
30 posts Member
edited July 2021
Is there any chance we will be getting inquisitors added to the game? With the success of Jedi Fallen Order, and the expectation of another Fallen Order to be announced soon, it makes sense to finally bring the Inquisitorius into the game to hunt down the Jedi. There are 6 inquisitors that have made appearances in the shows and games so far: The Grand Inquisitor, Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister, and Eighth Brother from Rebels and Second Sister and Ninth Sister from Jedi Fallen Order. Ideally, Grand Inquisitor would be the leader, but you could use the other 5 to unlock him as a legendary character, or if Ninth Sister’s frame is too big to fit then Eighth brother could taker her place if you only want to do a 5 character marquee release. x8p0z7qttohr.jpeg


  • CT_1409
    13 posts Member
    I’ve been wanting inquisitors as well for quite some time (along with a bunch more clones but that’s another story) but only now I just realized that there’s enough inquisitors to make their own squad a tag.
  • Xcien
    2436 posts Member
    They could have all six, with the other five required in a legendary event to get the Grand Inquisitor. But to answer OP’s question, hopefully they are added soon, but they most likely won’t unless they show up in one of the new SW shows.
    I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening.

    Thank you for evaluating. Your feedback is appreciated.
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    Xcien wrote: »
    They could have all six, with the other five required in a legendary event to get the Grand Inquisitor. But to answer OP’s question, hopefully they are added soon, but they most likely won’t unless they show up in one of the new SW shows.
    Honestly, I wouldn’t care how they released them as long as we get them, and they’re Jedi killers
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    IT’S HAPPENING(ish tbd)!!
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    This is probably the least likely of the inquisitors to be added to the game, but I wouldn’t mind seeing a Visions character come to SWGOH.
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    I’d stick a fiver on Moses Ingram’s inquisitor character from Kenobi being in the mix
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    Just need the Fifth Brother and it’s all come true!
  • Xcien
    2436 posts Member
    Xcien wrote: »
    They could have all six, with the other five required in a legendary event to get the Grand Inquisitor. But to answer OP’s question, hopefully they are added soon, but they most likely won’t unless they show up in one of the new SW shows.

    I just realized how much of this post has come true.
    I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening.

    Thank you for evaluating. Your feedback is appreciated.
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