How many damage does one DOT makes exactly ?


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    Bump because I've been asking myself the same thing. Is it dependent on the attackers damage or the targets health?
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    Probably something like 5% of targets max health
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    Pretty easy to figure this out. Wait for a DOT to be put on one (or more) of your team. Write down how much damage it does. At the end of the match, check the amount of damage against the max health of the character who had the DOT on them.

    If more than one have identical damage without having identical (or nearly identical) max health, then you know it's a static number.
    If more than one have different damage and different max health pools, it's most likely % based off of Max Health and some simple math will figure that out.

    I will have my Grade 5 kid look into it and get back to you.
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    Powda wrote: »
    Pretty easy to figure this out. Wait for a DOT to be put on one (or more) of your team. Write down how much damage it does. At the end of the match, check the amount of damage against the max health of the character who had the DOT on them.

    If more than one have identical damage without having identical (or nearly identical) max health, then you know it's a static number.
    If more than one have different damage and different max health pools, it's most likely % based off of Max Health and some simple math will figure that out.

    I will have my Grade 5 kid look into it and get back to you.

    Gosh you're smart
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