Looking for Guild with 2 players - could get 5 others from my guild

Ally-Code: 827-565-597. StellarTitan
Link to swgoh.gg:

Galactic Power: 6.6M
Character/Ship GP: rank 87 - 613k
49 ships7* - Tie Bomber 6* (6/100) BTL-B Y-Wing 6* (18/100)
missing the Negotiator (95/145) and Malevolence (0/145)

Player Level: 85
Number of Relic Toons: 43 light side. (22 r7)
18 dark side (5 r7)
Has GL Rey (maxed), GL Luke 2 zetas
Number of 7*: 189
Number of 5*: Admiral Piett
Missing (GL KYLO, GL Emperor, Wat, Ki-Adi-mundi, and Kuiil
Average Arena Rank: 46 to 21
Type of Play: P2P
Time-zone: Central Standard Time

Other Player is
Ally-Code: 916-965-669. JudgeRyan

Galactic Power: 4.1M
Character/Ship GP: rank # 108 - 472k
28 ships 7* 16 other active ships - 4 capital ships 7*
Player Level: 85
Number of Relic Toons: 8blight side. (3 r7)
2 dark side (1 r7) thrawn

Number of 7*: 121
Number of 6*: 9
Other activated toons 47
Total active 177
Average Arena Rank: 850 to 600
Type of Play: F2P
Time-zone: Central Standard Time


  • Options
    we do have  a discord set up....discord link is https://discord.gg/8724SdB
  • Options
    Hey, Are you two still looking for a guild? We're called NO CHORES and we are a casual guild (49 active players, 239mil+ GP) and I think we could accommodate both of you.

    We run all three heroic raids with a 24 hour join period so no one misses out on rewards. Heroic raid times are 7:30PM Eastern Time if that works for you.

    Territory Wars and Battles:
    We usually don't prioritize Territory Wars as much as Territory Battles, and have been earning an average of 24* + Wat shards in GeoDSTB, and 11* Geo LSTB.

    We don't have any strict rules, but are looking for players (4mil GP minimum) who are active and are able to contribute to guild activities (HSTR, territory battles, etc.). No daily requirements or discord needed.

    Contact Us:
    • Guild Recruiter: GrendelKhan (Forum), Ally Code: 442-672-591
    • Guild Leader: Wes Terallo, Ally Code: 472-736-428
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