
24 posts Member
edited June 2021
So since the update to the client, each time I need a second try on a GAC match I get a never-ending loading. At that point I just have to force quit the app. It happened in the last two matches. Both time I needed a second try on fleet sector and both time I couldn’t get past that loading screen. Tried launching the match multiple time, using both data and wifi. Uninstalled and reinstalled the app several times. Nothing changes.
Anybody else having this issue?
Post edited by Kyno on


  • Options
    Yes. Been having the same issues as have a lot of people since the update. I raised a ticket in game about it. On the EA support pages there is a lot of posts raising it. Apparently CG aware but haven't seen anything mentioned in the forum about it. Annoying as it is affecting GAC progress and TW.
  • Aronnax
    24 posts Member
    Ah ok. Never had to report a bug before and wasn’t sure where to post it. Next time I’ll go straight to the EA page.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Your topic has been moved to the Bugs and Issues Archive. For better assistance and functionality, please report your bug over at Answers HQ.

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