Best Imperial trooper squad

73 posts Member
edited July 2021
Are imperial troopers worth it? I’ve heard they are pretty good and I have thought about starting them. What is the current best imperial trooper squad? From what I can tell it is Veers lead, Stark, and Piett but I’m not sure who else. Gideon and Range? Or Dark trooper?
Post edited by Kyno on


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    Those three are good, along with Snow and Death
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    Curly, Larry and Moe! ;)
  • LendersQuiz
    1190 posts Member

    I have gotten 3 stars in challenge tier III of BOTH the Forest Moon (vs Ewoks) and Rebel Round Up (vs Rebels) Assault battles with this team comp.
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    Veers, Stark, & Piett if for no other reason than they need to be Relic'd for SEE so you'll want them at some point anyway.
    Not to mention they actually are part of the best line up.

    Its hard to resist snow since its a "Free" character in Bronziums so no farming required & is used in the Hoth TB if that is a thing for you.
    And yeah, he's great damage output.

    The 5th is up in the air really.....

    Range offers a lot of Protection Up to make them survive longer & get full banners on GAC Attack.
    Death is a faster farm & offers more versatile damage options w/ debuffs.
    Shore is a great tank & also used w/ Death for the TIE Reaper.
    Magma is a fast farm from GWar but isn't the best character.

    If you want a 2nd team then clearly the Remnant faction w/ Gideon/Storm/Dark/Death is the starting point.
    Adding Range to them is probably the best option for now but I'm hoping we get Scout at some point as a Support to slot in perfectly under Gideon.

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    I have gotten 3 stars in challenge tier III of BOTH the Forest Moon (vs Ewoks) and Rebel Round Up (vs Rebels) Assault battles with this team comp.

    How well does your team do in other aspects of the game like GAC?

    Also how is that team without relics? Realistically I probably won’t be able to relic them for awhile while I work on SLKR so I might only be able to get them to g11-12 to start. Would they be worth it?

    Sorry for so many questions, just trying to get all the info before I invest in a new squad
  • JonmatriX_Ou812
    6 posts Member
    edited July 2021
    Please please please farm DarkTrooper because it is soooooo good.But as for best team it's Veers, piett, Gideon, Darktrooper, then Range or Starck.
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    How well does your team do in other aspects of the game like GAC?

    Also how is that team without relics? Realistically I probably won’t be able to relic them for awhile while I work on SLKR so I might only be able to get them to g11-12 to start. Would they be worth it?

    I haven't really used this team much in the GAC. I made it primarily for the the two assault battles and for DS Geo TB (4/4 waves, even in P4), but it does do fairly well in conquest. One of the feats says use no attackers, and above, there are no attackers.

    This squad can also solo P3 of the sith raid and do quite a lot of damage in P4 as well. Overall, I am quite happy with it. My biggest weakness with it right now is that I don't have Veers modded correctly, I need to work on that.

    As for no relics, you will struggle to do the higher tiers as without relics, the toons are squishy. I did manage to do Tier III with Gideon at G12 but it took me like 25 tries before he would survive the first attack onslaught of the Rebels. Wasn't pretty.
  • Arva
    80 posts Member
    So, there are a few option for Trooper Linups, but the best ones all include the following 3: Veers Lead, Piett and Gideon. Now for the ideal last 2 spots, we have a plethora of options:

    Starck is nice, couse he gets alot of TM and armor pen to the squad, and he also removes tm, and you have to relic him for SEE, he is best for "control"

    Range Trooper has protection up, extra assists, and another way of recovering protection.

    Dark Trooper is just pure dmg. if you want someone tough to die, he is the guy making it happen, he is also the longest farm

    Death Trooper is good single target dmg, and he can prevent revives and can increase cooldowns and inflict healing immunity

    Snow Trooper is pretty much free to get shard wise, does decent aoe dmg, but overall, his dmg scales worse than the other options here.

    So my take on how to do troopers is the following: get veers, starck, piett, gideon and range up (starck, becouse you need him for SEE), and then later farm dark trooper. once you have him, that opens up using gideon with other teams for example (weaking your trooper team, but probably making other teams work, like the BH counter to GAS). very early on, you can use snow trooper as well, but i wouldnt invest relics into him., death troopers niche has kinda been stolen by the dark trooper, and i wouldnt farm him anymore
  • AlexTheG
    215 posts Member
    Also worth mentioning that at some point there should be a 5th character with the "Imperial Remnant" tag and this will almost certainly be a Trooper (Scout?).

    So no reason not to mix and max but we could see two Trooper squads:

    Gideon(L), Stormtrooper, Death Trooper, Dark Trooper and ?

    Veers, Piett, Starck, Range and Shore / Snow
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    The primary three are Veers, Piett, and Range. After that, Gideon and Dark are probably best, and Starck if you don't have Dark. Death is very good, and Snow comes in after that.

    Though I disagree we'll ever get any more IR characters, so I wouldn't worry much about splitting the teams.
  • Options
    AlexTheG wrote: »
    Also worth mentioning that at some point there should be a 5th character with the "Imperial Remnant" tag and this will almost certainly be a Trooper (Scout?).

    So no reason not to mix and max but we could see two Trooper squads:

    Gideon(L), Stormtrooper, Death Trooper, Dark Trooper and ?

    Veers, Piett, Starck, Range and Shore / Snow

    I mentioned this above & now it has me wondering.

    Has anyone run the Remnant team so far?

    If so, who are you using for 5th? (I assume Range) And more importantly, how does it play compared to the Non-Remnant troopers team?

  • AlexTheG
    215 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    The primary three are Veers, Piett, and Range. After that, Gideon and Dark are probably best, and Starck if you don't have Dark. Death is very good, and Snow comes in after that.

    Though I disagree we'll ever get any more IR characters, so I wouldn't worry much about splitting the teams.

    Interesting. So why do you think Imperial Remanant was created as a tag, given that as it stands, we cannot put together a full IR squad?
  • Larx
    371 posts Member
    Tusken. Thats why.
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    AlexTheG wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    The primary three are Veers, Piett, and Range. After that, Gideon and Dark are probably best, and Starck if you don't have Dark. Death is very good, and Snow comes in after that.

    Though I disagree we'll ever get any more IR characters, so I wouldn't worry much about splitting the teams.

    Interesting. So why do you think Imperial Remanant was created as a tag, given that as it stands, we cannot put together a full IR squad?

    You'd have to ask CG. Not like it would be the first faction without enough characters for a full team.
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