Jedi vs Jedi

2844 posts Member
I play an all-Jedi arena team, and have seen a few others.

I will no longer attack the others.

The only way to make Dooku less popular is to focus on beating those teams.

I figure there is enough Sid and Dooku around that Jedi do not need the added competition of other Jedi.

Maybe if all Jedi arena teams did this, we would see more of them?


  • Lirg
    170 posts Member
    Ok good for you. Whatever floats your boat. You keep your Jedi team, and you'll be primary target for easy ko. Gl hanging in arena. It's gonna be tough for you.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I havent dropped below 100 in quite a while...

    This post is obviously not directed at you.

    Your attitude IS why I posted this, however.

    With so many people gunning for us, we don't need to target each other.

    Sith lovers would never be able to pass over a Sith target they think is easy.

    Jedi players have the mental ability to not screw over other Jedi.

  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    I havent dropped below 100 in quite a while...

    This post is obviously not directed at you.

    Your attitude IS why I posted this, however.

    With so many people gunning for us, we don't need to target each other.

    Sith lovers would never be able to pass over a Sith target they think is easy.

    Jedi players have the mental ability to not screw over other Jedi.

    I find running a Jedi squad to be difficult, but it's what I want. I tend to target unique squads
  • Lirg
    170 posts Member
    Welcome to swgoh, where all characters got brainwashed to gun for any another. Oh btw, lemme correct one of your statements above...yes this post is directed at everyone who uses Sid or dooku, and I happen to be one of them. Cheers m8 and have a great day.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Lirg wrote: »
    Welcome to swgoh, where all characters got brainwashed to gun for any another. Oh btw, lemme correct one of your statements above...yes this post is directed at everyone who uses Sid or dooku, and I happen to be one of them. Cheers m8 and have a great day.

    No, this post was directed at JEDI players, thus the title JEDI VS JEDI.

    Your sentence structure makes your post gibberish, and your reading comprehension needs some improvement.

    English is difficult.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    I play an all-Jedi arena team, and have seen a few others.

    I will no longer attack the others.

    So you'll not attack any other all-Jedi teams? Good luck against Dodge Sidious. I don't even try to attack him with my Jedi unless I have to.
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    I run a 4 jedi team with sid. I ran Dooku for a while but feel the jedi team is better. As soon as Ahsoka gets to 7 stars ( shes 34/100 now ) she will replace sid. Id put my jedi team against any team out there, because of the huge speed advantage I get. Once the meta changes , We will see what I do, but I have a 7 star mace on the bench I can plug in if it helps me
  • Lirg
    170 posts Member
    Keep your head up high and your ambitions big. Maybe one day you'll persuade everyone to start using an all Jedi team in this meta, Jedi general timitock. Btw, this isn't school. This is a forum. Be mature about it please.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Actually, I have been having much better luck vs the dreaded duo than I expected, and the reason is surprising- Eeth Koth.

    His stun vs Dooku is VERY reliable, and a stunned Dooku is a dead Dooku.
    Sid gets saved for last, as usual, but is way less threatening standing alone vs 3-5 Jedi.

    QGJ(L), Yoda, Ahsoka, Luminara, Eeth

    Yoda BM
    Ahsoka basic
    Dooku tries to stun (fail)
    Sid AoE (no DoTs)
    QGJ assist (kills someone 90%)
    Lumi heal (everyone full again and HoT cant be dispelled)
    Eeth stun Dooku
    Focus Dooku while stunned (2 down, 1 less boogeyman)
    Focus on their Lumi (she is on almost every team I see, 3 down = I win)

    I have a much harder time vs Poggle and droids.

    If you play Jedi, DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE.

    90% of their power is your belief that they are unbeatable.
  • Carth_Onassi1973
    1708 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    A nice jedi character for a Jedi only squad is aayla. She's like a Jedi version of dooku, kind of, in that she counters. Problem is, she's a data pack only toon. Can't farm her. I have one sitting on my bench. Not even bothering to try to level her up. Maybe she'll be farmable at higher levels of LS/cantina. But her, yoda, qui Gon lead, mace and either lumi or barriss I think would be cool.
  • Lirg
    170 posts Member
    Thats a nice play by play. Can you enlighten me with another play by play with your jedis vs dooku lead Rey, gs, rg, and qgj?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Lirg wrote: »
    Thats a nice play by play. Can you enlighten me with another play by play with your jedis vs dooku lead Rey, gs, rg, and qgj?

    Nope, I am not a masochist. I avoid that lineup.

    Not because of Dooku, mind you, but because of Rey and RG.

    I dont have enough burst damage to get Rey before RG taunts, and Rey usually gets 2 of my dudes.

    A different Jedi team comp might work much better against that team.

    Maybe a HP/Heals team? Barriss(L), Mace, Ben, PK, Lumi, if the HP pools are enough, but that seems unlikely.

    Probably a Dodge team would fare best...

    I would think the team you describe would have some headaches vs droids...

    I could easily drop a Jedi and add a taunter, and this would probably help overall, but I like Jedi...
  • Options
    A nice jedi character for a Jedi only squad is aayla. She's like a Jedi version of dooku, kind of, in that she counters. Problem is, she's a data pack only toon. Can't farm her. I have one sitting on my bench. Not even bothering to try to level her up. Maybe she'll be farmable at higher levels of LS/cantina. But her, yoda, qui Gon lead, mace and either lumi or barriss I think would be cool.

    If you are looking for counters for a Jedi squad tryou i'ma gun di. That's his leader
  • Deist
    110 posts Member
    Yoda hits Sid often and can counter Dooku quite well. The right Jedi team can get you to number 1 easily
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Deist wrote: »
    Yoda hits Sid often and can counter Dooku quite well. The right Jedi team can get you to number 1 easily

    I wasnt going to mention that because I have only anecdotal evidence to support it, but Yoda really does seem to be able to hit Sid more reliably.
  • Lirg
    170 posts Member
    theres a player who uses an all Jedi team who does fairly well in my shard (first week of December). If I can recall, he used qgj lead barriss, lumi, yoda, and ek. He then swapped out barriss for ahsoka last month after her rework. Gotta give praise to him. I don't care how many times he had to refresh arena, he always stuck around in the top 20s. Dream high jedis.
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    I wish you jedi players could make top 10 so I could have an easy win. Good luke to you.

    (get it, good luke?)
  • Deist
    110 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Deist wrote: »
    Yoda hits Sid often and can counter Dooku quite well. The right Jedi team can get you to number 1 easily

    I wasnt going to mention that because I have only anecdotal evidence to support it, but Yoda really does seem to be able to hit Sid more reliably.

    Indeed. I do agree that there needs to be a better defense strategy for Jedi teams but I can't offer any input at this moment. Should have EK leveled up soon, that seems like it would help. Old Ben was great but now everyone fears killing him because of his stat buff
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Yeah, Barriss makes a massive target in arena, no matter what position she is in.

    His team is identical to mine, and when I am all 7*, I am certain I will share his results, as I am not that far behind him already.

    Make no mistake, going first matters, and that teams always makes the first move, and often the first 2-3. Add in the neutering of Sid and Dooku for 2 turns, and you are cooking with gas.

    If Yoda AI used BM first, this team would do much better on defense.
  • Lirg
    170 posts Member
    My team is dooku lead Rey, gs, phasma, and qgj. Battles vs droids are pretty easy for me. turn Order is usually dooku, either mine or their gs, Rey, their poggle or poe. Rest is irrelevant. 88 dies 100% before he sprays. 86 living or dying before getting a turn is a toss up depending on who gets called for assist from my team. Only troubling factor is unexpected dodges.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Randall wrote: »
    I wish you jedi players could make top 10 so I could have an easy win. Good luke to you.

    (get it, good luke?)

    I think the Fortitude/Protection changes will also change your toon. (See, I can do it, too)

    Have fun riding the speed gravy train while it lasts.

    You will regret mocking the Jedi.
  • Options
    Im one toon away from a full Jedi team and dont agree completelly w u.
    Bug i like The Idea of focusing attacks on dookus teams
    Will do that
  • Megadeth3700
    1017 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    I play an all-Jedi arena team, and have seen a few others.

    I will no longer attack the others.

    The only way to make Dooku less popular is to focus on beating those teams.

    I figure there is enough Sid and Dooku around that Jedi do not need the added competition of other Jedi.

    Maybe if all Jedi arena teams did this, we would see more of them?

    I also run Full Jedi squad breaking top spots when I spend the time.

    I will now be avoiding full Jedi teams, we must stand together! Death to Dooku!
    ☮ Consular ☮
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Order 67

  • Seku
    575 posts Member
    I use a Jedi team as well,
    QGJ 6*, Lumi 7*, EK 7*, Mace 6* & Yoda 5*
  • Options
    I run all Jedi in arena although I do not try to do anything beyond the daily allotment. Leaves me top 100. All 7*-QJG (l), barriss, lumi, aalya, yoda, KF, yes that's 6 as I swap out yoda/KF/barriss depending on opponent. The counters/assists with aalya/KF are real fun sometimes. However, this is simply not a top ranking arena strategy-they're too weak right now. I'm switching to rebels. Have 7* fish lips, Han, leia, Biggs, but need gearing and ability mats. Lots of TM, lots of fun. I really wish the meta would somehow change to team synergy above all else. I'd like to see arenas full of rebels vs empire vs Jedi vs FO vs resistance vs scoundrels.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    If I had access to your roster, I would place much higher.
    I assume they are max gear/ability as well? This matters.

    You should spend 50-100 crystals a day on your Jedi in the arena before condemning them.

    Pull Barriss from the rotation, and stick to the other 5.

    You will take 1st, watch.
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Randall wrote: »
    I wish you jedi players could make top 10 so I could have an easy win. Good luke to you.

    (get it, good luke?)

    I think the Fortitude/Protection changes will also change your toon. (See, I can do it, too)

    Have fun riding the speed gravy train while it lasts.

    You will regret mocking the Jedi.

    I have 8 7* Jedi, I find your lack of faith disturbing.
  • Options
    Not all are maxed-qgj, lumi, Barriss, aalya are all right there or close, KF needs some more( level 5 I think), yoda needs more abilities as well, probably 5-5-5-5. I've got a 7* asokha as well but with low abilities. They're all geared at 8 except asokha who's not level 70 yet either. Barriss is weak but I like the health vs all the sids I face. I agree with you though-further up the chain there would be less sid and not as much need for her. Then I'd stick with lumi, qgj(l), aalya, yoda, and a toss up between a maxed KF and Asoka-she's better now since the update
  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    Individual Jedi characters can be good. But most people have at least 2 anti jedi characters at their fingertips.

    I started playing this game for the Jedi, and aside from using Luminara at the beginning, I have never had a jedi in my Arena Squad.
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