Turn Order Feedback: Turn Queues



  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Yesac wrote: »
    We definitely need clarification on RHan and Wat.

    RH goes before Wat - This isn't changing

    This is correct.

    It would be nice to see it clarified in the description, though. Something like "This bonus turn takes priority over other bonus turn effects". Just reading the descriptions as they are now, it would seem that it is determined by speed.
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    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    RH goes before Wat - This isn't changing

    How do you get to this conclusion?
    Both Han and Wat start with a bonus turn, so shouldn’t speed be the kicker, based on the info just released?
    Can’t see anything in the kits or the post indicating which bonus turn take priority, so should be based on speed?

    So, I read the post from Cg and looked up the ability mechanics on the swgoh.gg. I dont fully understand them but the bonus turns seem to be handled differently.
  • GJO
    172 posts Member
    Finally the reign of terror of coin toss is over and we will have more theorycrafting on this.
  • Gouj4
    416 posts Member
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    RH goes before Wat - This isn't changing

    How do you get to this conclusion?
    Both Han and Wat start with a bonus turn, so shouldn’t speed be the kicker, based on the info just released?
    Can’t see anything in the kits or the post indicating which bonus turn take priority, so should be based on speed?

    It’s a lore thing. It’s a running joke/theme in Star Wars that Han shot first, so they’ve made it so Han always shoots first. If you look at the current system where they’ve said it was random who took their turn when multiple people were at 100% TM, Han always shoots before Wat takes his turn despite it saying nothing in either kit about which takes priority. This is because it was never random for Han, he’s made to shoot first because it fits in with Star Wars lore and the new changes aren’t gonna change that

  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    GJO wrote: »
    Finally the reign of terror of coin toss is over and we will have more theorycrafting on this.

    Not in the case of maxed ships, where it's imo the biggest problem...
  • Hortus
    652 posts Member
    wildnz wrote: »
    Also, Now being able to predict what Han will shoot first is also a significant change in TW and GAC. I’d call them both changes that fall outside of this statement;

    “Our internal testing showed that this change had little impact on match ups “ so I trust you respond after “closely monitoring for any significant changes” @CG_SBCrumb

    Mirror Han matches are hardly "significant" part of all matchups.
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    Me as a dreamer: "Nice, they changed smth that caused some very heated uproar back in the Zaul/Rex days (?) due to the RNG fest. Less RNG is always good."
    Me as a realist: "Why change it NOW after all that time...there's definitely smth coming (new big char or galactic challenges related) for wich this change was made."
    Legend#6873 | YouTube | swgoh.gg
  • Options
    At least let us be able to see *exactly* how much TM (+ health +protection - both as % and numbers) a toon has by clicking on the status icons above their heads.Right now you cannot see how much a health a GL Rey has, just to name one toon where it is vital to know.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Nauros wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Yesac wrote: »
    We definitely need clarification on RHan and Wat.

    RH goes before Wat - This isn't changing

    This is correct.

    It would be nice to see it clarified in the description, though. Something like "This bonus turn takes priority over other bonus turn effects". Just reading the descriptions as they are now, it would seem that it is determined by speed.

    yep, asking.
  • Options
    Dmitry_M81 wrote: »
    Math is boring, hide TM bars instead to shake up things a bit. 5 years of same battle mechanics...

    I wouldn't a little RNG in it. I really like rock paper scissirs
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Yesac wrote: »
    We definitely need clarification on RHan and Wat.

    RH goes before Wat - This isn't changing

    This is correct.

    It would be nice to see it clarified in the description, though. Something like "This bonus turn takes priority over other bonus turn effects". Just reading the descriptions as they are now, it would seem that it is determined by speed.
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    RH goes before Wat - This isn't changing

    How do you get to this conclusion?
    Both Han and Wat start with a bonus turn, so shouldn’t speed be the kicker, based on the info just released?
    Can’t see anything in the kits or the post indicating which bonus turn take priority, so should be based on speed?

    "Han shoots first"
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator

    Han is coded to go first, as a design intent. so he will always go before Wat (and very likely any other added toons that get a similar ability in the future).

  • Options
    Thanks for following up Kyno.
    Would be nice to have stuff like that stated when they do updates which touch that exact mechanic.

    On original topic, tune queues would be a neat addition
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    At least let us be able to see *exactly* how much TM (+ health +protection - both as % and numbers) a toon has by clicking on the status icons above their heads.Right now you cannot see how much a health a GL Rey has, just to name one toon where it is vital to know.

    It would be a great development to see the exact datas, and even adding visibility of the stacking stats, for example offense (Asajj, YOLO).
    To OP: very good idea, I hope they will consider this.
  • Options
    Gifafi wrote: »
    of course now with the overflow mechanic no one wanted or asked for...

    On the contrary, some people have asked for a solution to the issue of simultaneous 100% tm turn order randomization for years. I really wanted it back in the maul meta in particular.

    It’s a great change. Too bad it’s about 5 years too late....
  • Options
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    RH goes before Wat - This isn't changing

    How do you get to this conclusion?
    Both Han and Wat start with a bonus turn, so shouldn’t speed be the kicker, based on the info just released?
    Can’t see anything in the kits or the post indicating which bonus turn take priority, so should be based on speed?

    Han always goes before Wat
  • Options
    While I do quite like the next turn queue idea, with all the bonus turn meter in some squads, I think this could cause confusion (and frustration) for players who don't understand the mechanics.

    Someone below 5th in the cue could very often jump to being next to take a turn, eg Rex using Form Up could very well move every clone from not featuring on the turn list to all going next one after the other.

    Having said that it'd be nice to be able to see more clearly relative TM, rather than peering at the blue line trying to decipher which has more pixels to go to the end.
  • Options
    Turn queues would be great and change the strategies of battles since you know who is going next instead of guessing when two characters have almost exactly the same speed and turn meter.
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