Please fix or nerf Dooku Leader evasion ability



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    SinnerWill wrote: »
    DV_27 wrote: »
    A nerf is not needed but what is needed is for the AI to stop having a higher proc rate than what is stated. I'm sure everyone has noticed AI procs way more than when you use the characters yourself. If his evasion says 15% then that's what it should be. And it's not the same like shard farming where the rates even out eventually. Character ability proc rates do not even out but is consistently higher for the AI
    Simple explanation to AI proc rates in games like these: AI either procs heavily, or very little when played against. If it procs very little against someone (or multiple people consecutively), the game typically records it as a "backlog" of lacking to meet the performance expectations, and then FORCES proc occurrence to occur at a high rate (consecutive dodges in this case) so as to balance it out and reach the value by averaging it out. Effectively, causing these "ludicrous dodge-counts" or "assists from EVERYTHING" (if Phasma-led).

    However, these "crazy" frequencies DO NOT occur every single time (excluding the possibility in GW, since it's pre-determined and will happen identically if you continue to try the same patterns of actions with the same roster over and over).

    Contrary to what many would have you believe, you don't always go into a fight against a Phasma-led or Dooku-led arena team and have them proc 90% of the time EVERY time. You go in, and either they proc sub-par to their value, on-par to their value, or super-par to the value. If sub-par when you faced them, someone that attacks them later has a higher chance to face their procs at super-par.

    Additionally, folks also act like these high-frequency proc-rates never occur when they're controlling the characters/group, but it DOES happen, as well.

    In essence, the long-term metrics show averaging out performance values to be on-par with the value modifier chances. Short-term sample sizes, however, lead to subjective opinions about "the AI ALWAYS has higher proc rates", and confusion over the behavior of mechanics in GW further skew individual perspectives.

    If you understand the mechanics, however, the rates for Dooku's evasion are pretty accurate (via average). Additionally, the evasion rate he grants his team is pretty much on par with that of Luminara's evasion bonus when leading a full Jedi team (despite being 2% less from her).

    Lastly, you should bear in mind that many forms of debuffs can now be evaded in addition to rolling against resists (as of 2+ weeks ago). While this doesn't mean much against things like Sideous's Deathstroke, where if the attack is evaded, the debuff is voided, it DOES, however, cause a significantly noticeable increase to dodge rate due being able to evade non-damaging debuffs (i.e.: Dooku's Lightning stun chance on secondary target, Daka's basic stun chance on secondary target, Poe's taunt for expose, Old Ben's special for offense down/ability block). THIS recent implementation of the mechanic is vastly increasing the noticability of evasion, as of late, and since Dooku's leader ability causes evades to proc offense up, it's one of the most apparent reasons for folks to isolate and call out Dooku (since it makes it even further noticeable).

    Yes agree , i guess for the moment if they leave only the evasion working (or insome of a kind like only Siths) and/or remove the offence could works better
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    he's turned this whole game into an expensive dice roll simulator. strategies dont matter. just hope you dodge more than your opponent. its dumb
  • Zekex
    474 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    shampoo wrote: »
    he's turned this whole game into an expensive dice roll simulator. strategies dont matter. just hope you dodge more than your opponent. its dumb


    Combined with other factors, such as base dodge rate of 7.5% iirc(total of 22.5% dodge for every character on dooku's team), offense up on evasion, auto taunt, passive revive from daka, active revive from daka/ewok elder, other evasion up abilities/passives, turn manipulation from victory march, offense up from poggle, han's turn manipulation taunt, dps that get a free offense up without even using a turn, multiple stuns from daka, dooku, RG,auto taunt from RG(makes it harder to stay on the same target and you still have to contend with dodge) make for a very RNG heavy game.It would be very short-sighted to only look at dooku in isolation.

    Please look into nerfing old ben's leadership ability as well as his dodge affects all allies as well and also gives turn meter.

    I don't see the logic of adding an offense up for dodging. In a game where characters die in 2 hits , 1 if you're very lucky with a double crit, each and every dodge and offense up is even more crucial to the flow of the game.

    If the opponent's character dodges, it is very likely that your character will not see his next turn.I say this because there are abilities like poggle's offense up which makes your opponent's team hit almost twice as hard, or turn manipulation from phasma or han that will probably enable the entire enemy team to go before you, or the offense up you get from dodging itself.Not to mention if you blow your special, you're stuck with basic hits until the cooldown for your special is over.An offense up for the enemy team pretty much ensures that one of your characters die next turn, with minimal effort and character turns used.

    Counters for poggle, daka, phasma become less reliable with dodge. We don't have any fast ability blockers with good potency gear to consistently block these characters(lumi has 0% potency), so we have to either kill the dps or kill the character with an aoe abiity and spend 2-3 hits from 2-3 characters to finish a single character.Dodging makes it even harder, as the chance for at least 1 dodge from two hits is about 40%, and the chance of at least 1 dodge from 3 hits is 54%( for relatively tanky characters). That life-saving dodge will ensure that the character will make it to the next round and enables him to use his special ability, while you just blew two specials for nothing. It gets worse when you factor daka's chance of auto revive on death, daka's active revive from chant of resurrection,ewok elder's guaranteed revive ability, or his tribal healer which has a 30% chance to revive allies. if you add RG, phasma, han, poggle to the equation, it only gets worse.

    Game should NEVER be too RNG heavy as it makes counters less consistent, makes strategies less relevant, and diminishes player input. If such a situation occurs fewer people will want to play a game that is more of a dice roll than anything and the income stream to CG reduces. Is that what you want to happen CG? A game where RNG dominates more than any other thing?
  • AKK889
    159 posts Member
    What are you talking about? There are no strategies in this game other than planning out your GW which a 5 year old kid can do.
    This game has a lot of RNG, it is designed like that. The better you gear up you toons the more chances you have to win. Do you understand that "strategy"..? Because is the only strategy you should care about.

    People who complain so much about Dooku is just because they have really bad rosters and badly geared toons.

    Get a better roster, level up more toons, and max out their gear.
    And voilà! Dooku is not a problem anymore.
    How complicated to understand.

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    AKK889 wrote: »
    What are you talking about? There are no strategies in this game other than planning out your GW which a 5 year old kid can do.
    This game has a lot of RNG, it is designed like that. The better you gear up you toons the more chances you have to win. Do you understand that "strategy"..? Because is the only strategy you should care about.

    People who complain so much about Dooku is just because they have really bad rosters and badly geared toons.

    Get a better roster, level up more toons, and max out their gear.
    And voilà! Dooku is not a problem anymore.
    How complicated to understand.

    "Lol" read better the complain is made it from the start from people in general normally at the top ranks , 7stars, full gear, full ability mats lvl 70
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    Rationalization = Fitting the facts to a preconceived conclusion.

    Conclusion: Dooku is fine as is.

    Rationalization of the facts:
    • Dooku is fine, you just have bad characters. Fact: There are only a few good toons to choose from in the current meta. There isn't any variety. When someone tries to play a different style, because they want to, there accused of fielding a bad team. Who wants to play with only 9 or 10 toons?
    • Dooku is fine, you just don't understand strategy. Fact: The game is based on RNG. There is no strategy. The strategy occurs at lower levels where the Damage to HP ratio is less of an issue.
    • Dooku is fine, you don't have level 7 gear and max attacks & abilities. Fact: Many people complaining have maxed teams.
    • Dooku is fine, I can easily beat him whenever I play against him, you can't beat him because you are a bad player. Fact: Show me screen shots of your team without Dooku, ranked No. 1 against a Dooku Arena. This one you have to verify.
    • Dooku is fine, never mind that all competitive teams at the top ranks in arena run with a Dooku Lead. That's just a coincidence. Fact: Dooku is the meta now, therefore, teams that have Dooku leads, ascend to the top. The fact that there are so few toons at the top proves exactly that Dooku is OP.

    I grow weary of all the illogical arguments being made. It's absurd. Dooku is OP, based on the facts, and anyone saying Dooku is ok as-is simply rationalizes away the facts to fit their preconceived notions, that coincidentally ensures they ranked highest in arena - coincidentally of course.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • Zekex
    474 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    AKK889 wrote: »
    What are you talking about? There are no strategies in this game other than planning out your GW which a 5 year old kid can do.
    This game has a lot of RNG, it is designed like that. The better you gear up you toons the more chances you have to win. Do you understand that "strategy"..? Because is the only strategy you should care about.

    People who complain so much about Dooku is just because they have really bad rosters and badly geared toons.

    Get a better roster, level up more toons, and max out their gear.
    And voilà! Dooku is not a problem anymore.
    How complicated to understand.

    Squad selection, target selection, timing of attack, choice of abilities,adaptibility to various situations,examining the trade-offs of certain actions are all part of strategy in this game. It's what separates good players from the AI.

    Game has a lot of RNG, but is too much RNG good for the game? Is it right to push the game towards a dice-roll instead of making the outcome of the battle more player controlled?If so, what is the point of playing a game when player input is neglected or less important?

    The "it is designed like that, so it must be alright/it should be accepted" argument is very dangerous. Shouldn't we examine the logic behind the design instead? Why should we meekly accept whatever they chuck at us instead of determining if the logic behind the design holds up? By the way, "it is designed like that, so it must be alright/accepted' is also very dangerous when applied to topics outside the game, such as racism and discrimination. Such thinking accepts any action/idea that conforms to the general majority, while at the same time glosses over the potential logical flaws behind that particular action/thinking.

    My characters are well geared(except for some final cuffs and hairdryers), well starred.I have been consistently gunning for #1,have been consistently been in top 3 with the occasional 4 or 5 when someone snipes me.I also have all characters used in the meta.But that doesn't make my points any less or more valid than any other person. Determination of OPness is based on logic, not ranking/perceived weak roster of the speaker in question!

    I've explained in great detail why dooku is OP. His leadership gives his entire team offense up on evasion for a game where characters die in 1-3 hits.His leadership ability complements with many rng based abilities that take away control from the player, and adds an extra layer of RNG for abilities like auto revive and resurrection. I've also pointed out the problem with blowing a special and having to wait for the cooldown, as well as a whole bag of issues that you neglected to read.

    This is the last time I am engaging with you in discussion. I have no problems with someone with a dissenting opinion but he at least needs to read and understand my arguments and point of view.Not interested in discussing with someone who doesn't have the decency to read the original arguments. Neither am I interested in someone who's only interested in throwing faulty, generalized arguments.
  • baevar
    53 posts Member
    Out of 10 matches with dooku led team, you should be able to win atleast 8 with qgj or dooku lead. You run into the occasional bad rng with dooku teams where they dodge more than normal, but it not to the point of op'd.

    ROFL, if you use Dooku, or last months flavor, you should be able to beat AI Dooku. You might as well just say, yeah he's OP.
  • baevar
    53 posts Member
    lunarwolf wrote: »

    besides dooku was in only 1 movie (and the start of episode 3) and got hid head chopped off, should darth vader (aka Anakin) be 6x times stronger because he was in all 6 movies?

    No, he should be stronger cause he can only be unlocked with cheesements :smiley:

    but by the time you get him, he's already way obsolete. 4 star hero?! My mains were 6 star by that time. Sorry, carry on. I agree, just a game, which is why I'm citing game mechanics as a reason to buff him ;)
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    It's sad how it's always the ones that are abusing certain aspects of the game are actually trying to justify it.

    Dooku was to strong before & now he's bordering on "Poe broken".

    He's not a game changer, he's just so broken... The fact that he has so much going for him, in a small little 1 toon package, it's ****. Same could & should be said for Poe... Another "add to team to win" toon. Hence the fact that you can use a 4star Dooku & own a team 3k points above you.

    I just yesterday lost an arena match when I was 4 players strong compared to the enemy team that only had Dooku left... HE TOOK OUT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY TOONS WITH JUST HIS COUNTERS. Uselessly broken... Period!
  • AKK889
    159 posts Member
    VOIDIAT wrote: »
    "Lol" read better the complain is made it from the start from people in general normally at the top ranks , 7stars, full gear, full ability mats lvl 70

    Really? Are you sure you are "at the top ranks , 7stars, full gear, full ability mats lvl 70" as you say? Because I guess I am too, and I find your complains a complete exaggeration and very far form the truth. Nothing to do with my playing experience, at all.
    I would say one of us is doing things wrong, but since it's you who seem to be struggling with Dooku maybe you might want to reconsider what you're doing wrong.
    It's sad how it's always the ones that are abusing certain aspects of the game are actually trying to justify it.

    Justify that there are different viable leaderships, and not only QGJ? Yes. You don't?

    Hopefully soon we will see more Old Bens, Mauls, Ashokas, ST Hans, Phasmas, etc. I'm sure it's coming up at level 80.
    But from now, I appreciate the fact QGJ is not the only face I see in the ladder no more. Something is something.
    And FYI, I don't need Dooku to hit #1. No one does, because it doesn't take too much brain to win against AI.

    Zekex wrote: »
    Squad selection, target selection, timing of attack, choice of abilities,adaptibility to various situations,examining the trade-offs of certain actions are all part of strategy in this game.

    Do you really call this "strategy"? My god. Yeah... a strategy a 6 year old kid can figure out is technically a "strategy" too. Sorry, I thought we were talking on grown-up levels.

    RNG is part of this game, deal with it. There are fights where evades will trigger right and left, there are fights where there will be ZERO evades.
    There are fights where QGJ will call assist the big hitter and your team will be halved before you can blink.
    Fights where Phasma will trigger assist every turn.

    Now you are NOT talking about Dooku. You are talking about the game mechanics and design.
    If you want to change that, good. Go ahead.

    But we are talking about Dooku in the environment of a game that allows RNG to be a part of it. In that context, in this environment RNG friendly that is SWGOH, Dooku is FINE.
    He is not invincible on defense, he is not a guaranteed win on offense. Like any other top team out there.
    Zekex wrote: »
    This is the last time I am engaging with you in discussion. I have no problems with someone with a dissenting opinion but he at least needs to read and understand my arguments and point of view.Not interested in discussing with someone who doesn't have the decency to read the original arguments. Neither am I interested in someone who's only interested in throwing faulty, generalized arguments.

    Of course, I will have the "decency" to answer your boring wall of text. Twice!!
    Next time maybe try not to expand so much yourself into oblivion to say a couple things. It's really boring to read you.

    The arguments I am "throwing" are my own playing experience.
    If I (and many others) have ZERO problems beating Dooku teams and staying #1 daily since I can remember...
    Why do YOU have so many problems? Because all these rants about evades most of the attacks are completely false.
    Get a big enough sample to get the data and you will see the resulting evasion is very close to 22-23% which is exactly what it's supposed to be (15%+7%). And no, that's not as horrible as many want to picture it. AT ALL. It's in fact very viable, and winnable.

    But of course you guys always prefer to remember the fights where you got evaded 60%, and not the ones you got evaded 0%, and then come to crying to the forums.
  • lunarwolf
    357 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    completely agree with both ImYourHuckleberry and Zekex

    nice to see some people with a brain on these forums. I find it preposterous to have to argue that Dooku is OP. People that argue Dooku is fine have nothing but abuse or insults to say since there is no rational argument to argue otherwise

    His bonus attacks on procs/counters, stuns, ability block and turn meter bonus were way too many abilities for one toon to begin with. but last update completely threw any semblance of balance out the window. now evade grants offence up. it's double jeopardy. you get punished for missing by getting 1 shotted.

    may as well use sim tickets in arena battles

    anyway i'll dream of a day where top 100 is not populated by 95% dooku or QGJ leads

    I'd like to experiment with other team combinations; however there is one and only one way so I will keep using it to collect my daily arena rewards. the price I pay is boredom and I can't see this keeping me entertained much longer. lvl cap increase is not a solution to more fundamental problem with the game, sounds like more grinding to me.

    EA/CG you need to bring balance to the force
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    He's definitely over-annoying, but I don't think he's OP. Out of 4 Arena battles today, all 4 of which I've won, 3 of them had Dooku. I usually save him for last or second-last and though I try to avoid him, I generally don't have a problem beating squads with him. I'm f2p and only 3 of my Arena squad are 7*.

    If you haven't figured out how to beat him, then that's all that it is - you just haven't figured out how to beat him. His counters are annoying, but dodging aside, he's still fairly squishy.
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    AKK889 wrote: »
    VOIDIAT wrote: »
    "Lol" read better the complain is made it from the start from people in general normally at the top ranks , 7stars, full gear, full ability mats lvl 70

    Really? Are you sure you are "at the top ranks , 7stars, full gear, full ability mats lvl 70" as you say? Because I guess I am too, and I find your complains a complete exaggeration and very far form the truth. Nothing to do with my playing experience, at all.
    I would say one of us is doing things wrong, but since it's you who seem to be struggling with Dooku maybe you might want to reconsider what you're doing wrong.
    It's sad how it's always the ones that are abusing certain aspects of the game are actually trying to justify it.

    Justify that there are different viable leaderships, and not only QGJ? Yes. You don't?

    Hopefully soon we will see more Old Bens, Mauls, Ashokas, ST Hans, Phasmas, etc. I'm sure it's coming up at level 80.
    But from now, I appreciate the fact QGJ is not the only face I see in the ladder no more. Something is something.
    And FYI, I don't need Dooku to hit #1. No one does, because it doesn't take too much brain to win against AI.

    Zekex wrote: »
    Squad selection, target selection, timing of attack, choice of abilities,adaptibility to various situations,examining the trade-offs of certain actions are all part of strategy in this game.

    Do you really call this "strategy"? My god. Yeah... a strategy a 6 year old kid can figure out is technically a "strategy" too. Sorry, I thought we were talking on grown-up levels.

    RNG is part of this game, deal with it. There are fights where evades will trigger right and left, there are fights where there will be ZERO evades.
    There are fights where QGJ will call assist the big hitter and your team will be halved before you can blink.
    Fights where Phasma will trigger assist every turn.

    Now you are NOT talking about Dooku. You are talking about the game mechanics and design.
    If you want to change that, good. Go ahead.

    But we are talking about Dooku in the environment of a game that allows RNG to be a part of it. In that context, in this environment RNG friendly that is SWGOH, Dooku is FINE.
    He is not invincible on defense, he is not a guaranteed win on offense. Like any other top team out there.
    Zekex wrote: »
    This is the last time I am engaging with you in discussion. I have no problems with someone with a dissenting opinion but he at least needs to read and understand my arguments and point of view.Not interested in discussing with someone who doesn't have the decency to read the original arguments. Neither am I interested in someone who's only interested in throwing faulty, generalized arguments.

    Of course, I will have the "decency" to answer your boring wall of text. Twice!!
    Next time maybe try not to expand so much yourself into oblivion to say a couple things. It's really boring to read you.

    The arguments I am "throwing" are my own playing experience.
    If I (and many others) have ZERO problems beating Dooku teams and staying #1 daily since I can remember...
    Why do YOU have so many problems? Because all these rants about evades most of the attacks are completely false.
    Get a big enough sample to get the data and you will see the resulting evasion is very close to 22-23% which is exactly what it's supposed to be (15%+7%). And no, that's not as horrible as many want to picture it. AT ALL. It's in fact very viable, and winnable.

    But of course you guys always prefer to remember the fights where you got evaded 60%, and not the ones you got evaded 0%, and then come to crying to the forums.

    1) Accusations of Crying
    2) Accusations of being Boring
    3) Accusations of YOU having problems when no one else does
    4) Accusations of exaggerations
    5) Accusations of being far from the truth
    6) Accusations of having little brains and so can't beat AI
    7) Accusations that someone has a strategy of a 6 year old.

    Why attack another's character in such ways? Why employ the strategy of character assassination? I can guess a motive, but I'd rather hear it from you.

    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • Deww
    16 posts Member
    There is obviously a problem. My shard the top 20 are 14 Dooku teams and 6 QGJ teams. No other teams. That shows that he is to strong considering no other leaders are used. Everyone is using Dooku because he's broke.
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    It appears to be a common theme for Dooku lovers and supporters to attack the character of those wanting to see more balance to the game.

    How many times has it been said that people who want balance are cry babies.

    Those ill prepared to have an honest debate about the facts, resort to name calling and character assassinations, because they have no ground to argue from. In the current meta, of high damage relative to HP's, dooku with his lightening fast attacks, high evasion, and stun, is the single most OP character ever invented in the game, more than Barris, or QGJ.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
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    My arena has Dooku lead in 9 out of the top 10 spots. QGJ lead is in 9th! Now that is balance. But he totally doesn't need a nerf!

    Like the original poster, there are WAY too many times I've been dodged for it to be a +15% dodge buff. Unless characters come standard with a 50% dodge, it just isn't working right.
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    His counters are fine, his leader ability is out of whack and his secondary stun chance needs to be pulled. He's the only char in the game who can end an arena battle before you even move (when he hits you with a double stun). And it happens fairly regularly.
  • Jedi2407
    782 posts Member
    Nerf Dooku? Now there's a proposal I've never heard before.
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    A Dooku nerf may not be necessary. A rebalance of dmg to hp might fix things.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • Peempo
    403 posts Member
    Zekex wrote: »
    shampoo wrote: »
    he's turned this whole game into an expensive dice roll simulator. strategies dont matter. just hope you dodge more than your opponent. its dumb


    Combined with other factors, such as base dodge rate of 7.5% iirc(total of 22.5% dodge for every character on dooku's team), offense up on evasion, auto taunt, passive revive from daka, active revive from daka/ewok elder, other evasion up abilities/passives, turn manipulation from victory march, offense up from poggle, han's turn manipulation taunt, dps that get a free offense up without even using a turn, multiple stuns from daka, dooku, RG,auto taunt from RG(makes it harder to stay on the same target and you still have to contend with dodge) make for a very RNG heavy game.It would be very short-sighted to only look at dooku in isolation.

    Please look into nerfing old ben's leadership ability as well as his dodge affects all allies as well and also gives turn meter.

    I don't see the logic of adding an offense up for dodging. In a game where characters die in 2 hits , 1 if you're very lucky with a double crit, each and every dodge and offense up is even more crucial to the flow of the game.

    If the opponent's character dodges, it is very likely that your character will not see his next turn.I say this because there are abilities like poggle's offense up which makes your opponent's team hit almost twice as hard, or turn manipulation from phasma or han that will probably enable the entire enemy team to go before you, or the offense up you get from dodging itself.Not to mention if you blow your special, you're stuck with basic hits until the cooldown for your special is over.An offense up for the enemy team pretty much ensures that one of your characters die next turn, with minimal effort and character turns used.

    Counters for poggle, daka, phasma become less reliable with dodge. We don't have any fast ability blockers with good potency gear to consistently block these characters(lumi has 0% potency), so we have to either kill the dps or kill the character with an aoe abiity and spend 2-3 hits from 2-3 characters to finish a single character.Dodging makes it even harder, as the chance for at least 1 dodge from two hits is about 40%, and the chance of at least 1 dodge from 3 hits is 54%( for relatively tanky characters). That life-saving dodge will ensure that the character will make it to the next round and enables him to use his special ability, while you just blew two specials for nothing. It gets worse when you factor daka's chance of auto revive on death, daka's active revive from chant of resurrection,ewok elder's guaranteed revive ability, or his tribal healer which has a 30% chance to revive allies. if you add RG, phasma, han, poggle to the equation, it only gets worse.

    Game should NEVER be too RNG heavy as it makes counters less consistent, makes strategies less relevant, and diminishes player input. If such a situation occurs fewer people will want to play a game that is more of a dice roll than anything and the income stream to CG reduces. Is that what you want to happen CG? A game where RNG dominates more than any other thing?

    This. So much.
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    Agreed, please nerf Dooku. Dodgerate's are out of control profile - Our guild, 3720 to 1, has 1 spot open! [49/50].
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    A Dooku nerf may not be necessary. A rebalance of dmg to hp might fix things.
    I also thought that might be the case but his "armor penetration" I think will show his potency to its fullest effect. I haven't seen the other characters & how they compete with regards to that but I assume.

    I'll still keep my full judgement on him for the big update but for now he is a problem (big in my eyes but small in others) I can live with... How long? Ask me a bit later or tomorrow, I can't say, it really depends on the day.
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