No whales on my server???



  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    2 on mine, but the whales that started same time with me seem to be no longer playing.
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    I'm sure there are still some suckers/addict types out there..

    But most have probably figured out winning rank 1 isn't that big of a deal. Pay to get more resources so you can...??? Win more resources you don't need anymore cause you already bought em..

    Many are probably coming to the conclusion that being a whale isn't about how much you spent in the past or spent total..but how much you are willing to continuously spend...for example if yesterday a f2p turned whale spent 1000 he is likely ahead of a whale that spent 6k in previous month's but turned FTP yesterday..

    And it's been one day. A whale that doesn't check forums could of did his dasilies then logged out before update happened yesterday.
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    "F2P turned whale" ...I love this phrase lol

    I know that there have to be some bros dropping/have dropped mad cash on my server. There's a dude who's my ally (which means his whalishness benefits me somewhat) that has a 6 star Grievous. I just couldn't justify it to myself, personally. I can't whale at such a magnitude. At best, I can be a pleasantly plump fur seal.
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    One appeared just now :(
  • Qleak
    420 posts Member
    @CookieCrispp is level 71 on my server
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