Don't be a number, make an impact! 267m+ guild looking for a few good players.

110 posts Member
edited August 2020

Rebel Rousers Cantina (RRC) is a friendly and independent guild that leads an alliance of independent guilds at all levels.

RRC is currently looking for 4-5 active players that want to succeed in all areas of the game. Our members are motivated to push new content and, while we don't force players to farm certain characters, we all do work together towards our team goals.

TW: We don't make people sit out for easy matchups. We have regular success when matched up with a similar opponent.

LS Geo: 17 Stars, have opened up KAM shards and growing every TB. Our team is fully engaged and more than willing to help others work through teams, mods and strategy to find success with the right roster.

DS Geo: 30 Stars, 44+ Wat shards. We're capable of 31 stars, but prefer the extra GET2 from SM in phase 4.

Raids are FFA are pretty automatic. Still unsure why CG hasn't let us SIM them all. ;)

Our discord has plenty of resources for all aspects of the game. Our members typically want to succeed in everything the game has to offer and there are lots of people willing to help and learn.

**What we are looking for:**
- 600 tickets/day
- Good squad/fleet ranking
- Ideally around 4m GP or higher, however focused rosters that can compete in TB will be considered. We also will help people grow in they're on the cusp.
- Discord activity
- Enthusiasm for the game
- Good sense of humour

**Guild Info:**
North American based guild, but raids rotate for those not in NA.
267m+ GP
Guild rest 6:30pm Eastern
15 Galactic Legends and growing (8 Rey, 7 SLKR)

Come visit our discord and tell them Omega sent you.

We all want to feel part of something awesome and make progress in the game. We've continued to do that. Let's see if we can help each other.
Post edited by OmegaIV on


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