I really enjoy this game!

Other than Hearthstone, this is the only phone game I have been able to enjoy in the last 5 years. I absolutely love it!
I am only level 49 right now and only promoted like 3 or 4 characters 1 time so 4* chewy is my highest promotion but I am having a blast. I love the strategy in GW and I quite enjoy arena as well.
I don't plan on spending much money on the game and feel I've been decently successful playing free to play. I have completed GW 3 times out of 5 so I feel good about that.
Now I have 19 heroes all at level 40 with 7 of them at 45 which are my main heroes so I can put those other heroes in as a suicide squad in GW which is how I have been winning them.

Great game!! I literally put in about 3-4 hours a day on this game completing absolutely everything that I can, so much fun!
No complaints except that I wish I had a bit more energy to farm my gear and shards!


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    But 3, 4 hrs a day!?
    I put in an hr / hr and a half at most (besides the day all challenges open up)
    I just do my dailys, challenges, GW, use most of my energy (sim) and I'm done for the day

    I'm f2p, but bought chromium singles and 8 packs, crystal subscription

    I have my days were I'm like bored of the game... But yet I still play... Daily lol

    Have fun
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