Sid "nubs"

Just stop saying it. I don't care you if think you're better because you spent money. Because you aren't. You simply spent money. I see a lot of these top players whining about various things, and putting down people that use Sid. Well guess what? I know for a fact you're funky butt used Sid. That makes you nub AND a hypocrite.

Now start complaining about how OP Dooku is, scrub.


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    Team iNstinct --
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    Haha love it <3
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Take that you nubs
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    "Now start complaining about how OP Dooku is"? :neutral:
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    "Now start complaining about how OP Dooku is"? :neutral:

    Yea, a lot of people whine about it. He's not even a problem opponent lol
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    Sid is the only reason there is any sport to GW these days for me. I run Qui-Gon, Ahsoka, Lumi, Rey and the Bug Soldier and he likes to do the funky dodge on the Jedis and if left alone will heal debutf. His being about in a lot pf the nodes keeps things interesting. There's usually always someone you'd rather take out because Sid's damage isn't so great but you just don't want him to heal debuff your squad.

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    Sid's no problem either...unless you rock a mostly Jedi squad. In which case, he can be a pain occasionally.

    The idea of elite pvp in this game is comical to say the least. If you are decently geared, have a good complement of characters to choose from, you can overcome most any opponent. It's not cause that opponent is's because the owner of the squad isn't playing it.

    Defeating AI teams can never be an excercise in the elite anything.
  • chainsaw
    359 posts Member
    I love using Sid
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    AI Sid dodged my Sid 4 straight times while landing all his hits on mine :(
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    Harmonica wrote: »

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    No where near being a whale, I hate Sid. Always have and always will. I've been spewing my garbage all over the forum since December about him. Never unlocked him, never will.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    No where near being a whale, I hate Sid. Always have and always will. I've been spewing my garbage all over the forum since December about him. Never unlocked him, never will.

    Lol good for you - I maxed him out early even used him in the arena for a while - remember before QGJ was in the cantina and a lot of ppl ran Sid as leader in arena? :o anyway he's been relegated to GW. He's very useful there ;)

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