Arrow mods

93 posts Member
edited January 2021
For those that are very into mods for this game, I am asking for advice. Are arrow mods without speed primary worthwhile to keep and equip? I'm thinking that you should upgrade and equip them as soon as you can, eventually having all the characters in my roster with speed arrows. Also, while I was sorting through my mods and selling all of the ones with no speed secondaries, I was curious about defence mods. Some mods have a 20% defence increase. When I look at the character stats I don't see any stats for defence, so how is this calculated? Thanks for any tips, up until now mods have been an after thought for the most part. Trying to put a bit more effort into them.


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    They have very specific uses, or you can find a diamond in the rough with a arrow with 25+ secondary speed.

    Crit avoidance and offence primarily are the 2 I jump at saving if they have speed secondaries. Might get luck to get decent speed.

    In 99% of the cases for general use it's never really worth dropping 15+ speed to gain any primaries offered on arrows.
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    Health primaries for certain characters (Grievous and Old Daka for example) are also a decent investment. Echoing Kyno though, they need to have decent secondary speed to make the investment worthwhile.
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    You need to look at them and think where they have value. These are all pretty dedicated to specific toons.
    My Han 59rrcu7ypjsl.jpg
    My Nest

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    Agreed, for 90%+ of the characters in the game, just stick a 30 speed mod on them.
    For that 1-10% though, if you can find a really nice combo, it can work out so much better than raw speed.

    Gen.Grievous is probably the biggest example where its ALL about Health
    But as noted above, there can be other exceptions.

  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    edited January 2021
    I threw a protection arrow health mod on Shoretrooper to keep him thicccccc.


    That diamond might be my happiest "accidental" (5) on a non-speed stat.
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    Crit Avoidance are easily the most underrated mod in the game. If you have a CA arrow on a defensive-oriented set (Health/Def/Ten), hold on to it.
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