Guild Recruitment

Jabbaranks is recruiting!

For Invite msg me in-game
ally code 492-923-885

We are a friendly guild that love helping newer players and embrace experienced players, our only requirement is that you need to be lvl 85 and are active and participate in all the guild events the best you can, we have a 7 day inactivity removal. We speak English and the language can sometimes be of a mature nature as we are all adults but it’s an active chat with a lot of banta. There is currently 38 members in the guild at the minute, it’s been my home for over 2 years and one of the reasons why I’ve kept playing in the darker times both free to play and spenders welcome the guild specs below

-131M Guild GP
-38 Active Members
-All Raid Content completed 7* Heroic
-TB classics completed with nearly all * collected, TBGeoD8-10* TBGeoL3-4* (We have a few guild members who can complete Wat tambor mission so started collecting shards for guild)

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