GAC matchmaking

21 posts Member
edited September 2021
Is there going to be an update to GAC matchmaking? Mostly to take into account the number of GLs someone has. The nerfs has pretty much taken any strategy and fun out of the mode when you get matched with someone who has more. I would just like to suggest matching people with an equal amount of GLs would be the fairest way to do that. It would bring back strategy and fun to the mode. Thanks.
Post edited by Kyno on


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    There have been a few discussions about matchmaking, not specifically GLs, but nothing to report at the moment.
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    Appreciate the information. However, if GLs aren't specifically taken into account I fear any other changes will be useless.
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    Gl match making should probably be at the top of their list of changes for gac. There is no incentive to play knowing the number of gl’s determines who wins now. Cg unfortunately has been taking all the incentives out of playing. Without fair match making based on number of gl’s, they are gonna face more and more players not engaging in the game and eventually leave. Conquest got destroyed by updates, now gac, and tw has been stale for so long, there is nothing enjoyable left. Games are meant to be fun and competitive, there is nothing competitive about losing because you have less gl’s then the other person. I would like to see an option to have a gac with and without gl’s being used. That could be a quick fix that would improve gac for everyone.
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    Counting GLs is a slippery slope (don't you want an Executor count too ?) and grandly diminishes roster strategy.
    Guildmates sill manage to win matches with fewer GLs. Is it hard ? You bet it is.
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    Roster strategy is already thrown out of the window as currently constituted.
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    Loki1223 wrote: »
    Roster strategy is already thrown out of the window as currently constituted.

    Care to expand ?
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