Savage vs. Han - PLEASE HELP



  • Citoak
    49 posts Member
    RG + Han, Lumi and two cannons will destroy most teams...
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    Savage all the way. Post update his main attack gets +30% damage, his special will also give crit damage up as well as chance and his passive will give him a self heal for 2 turns.
    You will not go wrong with savage, but **** qui gon buff steal. As if he wasn't already op...
    Chef5 wrote: »
    Savage = free arena win for me, I run a QGJ speed leader team. First move out the gate is humbling blow and then I ohko everyone after from the free savage buff.

    Yeah, qui-gon is the only toon that can remove buffs and get a huge bonus to boot. It is too much if you ask me bc that 1 toon completely negates the possibility of many other toons that would see play if it wasn't for humbling blow. Any self buff toon and taunts are so dangerous to run bc QGJ is on about every team in top ranks. It's a shame bc even if humbling blow just gave himself offense up he would still be one of the most used toons in the game.

    People complain because they like their OP toon and are upset when another toon can use that character against them. Every character should have a weakness.
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    Citoak wrote: »
    RG + Han, Lumi and two cannons will destroy most teams...

  • Daddio
    21 posts Member
    OP makes me reminisce about the biggest mistake I made in the beginning. Savage was the first toon I made a conscious decision to unlock, and it was because of what he did in Challenge mode. Imagine my disappointment. But after I got over that, I decided to commit to him, and I'm very glad I did. He's an attacker class with tank class HP and defense. I've got him maxed. He hits like a ton and doesn't die. Ever. Always the last toon standing, if it comes to that.

    Yes, he's slow, so doesn't work if you have committed to the "speed meta". And because QGJ and Yoda are common, now, he spends more time on the bench, due to that glitch, but I'm still glad I have him. He's the answer to the "dodge meta", and that one frustrates me the most. Watching him fly through the air and crush those dodgy toons gives me an enormous feeling of satisfaction--not to mention wins.
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