Mando Galaar is looking for active players

Hello everyone,

We at Mando Galaar are looking for active recruits as yourself. Are you an experienced vet, growing mid range player or fresh off the freighter recruit? This is the place for you. We are a quiet bunch at times but help each other out and are consistently growing. We show each other respect as it should be.

We generally have 1-3 raids going at a time as often as we can. We like to give all members an opportunity to participate in the raid and earn rewards before it is completed. We do Rebel Assault and earn good rewards.

Please reach out to Jerex Kaah (Officer 696-693-749), Deej Hay (Officer 134-181-388) or Mando‘Galaar (Leader 796-143-978) in game or to Jerex Kaah via the forums.

We look forward to hearing from you and wish you the best.

This is the way....
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