W00kie lives matter 250mm independent looking for small merger or new blood

We are looking for 4mm min. players we would like people who have completed basic journey characters and both revans/malak and close to unlocking or have any gl / jkl / gas

We would love to bring on 5 new players to replace some people who just can’t seem to be consistently helpful in guild activities

Focus should be on teams that can help in tw/Tb ie: gas, bugs, droids, etc

We are doing 28+* on DS Geo and 13 LS Geo with over 30 Wat shards

We are independent & pretty laid back, all we ask for is get your daily 600, full Tb participation, and if you join tw be ready to post defense and attack.

We're US-based mainly with raid times and re-sets... rotating at 9pm (x2) and 4pm (1x) est

W00kie Lives Matter or my ally code is 556-619-254 Or discord is wookiemonster#0829


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