Just Reached Lvl 70, don't know weather to be thrilled or to be dreading tomorrow.

I just hit 70 this morning, but don't know if I should be happy or worried. I was hoping to have some time to earn resources to level up some toons to 70 before the cap increase. I don't think there will be a chance before I will be getting smacked by a bunch of level 80 squads in GW and Arena. My A-team is one level 69 and 4 level 66 toons. My B squad are all level 64-60. Is anybody else in this situation? What are your thought about this impending cap raise (that everybody says will be tomorrow)? Good or Bad?
[LWI] | 298-352-583


  • Oootini
    636 posts Member
    Will 67 myself tomorrow so will be in a similar situation:( tbh I'm not deeding it all. I'll play, let the whales and highly prepared guys get to 80, and I'll slowly work myself up the boards as usual:)
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    I think it will be good in the long run. I wouldn't be too worried. I doubt you'll be seeing level 80 teams the first few days in GW but maybe I'm wrong. I think as along as the game evolves and we have to also the game doesn't get mundane and stale. I think most of us will be slow going.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    If you're F2P it'll be a challenge. No doubt the whales will buy a ton of energy to get leveled up in a flash. By this time Friday someone will have a screen posted with all their toons on 80.
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    I know, but it was a real pain trying to fight through the GW when I was in the low 60's with loaded 7* 70 teams stomping me. just as it seems we turn that corner it will be back to that mess. i really wanted a chance to develop my auxiliary toons. may be I will just let my Arena team be for a bit and build my secondary squads. let the Arena only guys run away to 80 and then claw up the ranks again after I develop my other toons. it is the constant struggle to build what you want versus what is current meta. I am looking forward to the new character changes "coming soon". tired of seeing nothing but the same 6 toons in Arena.
    [LWI] | 298-352-583
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    ok, so lot of players will get to 80 and put all their toons in 80. so ? not big deal bro, you will catch up while they all stand in place. in the last level cap increase of 70, i was behind and behind... and evantually caught up with all the big dogs, now im part of.. dont worry, be happy, everything gonna be o'right. :)
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    I think it's supposed to rain tomorrow.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I am almost at 70 as well however I have been preparing my characters that Gear 9 at around level 72 so I can stay competitive and will not get blown away by the guys who get to level 80 pretty quickly. At least for the next level cap we will be more prepared for it :)
    Inglorious Blasters I Guild Leader I 'We drink a lot of tea.'
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    OMG the gears needed for G9 and G10 are unbelievable...be afraid, be very afraid
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    I ran into a similar issue with the level 70 cap. I think I hit 60 a day or two after the cap was raised. I wasn't competitive in arena at the time so I'm not sure how it will affect that, but my guess is after a few days to a week it will be obvious who's paying/saved up to level and gear up faster. After you gear your team up you'll be back to where you are now, which will be right about the time the meta shifts. ;)
  • Lamb
    300 posts Member
    Be happy, you caught up.
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    ok, so lot of players will get to 80 and put all their toons in 80. so ? not big deal bro, you will catch up while they all stand in place. in the last level cap increase of 70, i was behind and behind... and evantually caught up with all the big dogs, now im part of.. dont worry, be happy, everything gonna be o'right. :)

    You're a good bro, bro
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