Next to farm

I've got all the usuable characters from squad shipments to 7*, so now I'm looking to get some of the lesser ones. Of the following, who should I farm shards for: uhgnaut, coruscant underworld police, asajj ventress, nute gunray, stormtrooper Han, greedo, admiral ackbar, savage opress?


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    you got rebels ? Han and AA.
    you got siths ? Savage.
    you want to wait until update and see who'll shine ? save.

    its not that bad to save tokens.
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    I'd say savage either way. He would be useful in GW
  • Cyclops
    80 posts Member
    Uhgnaut :wink:
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    You've got "all" the usable characters but haven't unlocked Han, Ackbar, Asajj, or Savage? OK ... Go for Nute. Best option, really.
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    Yes, all the usable characters. Han asajj ackbar and savage are useless. People are trying to make Han work right now, but he just doesn't.
  • scuba
    14182 posts Member
    My Asajj disagrees with the useless comment. ;)
  • Diraan
    332 posts Member
    My Han disagrees as well.
    4/25/2016 - The day General Grevious Shards were reasonably priced.
  • ElToro
    149 posts Member
    I run an rg team too but mine is only 3 starts so he gets knocked down pretty easy against maxed out teams, at least i can make it to top ten though
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    If your definition of useable is meta then there are no useable characters. I'd make sure you have enough shard shop currency to support your cantina shipment farming and hard node farming.

    Then 5 star a few different guys so your only 2 weeks away from maxing any of them if they become meta.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    I'm taking a flyer on Opress. I love tanky characters and think he could be good in the future. He has some scary looking level 8 abilities and I think at some point tanky teams will be viable again.
    ST Han is another option, he has great turn meter capabilities.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • MoBlaq
    585 posts Member
    Yes, all the usable characters. Han asajj ackbar and savage are useless. People are trying to make Han work right now, but he just doesn't.

    I have been getting #1 rank rewards the last couple of days with Han

  • MoBlaq
    585 posts Member
    I'd say savage either way. He would be useful in GW

    Word on the street is Savage Opress is bugged. QGJ can do his remove buff ability before he has any buffs up and the whole team is getting Offense Up.

  • MoBlaq
    585 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I am doing Ventress right now since she is already at 6 stars. Then I'm doing either HK-47 or Ackbar. Already have Sid, Eath, IG-88, and ST-Han at 7*
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    Storm trooper Han is GREAT. I worked hard on Ventress, but am not impressed. I feel like savage oppress will be similar.
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