Not using conquest energy

1754 posts Member
edited June 2021
I've reached the max crate and I've had full energy for a couple of days now. I'm actually interested to go back and practice some of the boss feats and use different teams here and there but I can't get any realistic practice in.

That's because I needed a feat off slkr to get my Max crate, and I had to use the massively overpowered disc to get through without losing a toon. Now I've got that card on - and various others to tune for fights, and it stops me from getting realistic practice in, and flat out stops being able to do some feats due to winning too quickly.

I'm a bit low on conquest currency, so to be able to unlock CAT after next run I really can't change any discs out.

This is halting any use or extra enjoyment from this game mode.

Please consider removing the conquest currency cost of changing discs. I think it would really open up the chance to have more fun in conquest.
Post edited by Kyno on


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    I said from the beginning, the cost for changing data cards should be normal credits, not the conquest currency. I'm also only sitting on my rest energy and would have liked to play around with the cards for fun and testing.
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    I'd love it if you got a small amount of currency (maybe 5) for replaying completed nodes, it would solve so many problems. The cost to change discs wouldn't hit as bad, gives players more to do if they complete it or get stuck, and CG might be able to get us to spend a few more crystals so we can earn the currency
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