Conquest 7 isn't fun

So, there's been a lot said about the current conquest, much of it valid, some kinda meh. At the root of it though, this **** thing isn't fun at all. It's a slow boring slog through bantha poodoo. The energy changes are hot garbage. Doubly so when you add in all the extra work needed to get the frankly ridiculous amount of feats.

I don't mind that some feats are completely uncompletable (looking at you Phoenix squad feat(s)), but this it's going to take forever just to get through the sectors. Refresh? No thanks, not with the previously mentioned issues regarding changes to energy regen and use.

At the end of the day, you took something that was fun and interesting and made it a boring slog. Who cares if the whales burn through it in a couple of days. That's their loss if they get bored after rushing through it. For the rest of us? These changes are nothing but a giant middle finger directed our way.
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