Im going to start off by saying there is no lvl 80 Meta. There is just to many changes yet to take place to even get close to determining the new meta. Now here me out. So many people are throwing everything they have into the level 70 meta, speed characters qgj, gs, ray... with no real squad synergy except for the go first and win strat.
But the thing they are missing is that the developers are trying to change the meta away from that. Here is a quote from the Developers update

"Game-wide tuning changes
Related to the level 80 cap increase, we are making some significant changes to the combat tuning.
The goal is to mitigate (but not entirely eliminate) situations where characters can be killed before they’ve had any chance to act.
Defense will now be more significant in the battle
Speed will now be important in calibration of a character’s damage output. Generally speaking, faster acting characters will see a damage reduction and slower characters will see an increase."

Still think the go first and win meta is going to hold at lvl 80? Or will a team with good synergy be the next Meta. Its impossible to tell but im not putting my eggs in the current meta when the devs are trying to change it.

I would encurage people to forget the meta because as of now there is no lvl 80 meta. Instead make a comp that has good synergy and works well together. I will give you an example of my squad that has really good synergy.

I decided a long time ago i was not going to follow the meta and i would instead create a squad with characters that compliment each other. Im F2P so it took a while for me to upgrade my squad which is now in the 2500 range. Im happy to say that i have been finishing in the top 5 this past week with three 2nd place finishes going against maxed meta teams. I dont even own most of the top meta champs QGJ, GS, Ray, Poe, RG, Yoda, FOTP.


My comp works because of synergy my squads abilitys compliment each other to make the characters stronger. Next your going to want to know who im running so here.


Han is slow so I use 1 of the 2 characters that can speed him up FOO. Phasma is a must for FOO so with just those three charaters each one grants allies turn meter and and can take away or slow enemy turn meters. So what goes better with all the extra turns? more controll. Daka and Dooku get all the steroids maultiple turns to stun and ability block.


With all the charaters there are tons of new squad synergys out there. If you still think your go first and win squad is going to be viable at level 80 with all the changes go for it. But i would encurage you to try and make a squad with synergy and try it out. Who knows maybe you will stumble on the new lvl 80 meta.


  • JoshG
    908 posts Member
    Good job
  • Options
    I am not reading everything u rote but u r rite. The arenas should take longer than 1 minute. They will as lvl 80 increases HP and other defensive stats, especially giving time for synergy to matter more.
  • Irrlicht
    471 posts Member
    Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading you.
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    thats my shard! nice to see a fellow gamer on the forums

    i also like the phasma foo han combo... but

    its still too slow at the current moment
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    Another problem with the game is defense is terrible. While I get your point and largely agree, my meta team would utterly destroy that team. You shouldn't just ignore the meta, granted right now that they have said they are going to change it would be the best time.

    I have been farming Rey for almost 3 months, are you saying I should stop? I bought the DS started pack (in Nov) and hard node farmed Dooku for months before I dropped everything to farm Jedi now I picked back up on his cantina nodes, should I stop now at 88/100?

    Max whatever your team is first, but then you should work on meta toons.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    I ran this team during the Galaxy of Poe back in January and February and placed top 1-5 consistently. glad it works for others as well!
    mighty chlorians
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    The problem is
    That are more server
    On my server al dooku

    I m stuck round 200
    Somtime 160
    My server realy s **** s
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Utility / speed characters like Dooku and GQJ should stay viable through most kinds of changes. I'm currently running a pretty meta Dooku (L) QGJ RP GS Lumi, but I've been working on some other characters that I like / seem like they have potential. If it becomes viable I'm hoping to run something along the lines of Phasma (L) Kylo FIves QGJ Dooku or Barriss (L) Fives Savage Kylo STHan.

    It's nearly impossible to predict the meta with the little information we have but if they swing from glass to bruiser power I should be ready.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    I think you are better off continuing with your meta team until it isn't meta anymore. Because you know it's meta as opposed to trying to guess the meta.

    However, shard farming efforts should be varied and not just focused on catching up to the current meta.

    I also think that right now only farming to six star and gearing your new players to VII. Essentially have a wide variety of charactors meta ready.

    I'm a speed meta person and continuing that by getting Rey but also going with some others like PHasma, Savage, Han, The Tanky night sister, Ren. So I will have options to get charactors up to speed quickly.

    I don't think faction synergy will matter.
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    You're on my server. I'm near the top 50 but I haven't attempted to get near the top. The rewards aren't that much different unless you're top 5
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    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
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    Even with the changes speed teams will be viable, especially with the extra boosts and increased abilities. Did you know QGJ will speed up all allies at level 82? So he's still very important to have. And who knows what the next change will be after this one for the 90 cap. Best thing you can do at this point is get as many toons you can to 7 stars and set up main/alt teams and gear/ability/max level them in order. I'm not a P2P player and focusing on shards and leveling I've got about 15 characters at 70, 9 at 7 stars with 3 more closing in and 4 more closing in on 6 stars. All the 7s are max gear/max ability and am working on the 6s now til the main team is unlocking the new gear and ability caps which I have most ready to upgrade. Point is to be prepped to handle the changes for the long term. And it's always fun to use the non meta sets and still take top spot. Of course having the meta players it's doubtful they will be nerfed that much and at least a couple will still be viable with the changes. Some of the toons I'm focusing on now as the have most the metas are toons like anakin, RP, ahsoka, RG, Rey and soon fives, rex, magnatroop, etc. I plan to have as many teams as possible as eventually I figure the developers will figure out they should give synergy bonuses and non synergy penalties so you can't just use QGJ, RG, Rey, GS, Yoda or a similar team as they'd start with an offensive and defense down penalty if I ran the game, while synergized teams would get those bonuses and I'd double the health of all characters so arena would be more challenging.
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    KnightMare wrote: »
    Did you know QGJ will speed up all allies at level 82?
    No, he wouldn't. It was changed. Look through update notes.
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