"Basic Attack Only" button for Auto Mode?

333 posts Member
edited April 2016
As simple as that. Tired of seeing toons wasting specials right before fighting whoever significant.

"Basic Attack Only" button for Auto Mode? 98 votes

78% 77 votes
10% 10 votes
It hardly bothers me
11% 11 votes


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    **** yes! Please CG!
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Very nice idea i like it!
  • Zanhaep
    358 posts Member
    I would use that in the 2nd half of GW matches so much after I've killed off the dangerous toons. I only feel safe to auto GW on node 12
    2761 posts Member
    I had this exact idea last night. It would be nice to play on auto but still have a little control so the AI doesn't blow huge cooldowns on on the last storm trooper standing in the red.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    Great idea!!

    Please implement
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Sure - but honestly, there are so many other bugs and issues that are much more annoying that should be a higher priority.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes !!!!
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    Or....don't use auto if you're going to complain about it.
    They need to fix the darned bugs not waste resources to engage in people's pet vanity projects for the UI.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Yes please!!
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    Better still ability to hold down Auto button and be able to select check boxes of how you want the battle to progress!
    Quote of the Day "Put that
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    @Jabber this game now takes too much time from all of us, streamlining it would make it more fun for a lot of us , which by far is the prob with this game in it current state... Nothing personal of coarse..
    Quote of the Day "Put that
  • Drake23
    866 posts Member
    The Auto-Mode should be removed from the game. Everyone should fight or sim for his awards. I know very controversal but thats my opinion
    Drake23, Its a trap
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    Good idea! They said they have to move the button away from the "settings" because people accidently hit AUTO instead of options>retreat, so might as well look at it now.
    Drake23 wrote: »
    The Auto-Mode should be removed from the game. Everyone should fight or sim for his awards. I know very controversal but thats my opinion
    I get this response perhaps for GW (never have auto-battled in GW myself) and on the LS/DS battles you need to PROVE you can 3* it before they let you sim, but I have been auto-battling the tank challenge for over 2 months now. When you can literally hit the normal attack only and win every time, and they don't vary the challenges or change up the rewards/add new content - that's 15 minutes of hitting the "hit" button a hundred or so times for something I have done everyday since December/January. My tanks are all bad except RG, the challenge is boring. You cannot even do them at your leisure, you need to wait 10 minutes, unlike GW/LS/DS.
    You still need to watch it and it doesn't skip anything like simming - and you can die if the RNG decides!
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    No thank you
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
  • Yendor
    261 posts Member
    100%. I actually came here to post this as a suggestions but did a forum search first and found this. Would love this ability
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    Brilliant Idea!
  • Twyst3d
    58 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Implementation: Tap. Regular Auto. Hold. Basic Only Auto.

    And while we are at it. Can we MOVE the auto button AWAY from the MENU button? Its awful enough I get punished for having big thumbs when Im texting. I dont need to also be punished in games. Put it in the bottom left corner. I dont need a picture of who is selected right now. I know who they are, how many stars they are because Ive been working on them. Funny how you show me the stars and gear level of the person on MY party but refuse to show me the stars and gear level of the people Im attacking. Because I should remember what I saw on the screen while I was selecting my PVP/GW opponent. But you need to remind me of the power levels of characters I see every day and know every inch of because I built them.
  • EricsonX
    703 posts Member
    I use Auto mode only to auto-complete lower nodes without wasting sim tickets, when I know my characters can steamroll the enemies. If they use specials, fine, all the quicker.
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    Twyst3d wrote: »
    Implementation: Tap. Regular Auto. Hold. Basic Only Auto.

    And while we are at it. Can we MOVE the auto button AWAY from the MENU button? Its awful enough I get punished for having big thumbs when Im texting. I dont need to also be punished in games. Put it in the bottom left corner. I dont need a picture of who is selected right now. I know who they are, how many stars they are because Ive been working on them. Funny how you show me the stars and gear level of the person on MY party but refuse to show me the stars and gear level of the people Im attacking. Because I should remember what I saw on the screen while I was selecting my PVP/GW opponent. But you need to remind me of the power levels of characters I see every day and know every inch of because I built them.

    This. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.
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