what are some good team comps

Hey guys just wanted to know what team comps are working for you. I would like to find one that is easy to farm yet strong in all aspects of the game


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    I use tarkin, Luminara, tie pilot, maul and switched barriss for Phasma. I've lost 3 pvp matches in about 104.
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    This is what I am working on now.

    Cantina battles, Kylo
    Cantina shipment, Daka
    Arena shipment, Sidious
    Galactic War shipment, Luminara and Phasma (leader)

    I don't have Kylo yet, using either ventriss or dooku atm. I end the day under 20 in arena with my level 55, 5* team. I don't have trouble winning my 5 games but I'm not challenging the top 5 level 60 6* teams right now either, best I've gotten is rank 6.

    Basic core of two heals and sidious, but I think the pair of Phasma and Kylo adds more to the team than any other farmable duo I could come up with. They are both tanky with good damage and full of utility and essentially add a 6th hero due to the assist procs.

    I think this will be a strong comp to watch.
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    I'm currently using Ima-Gun Di (leader), IG-88 (nuker with ability block + healing debuff), Luminara (healer), Dooku (counterstrike!), and Tarkin (nuker with AOE offense down).

    Will probably replace Dooku with another high-alpha nuker like the TIE pilot or Luke or similar and Ima-Gun Di with Stormtrooper Han or Fives down the line, but we'll see how it goes. For now this is good enough to keep me in the < 500s, which is fine by me while I grind!
    You have to be a bit of a liar to tell a story the right way.
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    Mizo wrote: »
    I use tarkin, Luminara, tie pilot, maul and switched barriss for Phasma. I've lost 3 pvp matches in about 104.

    *Lost 3 matches attacking , but most likely 100+ in AI defense.
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    My Dream Team would be:

    HK-47 (leader), IG -88, IG-86, Poggle & Lando
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    Thanks guy good ideas
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    Really the only people who can answer that for sure are the soft launch people, since the rest of us (even the PTP people who have hit 60) aren't truly at end game yet.

    That said here is my perspective as a level 52 basically FTP player. I don't have quite as impressive record as some people here (96 wins, 14 losses as attacker), but I am currently 8 on my server, and I'm essentially FTP ($5 spent on dooku and $5 spent on the initial weekly crystal offer) with zero luck on bronzium cards.

    SO FAR the secret isn't so much team composition but just a decent cookie cutter team (in my case chewy, dooku, consular, Sid, luminara) with maximum attention to having them geared/starred/leveled. However, I don't think that that team will stay in the top 10 for long and certainly not in the end game. Working on Luke and boba fett to replace chewy and dooku. Not sure who if anyone will replace consular. Even when I get the team I want, in the long run it will be hard to compete with the PTP crowd.

    If you are FTP, and haven't already, get Sid and luminara.
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    Lorenzo wrote: »
    Really the only people who can answer that for sure are the soft launch people, since the rest of us (even the PTP people who have hit 60) aren't truly at end game yet.

    That said here is my perspective as a level 52 basically FTP player. I don't have quite as impressive record as some people here (96 wins, 14 losses as attacker), but I am currently 8 on my server, and I'm essentially FTP ($5 spent on dooku and $5 spent on the initial weekly crystal offer) with zero luck on bronzium cards.

    SO FAR the secret isn't so much team composition but just a decent cookie cutter team (in my case chewy, dooku, consular, Sid, luminara) with maximum attention to having them geared/starred/leveled. However, I don't think that that team will stay in the top 10 for long and certainly not in the end game. Working on Luke and boba fett to replace chewy and dooku. Not sure who if anyone will replace consular. Even when I get the team I want, in the long run it will be hard to compete with the PTP crowd.

    If you are FTP, and haven't already, get Sid and luminara.

    I have luke 4* and he is strong for my stage of the game he can crit around 2200 plus

  • Lorenzo
    110 posts Member
    edited December 2015
    Yeah, Luke's still at 3 for me and 5 armor, whereas chewy is at 5 and 6. Need to get Luke to catch up some before I replace chewy. Of course even now Luke hits harder but chewy has a lot more HP and more utility.

    Also a consideration: chewy is about 1,000 power higher than Luke ATM. Now, power isn't everything. But I suspect that sitting at 15,900 power makes me less likely to be attacked than sitting at 14,900 power.

    Edit - that said, I just dropped to 26 over the past hour or so.
  • Soujah
    48 posts Member
    edited December 2015
    Lorenzo wrote: »
    SO FAR the secret isn't so much team composition but just a decent cookie cutter team

    I am a soft launch player on a soft launch server. Team composition is basically 1 of the main factors that will determine how strong your team is in the lvl 60 bracket.
    KitsuAeryn wrote: »
    I'm currently using Ima-Gun Di (leader), IG-88 (nuker with ability block + healing debuff), Luminara (healer), Dooku (counterstrike!), and Tarkin (nuker with AOE offense down).

    IG-88 and Tarkin = 1$

  • Lorenzo
    110 posts Member
    edited December 2015
    Soujah wrote: »
    Lorenzo wrote: »
    SO FAR the secret isn't so much team composition but just a decent cookie cutter team

    I am a soft launch player on a soft launch server. Team composition is basically 1 of the main factors that will determine how strong your team is in the lvl 60 bracket.

    Hence my saying "so far" and my plan to assemble a solid FTP team for level 60 :)

    Perhaps my answer was overly pedantic, though, in terms of answering the question asked: the team that's working for me is working not so much much because of the composition (though it is a decent team - there's a reason it is one of the most common teams if not the most common team among players in the high 40s/ low 50s), but because I've kept up with levels/stars/gear.

    That will, as you say, change somewhat at 60, which is why I'm now pouring most of my resources into the heroes that will be on my team at 60.
  • RFD
    16 posts Member
    How many Toons are you guys taking over 50? Im finding real quick that once purple comes along the quantity of build items is insane (50 scanners ****?) so I'm going to pick 10-12 and roll with them... Rest can be bottom feeders and upgrade from scraps over time.
    Games, Guns, Guitars, and Harleys

    Team Instinct

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    End game is mostly about getting a good variety of characters to mix and match. With that said right now in my soft launch server 70% of the top teams are using Sid
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