Days to level 80

2972 posts Member
Right off the bat I know I'm screwing something up, probably XP from dailies, because I have more XP already than predicted. Please help me fix.

Ok so assuming 1100 XP increase per level:
5500 +
6600 +
7700 +
8800 +
9900 +
1100 +
1210 +
1320 +
1430 +
1540 =
55000 XP

Now dailies,
Datacard: 40 XP
Shipments: 40 XP
Cantina: 40 XP
Challenges: 40 XP
LS: 40 XP
DS: 40 XP
10 Battles: 40 XP
GW: 40 XP
Arena: 40 XP
Gear: 40 XP
Train: 40 XP
All: 120 XP
Combined is 560 XP.

Also every point of energy translates to point of XP. If you refresh cantina once and normal twice (required top 50 finish for F2P), that's
240 XP from Cantina
480 XP from Normal
720 XP Combined.

Daily that's 1280 XP.

55000 XP / 1280 XP/day = 43 days.


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