG teams daily, he doesn't stun nearly as much as dooku or daka, and does no dmg. sure his auto taunt make him the a good tank, but honestly I hate Poe more because of his debuff

    defensive is useless because the way AI plays. best to have big hitter team and snipe if you are worried about keeping Arena rank

    instead of yoda (ai doent play him very well tbh) to be even sneakier get Leia - I absolutely hate her when she chain hits and burns anything while hidden

    I haven't tried teebo, but he could be a nightmare character if he starts to stealth other toons. i am not sure how is stealth mechanics work. I have him at lvl 2 since i don't use tanks. I haven't seen him much, I just remember playing him once w/ ewok elder, scout, datcha and leia and I felt like I was playing whack a mole.

    my 2 cents

    Whoa, thanks for the tip!
    I've had QGJ and dropped to 16. Will try with Lumi now.
    I think Leia is badly controlled by AI cuz she wastes her first turn. Yes, she can OHKO but by then it can be too late.
    Best toons for AI are Yoda and QGJ. It uses almost at par with human (I alternate between BM and TM removal, AI goes for TM removal).
    I'm thinking about Teebo lead and have him lvl 70 7* ready but keeping gear for upcoming 80 lvl update to see which toons may become new meta. RNG stealth will make it hard to focus-fire on offense, so yeah he is an option for D.
  • Jit
    45 posts Member
    All, thanks for input on composition. I guess the 4 toons are more or less same with almost every alternative:
    Dooku (L)
    RG (some may debate, but I like his auto taunt and stuns)
    Which leaves 5th spot up for grabs, with these favorites
    QGJ (I use him to dispel RG taunt)

    Will post this as a poll

    Go with QGJ as the 5th toon
    It's a guaranteed offense up when you use humbling blow on the opponents RG. I use it to decimate other teams ;)

    Tried the other options already : yoda is weak on defence, RP way too slow, Lumi is a poor substitute for QGJ. Btw this team keeps me consistently at no: 1.
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    I would think foresight would be ur fest friend and evasion up. With that in mind I would go
  • lunarwolf
    357 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    J7000 wrote: »
    lunarwolf wrote: »
    if you use RG you need a healer otherwise RG is just taking up a spot imo, because he is not hard to burn down. I burn RG teams daily, he doesn't stun nearly as much as dooku or daka

    This is soo wrong I actually had to login again to comment. :(

    sorry if you trouble taking down RG. Dooku stuns a jedi and that will be enough for RG to auto taunt then QGJ and his humbling blow will grant your team off up and with high hitters it becomes a slaughter. why lumi is good with her 3 turn heal to keep him alive long enough to actually protect your dps

    RG stun works on 1 char at best, dooku and daka can stun 2 each more often. esp on defence when IA controlled

    personally I target RG teams daily who have higher power rating than me with both my accounts (top 20 one one account and usually top 5 in other - top 10 at worst and I still haven't reached lvl 70 - f2p all the way) . I use their RG as my Poggle ;) + i don't waste a turn activating it since humbling blow does good damage :p

    I am not saying RG is bad, because he is good, but considering you have only 5 spots - I would rather have 5 great toons given the option
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    i would do yoda rey lumi and sid all have high dodge rate and good attack power making max use of his leader skill
  • TMK
    700 posts Member
    I would go with following:

    Count Dooku (L)
    Grand Master Yoda
    Luminara Unduli
    Geonosian Soldier
    Darth Sidious

    This way you have 4 dodgers and a toon, that gets Offense Up by himself.
  • Thrace
    147 posts Member
    I'm running Dooku (L), Rey, GS, QGJ, Sid and I stay in the top 10 daily. Some days I stay as high as top 3 and only need 1 battle to retake 1st for payout.

    The strategy is use the AI to burn down your attacker before they can burn you down. So my team is a mix of high damage, high speed with evasion for some survivability. Sid is fast and can dodge Jedi's for a free offense up. Sid with offense up is actually really potent because he is so fast. Plus his AoE softens the other team up on the first round for the heavy hitters to finish the job. I want to give the AI as little room as possible for wasting even a single turn from one of my toons. It's like a blitz. Everyone toon, every turn is coming at you with hard hitting fast damage. If you give the AI too many options it's going to waste a turn and get you beat. If you're lucky, the AI will focus one of the attacking toons first round.

    Running too many Jedi is bad in this meta. Dooku can single-handedly shut down a Jedi for a whole match making them useless and a waste of a spot. QGJ is the best option for that one Jedi spot because of his amazing abilities.

    RG is too easy to exploit because everyone is running QGJ. QGJ not in the leader position allows him to go after most of the first round is finished and, therefore, after a taunt has been used. It's a free offense up for the other team more often than not. It doesn't matter if you got an auto taunt tank with 17k health when the opponents whole team including Rey GS and QGJ have offense up. He's going down fast.

    The other 2 toons that would be great instead of Sid would be Daka and Leia. Leia would fit more for the burn you before you can burn me strategy. Her stealth round one is perfect to allow her to get in some heavy damage. And Daka because she has so much utility, RNG, annoying factor for attackers and just too much overall randomness that can win you a match. Anyways, bored watching tv, ran out of stuff to do in game and thought I would chime in ;)
  • Fantazy
    553 posts Member
    Thrace wrote: »
    I'm running Dooku (L), Rey, GS, QGJ, Sid and I stay in the top 10 daily. Some days I stay as high as top 3 and only need 1 battle to retake 1st for payout. [...]

    RG is too easy to exploit because everyone is running QGJ. QGJ not in the leader position allows him to go after most of the first round is finished and, therefore, after a taunt has been used.

    1) QGJ not in leader position is easy to stun with Dooku or RG. Your strategy is very OK on offense, like most proposed teams here, but not worth much more on D than those other proposed team either
    2) Your server is obviously not too actively crowded in multiple time zones, enjoy! :)

    ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ ︵ DOE
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    The first 4 on your list, although you may want to replace QGJ, he is a dooku chain lighting magnet.
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